{meta} Agenda item - Motions on Notice

Agenda item



Motion No 1 : It was proposed by Councillor D Heney and seconded by Councillor D Costello “That Dublin City Council establish Dublin City a dementia inclusive city so as to enable people living with dementia to enjoy a better quality of life in our city” The motion was put and carried. It was also agreed that training for staff and councillors in relation to interaction with dementia-suffers would be helpful.


Motion No 3 :It was proposed by Councillor A Keegan and seconded by Councillor V Jackson “That Dublin City Council operates in the best practice as described by Irish congress of Trade Unions and in particular construction trade unions. That DCC only allow to tender, construction companies that employ Contractors on all their building projects and site works. And that these companies do not use the tactic of bogus self employment to reduce costs. And DCC tendering companies employ all subcontractors that also only employ their staff on a P45 basis and not on bogus self employment” The motion was put and carried.


Motion No 5 : It was proposed by Lord Mayor Nial Ring and seconded by Councillor V Jackson “That the Members of this Council fully support the following proposals for the celebration of the centenary of the sitting of First Dáil on 21st January 1919, as put forward by The First Dáil Commemoration Committee of the 1916-1921 Club.

The proposal/recommendations include the following:

·        That the Irish language as First Language of the State should have prominence as was the case in 1919.

·        The Centenary Year should feature Debate/Discussions on “the Dáil then - the Dáil today” , on leading figures of the time and to include discussion on the role of the 1916 women in the suffrage movement, the 1918 General Election and the First Dáil.

·        The Centenary Programme should include a photographic record, film archive display and exhibition of copy historic documents such as The Declaration of Independence, Message to the Free Nations of The World and The Democratic Programme of The First Dáil.

·        A large photo of the members of The First Dáil should be displayed outside The Mansion House and Leinster House during Centenary Year.

·        Recognising that the national broadcaster, RTE, will have a central role to play it is recommended that TV and Radio Programmes should be centred on three themes:  Election 1918, The First Dáil and the commencement of the War of independence.

·        The significance of the First Dáil should be brought to schools nationwide in a similar way in which the 1916 Easter Rising became a focal point for schoolchildren. A presentation to schools of copies of the historic documents of the time (i.e. The Declaration of Independence, Message to the Free Nations of The World and The Democratic Programme of The First Dáil) should be considered.

  • Finally, the importance of this occasion warrants the announcement of a National holiday, ‘Independence Day’ on 21st January 2019 to appropriately mark the Centenary of the sitting of the First Dáil, as recently proposed in Seanad Éireann.

The motion was put and carried


Motion No 6 :  It was proposed by Councillor D Costello and seconded by Councillor A Connaghan “That this Council acts to ensure the immediate development of the site currently housing the Abigail Centre, Finglas to provide social and affordable homes to 250+ families”  Two amendments to this motion were put forward but only the second one was agreed – to add in the words ‘including cost rental’ after ‘homes’. The amended motion as amended was then put and carried.



Motion No 8 : It was proposed by Councillor C Carney Boud and seconded by Councillor M MacDonncha“That Dublin City Councilust now use its budget to employ more full time staff in the manuallyskilled and trade areas within the Housing Maintenance section in particular. The aim should be to fade out the use of sub-contractors and to increase a skilled manual workforce within the Council which will improve speed, reliability and accountability in the services it provides to tenants. It also provides good stable and secure employment in comparison to the employment practices of private contractors which generally only offer temporary and unsecured employment for workers which is not a practice this council should be supporting” The motion was put and carried.

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