(i). Two submissions from Cllr. Ray McHugh
a. Crumlin anti-social behaviour and Gardaí numbers in the area
b. Arson attack on playground and burning of tyres at Willie Pearse Park.
(ii). Two submissions referred from the September South Central Area Committee Meeting
a. Councillor Vincent Jackson (Question No. 38 from the September South Central Area Committee Meeting)
To ask the Area Manager can DCC, Water-Ways Ireland and An Garda Siochana look at the serious anti-social behaviour problems currently been experienced by users of the walk-way / cycle path on the banks of the Grand Canal. The problem is particularly difficult at the 6th Lough. Ropes are now being used to restrict users of this great facility. Can an effort be made to confront these serious problems before a serious injury occurs? In the past few weeks 3 people have contacted me. Is the monitoring of CCTV effective at this location and indeed along the full stretch of the grand canal?
b. Councillor Greg Kelly (Motion No. 644 referred from the September South Central Area Committee Meeting
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister of Justice to commit to increasing the number of Garda in the Kilmainham Garda Station, Sundrive Garda Station and Crumlin Garda Station. This should include the increase in the community Garda to at least 6 in each station, the reintroduction of the Drugs Team to its full capacity and an increase across all departments in the station. The crime and antisocial behaviour in Inchicore, Bluebell and Drimnagh is now getting out of control. The communities are now at breaking point and this needs to be addressed. The Minister for Housing has committed to funding housing in the area it is time the minister for justice and other ministers followed suit. We need to see Garda on patrol all the time and to have this we need an increase in Garda numbers.
(iii). One submission from Community Representative, Joyce Reid
a. Drug use and aggressive begging in Meath Street.
(iv). The date of next JPC meeting isMonday 26th November 2018 @ 2.30pm
(i). Two submissions from Cllr. Ray McHugh
a. Crumlin anti-social behaviour and Gardaí numbers in the area
b. Arson attack on playground and burning of tyres at Willie Pearse Park.
Order: Noted – Discussed under Garda matters – It was noted that a particular youth group are causing serious issues in the area: Chief Superintendent Gralton endeavoured to deal with this issue subject to staff availability.
(ii). Two submissions referred from the September South Central Area Committee Meeting
a. Councillor Vincent Jackson (Question No. 38 from the September South Central Area Committee Meeting)
To ask the Area Manager can DCC, Water-Ways Ireland and An Garda Síochana look at the serious anti-social behaviour problems currently been experienced by users of the walk-way / cycle path on the banks of the Grand Canal. The problem is particularly difficult at the 6th Lough. Ropes are now being used to restrict users of this great facility. Can an effort be made to confront these serious problems before a serious injury occurs? In the past few weeks 3 people have contacted me. Is the monitoring of CCTV effective at this location and indeed along the full stretch of the grand canal?
Order: Noted – The members discussed the serious anti-social issues around the Tow Path and animal welfare issues at the 6th Lough and illegal activity at this location. They also discussed animal welfare issues at Molyneaux Yard, Labra Park and Ring Terrace. The members agreed to set up a sub group of a short term duration, 3 months initially, to discuss and progress this issue. The members also requested a report from the Monitoring Service at Grange Castle, Clondalkin, to see if these serious incidents are being recorded on CCTV and passed onto An Garda Síochana.
Councillor Greg Kelly (Motion No. 644 referred from the September South Central Area Committee Meeting)
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister of Justice to commit to increasing the number of Garda in the Kilmainham Garda Station, Sundrive Garda Station and Crumlin Garda Station. This should include the increase in the community Garda to at least 6 in each station, the reintroduction of the Drugs Team to its full capacity and an increase across all departments in the station. The crime and antisocial behaviour in Inchicore, Bluebell and Drimnagh is now getting out of control. The communities are now at breaking point and this needs to be addressed. The Minister for Housing has committed to funding housing in the area it is time the minister for justice and other ministers followed suit. We need to see Garda on patrol all the time and to have this we need an increase in Garda numbers.
Order: Noted – Approved
(iii). One submission from Community Representative Joyce Reid
a. Drug use and aggressive begging Meath Street
Order: Noted - It was stated that this could become a particular issue around cold weather. A report on The Cold Weather Initiative is to be requested for the next meeting in November.
(iv) Date of next meeting.
The date of next JPC meeting is Monday 26th November 2018 @ 2.30pm
(v) The Members welcomed John Gordon new Superintendent for Kevin Street Garda Station.