{meta} Agenda item - Motions

Agenda item


Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

This committee notes the following Planning application:


Area:                           Area 1 - South East

Application Number:    2505/18

Application Type:        Permission

Applicant:                    St. Mark’s Church

Location:                     St. Mark’s Church Hall, 42A, Pearse Street, Dublin 2.

Proposal:                     PROTECTED STRUCTURE; conversion of the attic space and general remodelling works. The development comprises;

1.     The conversion of the attic space for use as youth meeting areas. Conservation type roof lights are proposed to south facing Pearse Street and north facing Marks Lane.

2.     The provision of a lift and staircase from ground floor to attic space.

3.     The reduction of the existing kitchen on ground floor to increase the hall space

4.     The reallocation of the existing crèche

5.     The reallocation of the male & female toilets

6.     The provision of an ambulant disabled toilet at the existing stair hall

7.     Widening of the existing staircase leading up to the attic space.

Registration Date:       14th March 2018.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

This committee requests the manager to arrange for the installation of a yellow box junction on the Stillorgan Road at the main gate to the Sacred Heart Church, Donnybrook.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 3 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

This committee requests the manager to arrange for the cuttings and shrubbery cut down by Dublin City Council in the green spaces at Peter Place to be now removed and that the raised planting area be rotovated so that residents can plant flowers there.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 4 from Councillor Mary Freehill taken with Motions 5 and 14.

Following the Mount Argus Residents’ AGM I wish to make the following proposals:


1.     That the public lighting on Poddle Park be upgraded.  Currently it has yellow poor quality lighting; it needs to be brighter to allow for greater safety for walkers.   If the work cannot be carried out in the current budget that it be included in 2019 budget.


2.     The traffic access to Mount Argus Road at the Mount Jerome junction continues to be very challenging for residents to exit to Harold’s Cross Road:


a)     Flower sellers yet again need to move back to the footpath, encroachment on the public road is dangerous.


b)     DYL are needed at the mouth of Mount Argus Road, parking at the corner impedes egress.


c)     An on-site meeting is required with the Traffic Engineer (this road is a cul de sac and residents often have to deal with tail backs, especially when there are funerals) to find better solutions to this crossing.


3.     Dog fouling continues to be a problem in the park and needs enforcement action.


4.     Residents would like to have a 30kmph speed limit in the Mount Argus Estate.


5.     That the NTA be requested to erect a real time sign on the bus stop on Harold’s Cross Road beside Mount Jerome cemetery and opposite Noshingtons.


6.     That an onsite meeting takes place with the Mount Argus Residents’ Association committee with the Parks Department to discuss the management of the park along the Poddle.


7.     That Dublin Bus is asked to make Kimmage Road a priority to provide extra No.9 and 54A buses in the morning times, these buses are full between 6.30 and 9.0a.m. in the morning times when they arrive at Mount Argus church.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 5 from Councillor Patrick Costello taken with Motions 4 and 14.

That this committee calls on the manager to examine the traffic management and road layout at Mount Jerome Cemetery, as there has been significant difficulties for people living in Mount Argus Road area getting in and out of their homes.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 6 from Councillors Patrick Costello and Anne Feeney

That this committee calls on the manager to set up a park users group for Mount Argus Park similar to those that exist for other parks in the area.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 7 from Councillor Claire Byrne

That this area committee calls on the area manager to install a living wall in the new park at the junction of George’s Street and Dame Lane as part of the “Greening the City” initiative.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 8 from Councillor Claire Byrne

That this area committee calls on the area manager to increase the frequency of street cleaning in the South Core Georgian area and to outline what measures can be implemented to address the ongoing issue of illegal dumping in this important part of the city.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 9 from Councillor Claire Byrne

That this area committee calls on the area manager to work with Irish Water to arrange for the damage carried out by water mains repair works on Oaklands Drive, Dublin 4, in 2016, to be repaired as a matter of urgency. Temporary repairs were made to both the footpath and the road but they were never properly repaired. There is now a large pothole, which is very dangerous to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 10 from Councillor Claire Byrne

That this area committee requests the area manager to put in place a contra-flow cycleway on Lombard Street East to provide a safe route for cyclists travelling northwards.

Order: Report to councillor.



Motion 11 from Councillor Mary Freehill

This meeting notes in relation to the Rathmines Cleansing Yard Site that:


·        There are 1,405 applicants on the Housing List for area N (Rathmines, Ranelagh, Rathgar and Terenure) and 270 on the transfer list.

·        That Rathmines has a population of 40,000; it has no community facilities or Health Service Executive primary care centre.

·        Acknowledges the huge housing shortage in public and private housing for families, single and older people.


Because of these facts Section 183(1) of the 2001 Act does not appropriately apply, as this site is not surplus to requirements. 


This committee therefore resolves that the site not be disposed of and that the council embark on a public sector community sector partnership and a path towards further regeneration of Rathmines.   Furthermore that a public consultation process commences regarding the development and design Rathmines cleansing yard site.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 12 from Councillor Frank Kennedy

In circumstances where Panda collected bins on Marlborough Road on 20 March at just after 5am and just before 5am on 6 March, both times in breach of the waste collection bye laws, this area committee shall write to Panda calling on it (a) to comply with the bye laws and (b) to insist on an explanation for these flagrant breaches. [For context please see below question 118 which I asked at Dublin City Council (DCC) Council meeting December 2017]



SEA           To ask the Chief Executive (i) to take measures to prevent bin collection companies from collecting on Marlborough Road, Dublin 4 at 5am in the morning, which occurs frequently and which is in flagrant breach of the relevant bye-laws, and (ii) to explain what mechanisms are in place to both deter and punish this unlawful conduct?



Waste Management Services Division will issue correspondence to all authorised providers of household kerbside collections notifying them of complaints regarding collections occurring outside of the designated hours, that collections may take place in this specific location and reminding them of their obligations to collect within the designated times at all times or enforcement action will be taken.


The hours that collections may take place are specifically outlined within the Dublin City Council Bye Laws for the Storage, Presentation and Collection of Household and Commercial Waste 2013. 


Section 7 (c)


An authorised waste collector shall only collect household waste or commercial waste outside the Central Commercial District on the designated collection day between the hours of 6:00am and 9:00pm Monday to Friday, and 8.00am to 8.00pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, unless otherwise approved in writing by an appointed person.


Where the City Council is made aware that breaches of these bye laws are occurring fines or prosecutions may be issued under the bye laws.


If there are specific incidents that can be reported to Dublin City Council the Litter Management Office will investigate and carry out enforcement as appropriate. 


Contact:           Simon Brock, Administrative Officer, Waste Management Services Division

Tel:                  222 4237        

Email:              simon.brock@dublincity.ie     

Order: Report to Councillor.


Motion 13 from Councillor Frank Kennedy

During the recent adverse weather events (Beast from the East & Storm Emma) a great many services (emergency services, NGOS including in particular homeless services, and of course local authority staff, foremost amongst them those in Dublin City Council) worked long hours in exceptionally difficult conditions and at risk to their own safety. They all did an excellent job. This area committee calls on the area manager to convene a meeting of each of the area managers and the Chief Executive to discuss and agree an appropriate mechanism to recognise these service providers and to show the appreciation of the people of Dublin to them for all that they did during this challenging episode.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 14 from Councillors Anne Feeney and Ruairí McGinley taken with Motions 4 and 5.

That this committee requests that the manager asks the Traffic Section to review the traffic flows and parking at the entrance to Mount Jerome Cemetery and Crematorium.  The significant increase in cremations and the number of funerals with a large attendance in Mount Jerome has resulted in an increase in traffic and parked cars with a very negative and unacceptable impact for residents in the area.  It can often take 20 - 45 minutes to access or enter Mount Argus Road.  A workable solution (in consultation with the Mount Argus and Church Park Residents’ Association) needs to be found for both local residents and those attending Mount Jerome.

Order: Agreed.


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