Motions to the Area Managers
Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke
That this Central Area Committee seek a Garda report, before the June meeting, regarding the 12 times the Gardai were called out, in May, to the hostel at 47-48 Hardwicke St, Dublin 1, for anti-social behaviour complaints and that DCC senior management address the issue with the private owners of this hostel as numerous complaints were made to the management of the units but nothing was done.
ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke and Councillor Anthony Flynn
That this Central Area Committee agrees that no development take place on the historical grounds off the Croppy Acres site given its role in our history. Also that the national graves will support this motion.
ORDER: Motion withdrawn.
Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring
That this Central Area Committee recommends that any agreed development on the Readymix site should consist of a majority of one bed units and that most of them should be ring-fenced for single people, in particular Senior Citizens downsizing from larger units.
ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring, Councillor Cieran Perry and Councillor Christy Burke
That this Central Area Committee rejects any proposal to have a playground installed on the Croppie’s Acre site and, furthermore, rejects any attempt by any political party, group or individual to stamp all over our history with such a blatant disregard for the pride the Irish people have in commemorating, memoralising and honouring those who fought for our freedom.
Furthermore, this Committee acknowledges the urgent need for playground facilities in the Stoneybatter/Oxmantown are and instructs the Area Manager to prioritise identifying a suitable location for, and development of such a facility as soon as practicable.
ORDER: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry and Councillor Anthony Flynn
That this Central Area Committee condemns the Garda harassment of the Debenhams workers currently in dispute and calls for the Garda to use their discretion and deal sensitively with an extremely stressful situation for those being exploited by a rogue employer.
The profitable Debenhams company have cynically and opportunistically used the COVID19 crisis as cover to dump their loyal Irish workforce with no negotiations or even a commitment to pay their redundancy entitlements.
ORDER: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Flynn
That this Central Area Committee agrees to support a one day central area wide community clean-up, promoting a targeted advertising campaign and engaging all stakeholders in the community to act on the same day to be supported by waste management.
ORDER: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Colm O’Rourke
Regarding the Phoenix Park, the Central Area Committee calls on the Office of Public Works (OPW) to consult with park users, those who live near the park and other members of the public specifically regarding the preferred future access options.
ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the Office of Public Works
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