Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
That dishing for cyclists and mobility vehicles be placed at the top of Nutley Avenue at the location submitted with this motion.
Nutley Avenue, D4, is a cul-de-sac that abuts with Nutley Road/SeaviewTerrace. Our route by bike to Merrion Centre and shopping is via Nutley Avenue (Nutley Lane is too cycling-hostile), but the absence of a dished-kerb makes it tricky with full panniers to exit onto Nutley Road on the return trip.
It is a simple job. There are two young residents living around here who use e-mobility aids to get around. The dishing would obviate them having to make a sharp L-turn once through the tubular-steel barrier. They could go straight-ahead on the road. I attach an image to show the location.
Motion 2 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
That this Area Committee:
Motion 3 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That the residential parking scheme on Clareville Rd be completed ASAP. That the road surface between Westfield Rd and Kenilworth Park be repaired as it is very dangerous with potholes and causes cars to swerve. That the trees on Clareville Road be pruned, as the branches are now so low that they are hitting pedestrians who pass by.
- Disc Parking Scheme: thank you so much, Mary, for all your help over the last number of years in getting this over the line for us. The white lines are almost fully down but there are no signs or machines yet in place and, unfortunately, the parking situation is as bad as ever as people still park on our road, as it is clear that the scheme is not yet in force. I have been in touch with Martina Hayden in DCC (who has been very helpful along with Helen McGrath) and Martina tells me that she does not yet have a date for the implementation of the scheme. If there's any way that you could help this along it would be hugely appreciated on our part.
- Road Surface: the road surface of Clareville, particularly along the stretch between Westfield Road and Kenilworth Park, is in a shocking state. 'It looks awful and repairs are done only superficially when the potholes get really bad. Cars swerve to avoid potholes and the road itself is sunken in parts so that buses coming at speed 'bounce' when they hit the sunken part. It scares me to have Sam on the pavement outside our house in case a car or bus loses control and comes off the road. The road is in dire need of full and proper repair. Given the amount of traffic that uses the road this needs to be an ongoing schedule of repair and maintenance.
Trees: The lower branches of the trees on the road have been allowed to grow down and now hit people as they walk by. A simple trim of the lower branches is all that is needed but I know some residents have been in touch with DCC to request this but to little avail. A very scant trim of the lowest branches was undertaken some time ago but it was not enough to last very long and they are in desperate need of maintenance.
Just to clarify on the road surface-the fundamental issue is not the potholes so much as that only the most superficial repairs are carried out each time. The last pothole was fixed pre-lockdown but, because only surface repairs are carried out, the road, over time, has become worn down and sunken so buses go into the sunken parts and bounce out. We have an issue on the road with speed as you know and so vehicles hit this section of the road at speed every day and it is dangerous. The entire section of road needs to be built back up and totally resurfaced.
Motion 4 from Councillor Paddy McCartan
That this area committee agrees to support as a priority the following proposals from the Chief executive of the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.
This is to deal with issues the hospital faces as a result of Covid19 environment as a member of the board the Chief executive has sent me the following note on behalf of the Hospital.
“As we expand our services over the summer, the management of patient flow is central to reducing Covid risk for both patients and staff. Patient flow has two components:
1. time the patient spends at the hospital and
2. 2. way the patient moves through the hospital.
In line with best practice we are asking patients to arrive at the
hospital only in time for their appointment (not beforehand), where
they will be seen promptly and then discharged quickly.
Secondly, we want to implement a Uni-directional flow of patients
through the hospital, to address the second component of patient
flow. Uni-directional flow is where patients move only in one
direction, in the hospital, and not zigzag or go back on themselves
within their journey. This has been shown to reduce
For uni-directional flow to work we need to use the rear entrance of the hospital at Hatch Pace as the main out-patient entrance. To support this we would like to establish a drop off area beside that entrance. Currently there is a pyramid shaped area that is adjacent to the rear entrance and is double yellow lined and empty. We would like to designate a small part of this area as a designated drop off area for patients."
Motion 5 from Councillor Deirdre Conroy
That this committee will request new Housing Minister and spokespersons on Housing, to drop the extension of Strategic Housing Development to 2021, due to the fact that the high-rise proposals in Dublin Bay South are completely unaffordable, massively over scale on historic environment and still unreliable, unaffordable long-term rental. Obviously, affordable housing has to be established in an alternative manner.
Motion 6 from Councillor Deirdre Conroy
That this committee would reject the proposed ‘remuneration’ of the Moorhead Report and request more adequate consideration, factual interaction and amended recommendations, without another 2 year delay.
Motion 7 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to take measures to reinforce the one way system on Pleasants Street, Dublin 8. Cars driving the wrong way up this street from Heytesbury Street, rat running and speeding are on-going problems here as motorists either can’t see the signs or are ignoring them, causing serious safety concerns for the residents. Can the Area Manager please install more prominent street or road signage at the Heytesbury Street entrance as an immediate measure and consider installing planters or other street furniture at the junction as a long-term measure?
Motion 8 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manger to please introduce traffic-calming measures on Curzon Street, Dublin 8 as a matter of urgency. Speeding and rat running is an ingoing issue here with frequent damage to cars. However just recently a car drove so quickly through the road that hit a car and spun around and crashed into another car. This is a serious safety concern for the residents and they are particularly worried about the children on the street. Can the Manager please look into this urgently?
Motion 9 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to increase the street cleaning and carry out maintenance work in the Ringsend area, in particular along Ringsend Park, Patricks Villas and Ropewalk. The area is suffering from serious illegal dumping, street litter, dog fouling, visible vermin and overgrown grass verges making it very unsightly. A public street bin recently had to be removed from Patricks Villas due to persistent illegal dumping and there is little enforcement of dog fouling and littering. Can the Manager please outline what he intends to do to address these problems as a matter of urgency?
Motion 10 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to liaise with parking enforcement and the Gardaí to address the ongoing problem of vehicles parking on the new segregated cycle path on Westland Row and Camden Street. There is a persistent and dangerous problem with delivery vans and other vehicles ignoring the orcas and wands and driving over them, causing safety issues for cyclists in what is supposed to be a protected cycle lane.
Motion 11 from Councillor Carolyn Moore
This committee accepts that the use of kissing gates limits the accessibility of our parks and public spaces; that they limit access in a manner which discriminates against disabled people, the elderly, or users of mobility aids; and that their use should be phased out in favour of an alternative that provides fair and equal access to our parks and public spaces for all citizens.
Motion 12 from Councillor Carolyn Moore
That this committee in light of Dublin City Council’s Covid mobility response, asks the manager to acknowledge the importance of having safe and sustainable routes to schools in place by September, and to undertake to contact schools in relation to the ‘School Streets’ Beta Project to secure maximum participation in this scheme for the upcoming school year so that as many children as possible can walk, scoot and cycle to school safely, and so that the impact of school traffic on the city’s Covid interventions will be minimised."
Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
That dishing for cyclists and mobility vehicles be placed at the top of Nutley Avenue at the location submitted with this motion.
Nutley Avenue, D4, is a cul-de-sac that abuts with Nutley Road/SeaviewTerrace. Our route by bike to Merrion Centre and shopping is via Nutley Avenue (Nutley Lane is too cycling-hostile), but the absence of a dished-kerb makes it tricky with full panniers to exit onto Nutley Road on the return trip.
It is a simple job. There are two young residents living around here who use e-mobility aids to get around. The dishing would obviate them having to make a sharp L-turn once through the tubular-steel barrier. They could go straight-ahead on the road. I attach an image to show the location.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 2 from Councillor Daniel Ceitinn moved by Cllr. Lacey
That this Area Committee:
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 3 from Councillor Mary Freehill
That the residential parking scheme on Clareville Rd be completed ASAP. That the road surface between Westfield Rd and Kenilworth Park be repaired as it is very dangerous with potholes and causes cars to swerve. That the trees on Clareville Road be pruned, as the branches are now so low that they are hitting pedestrians who pass by.
- Disc Parking Scheme: thank you so much, Mary, for all your help over the last number of years in getting this over the line for us. The white lines are almost fully down but there are no signs or machines yet in place and, unfortunately, the parking situation is as bad as ever as people still park on our road, as it is clear that the scheme is not yet in force. I have been in touch with Martina Hayden in DCC (who has been very helpful along with Helen McGrath) and Martina tells me that she does not yet have a date for the implementation of the scheme. If there's any way that you could help this along it would be hugely appreciated on our part.
- Road Surface: the road surface of Clareville, particularly along the stretch between Westfield Road and Kenilworth Park, is in a shocking state. 'It looks awful and repairs are done only superficially when the potholes get really bad. Cars swerve to avoid potholes and the road itself is sunken in parts so that buses coming at speed 'bounce' when they hit the sunken part. It scares me to have Sam on the pavement outside our house in case a car or bus loses control and comes off the road. The road is in dire need of full and proper repair. Given the amount of traffic that uses the road this needs to be an ongoing schedule of repair and maintenance.
Trees: The lower branches of the trees on the road have been allowed to grow down and now hit people as they walk by. A simple trim of the lower branches is all that is needed but I know some residents have been in touch with DCC to request this but to little avail. A very scant trim of the lowest branches was undertaken some time ago but it was not enough to last very long and they are in desperate need of maintenance.
Just to clarify on the road surface-the fundamental issue is not the potholes so much as that only the most superficial repairs are carried out each time. The last pothole was fixed pre-lockdown but, because only surface repairs are carried out, the road, over time, has become worn down and sunken so buses go into the sunken parts and bounce out. We have an issue on the road with speed as you know and so vehicles hit this section of the road at speed every day and it is dangerous. The entire section of road needs to be built back up and totally resurfaced.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 4 from Councillor Paddy McCartan
That this area committee agrees to support as a priority the following proposals from the Chief executive of the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.
This is to deal with issues the hospital faces as a result of Covid19 environment as a member of the board the Chief executive has sent me the following note on behalf of the Hospital.
“As we expand our services over the summer, the management of patient flow is central to reducing Covid risk for both patients and staff. Patient flow has two components:
1. time the patient spends at the hospital and
2. 2. way the patient moves through the hospital.
In line with best practice we are asking patients to arrive at the
hospital only in time for their appointment (not beforehand), where
they will be seen promptly and then discharged quickly.
Secondly, we want to implement a Uni-directional flow of patients through the
hospital, to address the second component of patient flow.
Uni-directional flow is where patients
move only in one direction, in the hospital, and not zigzag or go
back on themselves within their journey. This has been shown
to reduce risk.
For uni-directional flow to work we need to use the rear entrance of the hospital at Hatch Pace as the main out-patient entrance. To support this we would like to establish a drop off area beside that entrance. Currently there is a pyramid shaped area that is adjacent to the rear entrance and is double yellow lined and empty. We would like to designate a small part of this area as a designated drop off area for patients."
Order: Agreed.
Motion 5 from Councillor Deirdre Conroy
That this committee will request new Housing Minister and spokespersons on Housing, to drop the extension of Strategic Housing Development to 2021, due to the fact that the high-rise proposals in Dublin Bay South are completely unaffordable, massively over scale on historic environment and still unreliable, unaffordable long-term rental. Obviously, affordable housing has to be established in an alternative manner.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 6 from Councillor Deirdre Conroy
That this committee would reject the proposed ‘remuneration’ of the Moorhead Report and request more adequate consideration, factual interaction and amended recommendations, without another 2 year delay.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 7 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to take measures to reinforce the one way system on Pleasants Street, Dublin 8. Cars driving the wrong way up this street from Heytesbury Street, rat running and speeding are on-going problems here as motorists either can’t see the signs or are ignoring them, causing serious safety concerns for the residents. Can the Area Manager please install more prominent street or road signage at the Heytesbury Street entrance as an immediate measure and consider installing planters or other street furniture at the junction as a long-term measure?
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 8 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manger to please introduce traffic-calming measures on Curzon Street, Dublin 8 as a matter of urgency. Speeding and rat running is an ingoing issue here with frequent damage to cars. However just recently a car drove so quickly through the road that hit a car and spun around and crashed into another car. This is a serious safety concern for the residents and they are particularly worried about the children on the street. Can the Manager please look into this urgently?
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 9 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to increase the street cleaning and carry out maintenance work in the Ringsend area, in particular along Ringsend Park, Patricks Villas and Ropewalk. The area is suffering from serious illegal dumping, street litter, dog fouling, visible vermin and overgrown grass verges making it very unsightly. A public street bin recently had to be removed from Patricks Villas due to persistent illegal dumping and there is little enforcement of dog fouling and littering. Can the Manager please outline what he intends to do to address these problems as a matter of urgency?
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 10 from Councillor Claire Byrne
That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to liaise with parking enforcement and the Gardaí to address the ongoing problem of vehicles parking on the new segregated cycle path on Westland Row and Camden Street. There is a persistent and dangerous problem with delivery vans and other vehicles ignoring the orcas and wands and driving over them, causing safety issues for cyclists in what is supposed to be a protected cycle lane.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 11 from Councillor Carolyn Moore
This committee accepts that the use of kissing gates limits the accessibility of our parks and public spaces; that they limit access in a manner which discriminates against disabled people, the elderly, or users of mobility aids; and that their use should be phased out in favour of an alternative that provides fair and equal access to our parks and public spaces for all citizens.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 12 from Councillor Carolyn Moore
That this committee in light of Dublin City Council’s Covid mobility response, asks the manager to acknowledge the importance of having safe and sustainable routes to schools in place by September, and to undertake to contact schools in relation to the ‘School Streets’ Beta Project to secure maximum participation in this scheme for the upcoming school year so that as many children as possible can walk, scoot and cycle to school safely, and so that the impact of school traffic on the city’s Covid interventions will be minimised."
Order: Report to Councillor.