{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten

Agenda item

That the Area Manager in light of the recent an bord pleanala’s decision in Santry and the progress of the Oscar Traynor lands that a local Area Plan for the santry area as a priority.



That the Area Manager in light of the recent an bord pleanala’s decision in Santry and the progress of the Oscar Traynor lands that a local Area Plan for the santry area as a priority.




The requirement for a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Santry has been the subject of several motions by the elected members of the North Central Area Committee (NCAC), most recently at the 9 December 2019 Meeting. 


The Chief Executive’s response to the December 2019 Motion set down the policy context within which a LAP for Santry could be prepared. This issue was further addressed in correspondence between Councillor Batten and Deputy Chief Executive on 15 June 2020.


As referenced in the above correspondence, Section of the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 (the Development Plan) sets down policy concerning the preparation of area-specific plans. This section sets out a hierarchy of plans ranging from statutory LAPs to non-statutory schematic masterplans and local environmental improvement plans. The Development Plan contains a list of thirty-one areas/villages, and the objective to prepare up to three local plans from this list, for each City Council administrative area. These local plans are to be delivered within the lifetime of the Development Plan subject to resources and priorities. This approach was agreed collectively by all the elected members of DCC upon the adoption of the Development Plan.


Table F of Section contains a “Schedule of Proposed Statutory Local Area Plans / Strategic Development Zones to Deliver the Core Strategy”. Table F does not include Santry. In the absence of this policy requirement, a LAP cannot be initiated for the Santry area.


The Report of the Assistance Chief Executive (the Report) entitled “Local Planning Work Programme in accordance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022" dated 24 November 2017 set out, inter alia, the prioritisation for preparation of future LAPs. Since the Report, the Planning and Property Department has prepared and the elected members have adopted LAPs for Park West/Cherry Orchard, Ballymun, and Clongriffin/Belmayne. 


Turning to the issue of housing development in the Santry area, it is noted that there has been significant private and public sector activity in the area. This is to be welcomed as activity in the development sector is a good barometer of the overall health of the wider economy. Furthermore, an increase in housing, both public and private, is needed to address the deficit of housing supply in the area.


The Oscar Traynor Road (OTR) site is one of Dublin City Council's two Housing Land Initiative sites. The Development Plan designates the STR site as Strategic Development and Regeneration Area (SDRA) 17. Under SDRA 17, the overall vision for this site is to create a new residential quarter, which provides for 853 units in a range of and mix of typologies and tenures together with supporting retail and community uses. The OTR site will be developed as an attractive tree-lined environment, which integrates and complements the surrounding residential areas. Whilst progress is being made on the Oscar Traynor Road, it still must progress through the planning process which will take at least 1 year before construction commences.


There have been several private Strategic Housing Development (SHD) planning applications in the Santry area. An Bord Pleanála's (An Bord) latest decision on a SHD in the Santry area was on 3 September 2020.  An Bord granted planning permission for a SHD for a 324-unit aparthotel adjacent to the Omi Park Shopping Centre, at Swords Road, Santry, Dublin 9. As part of the SHD application process, the Planning Department submitted a Report on behalf of the Chief Executive recommending that the proposed development be refused due to serious concerns regarding the height, scale, and massing of the proposed development and its impact on the changing character of Santry.

It is a condition of this permission that the aparthotel is used only as a short-stay tourist accommodation facility. As mandated by the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) the commercial viability of an aparthotel did not inform the An Bord consideration of the application. However, the market viability of funding the construction of an aparthotel will be a determining factor for any potential investor in this development.


The preparation of the new Development Plan will commence in late 2020. As part of the preparation of the new Development Plan, the elected members will have an opportunity to evaluate the content of the list and the priority of areas/ villages. It will be up to the elected members of the Dublin North Central Area and the elected members of DCC and get agreement on the requirement to prepare a LAP for Santry. An LAP must be consistent with the higher-level Development Plan, including existing zonings, and National Policy.


Irrespective of whether an area benefits from a LAP or not the Development Plan contains a robust policy position to manage the development of public and private land.



Coilín O’Reilly

Director of Services    

North City


Contact:           Brian Keaney, Senior Planner

Tel:                  222 7933

Email:              brian.keaney@dublincity.ie





Order: Report to Councillor.