{meta} Agenda item - Motions

Agenda item

Motion in the name of Cllr Patrick Costello:

That the Chief Executive provide Councillors with a report addressing the issues for Dublin City Council arising from the recommendations in the October 2017 report"The Impact of Short Term Lettings on Ireland’s Housing and Rental Market" by the Joint Committee on Housing, Planning & Local Government, clearly stating what further resources would be needed to implement the recommendations, where the current difficulties in enforcement and legislation are, and what legislative changes official feel are needed to improve planning enforcement.


 Motion in the names of Cllrs. Tina MacVeigh, Pat Dunne, Paul Hand, Críona Dhálaigh and Daithí Doolan [forwarded from the South Central Area Committee]:


-       the historical significance of Kilmainham Mill

-       the current state of disrepair the Mill has fallen into in private ownership

-       the current zonings of Kilmainham Mill site and surrounds of Z1, Z2, Z4 and Z6 which allow for residential, enterprise and employment creation, and residential but not heritage conservation

-       the imminent development on the site



-       the grassroots community campaign and ground swell of support for preserving the heritage of Kilmainham Mill

-       an endangerment notice recently issued by Dublin City Council


This Area Committee agrees:

-       to immediately initiate the process for a material alteration to the development plan to rezone the site of Kilmainham Mill and surrounding outbuildings to Z8: to protect the existing architectural and civic design character, and to allow only for limited expansion consistent with the conservation objective.

Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell (referred from Protocol Committee to be considered in conjunction with the report on the Part 8 Procedures )


“That this Protocol Committee agrees that item No. 13 of DCC's own formal Part 8 procedures should be changed to the following;

Before any project is presented to Council, the final report shall be presented at the Local Area Committee meeting informing them of the intention to present the proposal to the City Council and advising them that the process for approval of a Part 8 is a reserved function of the City Council.”

Motion in the name of Odran Reid, PPN

The Development of College Green as a pedestrian plaza is to be welcomed. This development is not without problems, but is also full of latent opportunities.


The City needs to be returned back to its citizens allowing them to move comfortably and freely in attractive, noise and pollution free areas. The City also needs to foster a dynamic economy, a cultural core and be socially inclusive for all of its citizens and visitors.


To achieve this the City Council needs to

·         Proceed with reasonable haste in developing the College Green Plaza

·         Develop the space and adjoining areas for all citizens - all ages, differing disabilities and be family friendly

·         Ensure that the Square is well maintained and enforcement is rigorous (with City Council and Gardai)

·         Ensure the Square is a safe place to be

·         Put in place an implementation team to make the square work for citizens, retail traders, commercial activity and as a node of social activity

·         Implement the remaining elements of the City Centre Transport Study immediately and develop a City Centre Transport Strategy to make the city centre accessible to all and to protect and nurture its commercial, social and cultural heritage

·         question the need for a tram every 90 seconds and for longer (55m) trams passing through the city centre


It is noted that the city has a strong Public Realm strategy that is not possible to implement. It is apt that this strategy should commence in College green and emanate out from this point. College Green should become a central point for connectivity of the City for citizens.


The changes proposed have been met with some resistance and these concerns need to be addressed. If Dublin is to be a planned city it will need to have a dynamic citizen focused centre, not one that is a thorough fare for traffic.






Motion in the name of Cllr Patrick Costello:

That the Chief Executive provide Councillors with a report addressing the issues for Dublin City Council arising from the recommendations in the October 2017 report"The Impact of Short Term Lettings on Ireland’s Housing and Rental Market" by the Joint Committee on Housing, Planning & Local Government, clearly stating what further resources would be needed to implement the recommendations, where the current difficulties in enforcement and legislation are, and what legislative changes official feel are needed to improve planning enforcement.

Detailed written Report requested from Cllr. Costello to highlight where difficulties, challenges and where Dublin City Council may be struggling.

Richard Shakespeare Assistant Chief Executive explained that the issue from a Planning Enforcement point of view is not resources but the burden of proof. There are a number of cases going to Court and there will be a more detailed Report after the Court Cases


 Motion in the names of Cllrs. Tina MacVeigh, Pat Dunne, Paul Hand, Críona Dhálaigh and Daithí Doolan [forwarded from the South Central Area Committee]:


-       the historical significance of Kilmainham Mill

-       the current state of disrepair the Mill has fallen into in private ownership

-       the current zonings of Kilmainham Mill site and surrounds of Z1, Z2, Z4 and Z6 which allow for residential, enterprise and employment creation, and residential but not heritage conservation

-       the imminent development on the site



-       the grassroots community campaign and ground swell of support for preserving the heritage of Kilmainham Mill

-       an endangerment notice recently issued by Dublin City Council


This Area Committee agrees:

-       to immediately initiate the process for a material alteration to the development plan to rezone the site of Kilmainham Mill and surrounding outbuildings to Z8: to protect the existing architectural and civic design character, and to allow only for limited expansion consistent with the conservation objective.

As Cllr. McVeigh was absent from the meeting, her Motion fell. This Motion can be resubmitted to the next SPC.



Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell (referred from Protocol Committee to be considered in conjunction with the report on the Part 8 Procedures )


“That this Protocol Committee agrees that item No. 13 of DCC's own formal Part 8 procedures should be changed to the following;

Before any project is presented to Council, the final report shall be presented at the Local Area Committee meeting informing them of the intention to present the proposal to the City Council and advising them that the process for approval of a Part 8 is a reserved function of the City Council.”

     This was dealt with under Agenda item no. 3




Motion in the name of Odran Reid, PPN

The Development of College Green as a pedestrian plaza is to be welcomed. This development is not without problems, but is also full of latent opportunities.


The City needs to be returned back to its citizens allowing them to move comfortably and freely in attractive, noise and pollution free areas. The City also needs to foster a dynamic economy, a cultural core and be socially inclusive for all of its citizens and visitors.


To achieve this the City Council needs to

·         Proceed with reasonable haste in developing the College Green Plaza

·         Develop the space and adjoining areas for all citizens - all ages, differing disabilities and be family friendly

·         Ensure that the Square is well maintained and enforcement is rigorous (with City Council and Gardaí)

·         Ensure the Square is a safe place to be

·         Put in place an implementation team to make the square work for citizens, retail traders, commercial activity and as a node of social activity

·         Implement the remaining elements of the City Centre Transport Study immediately and develop a City Centre Transport Strategy to make the city centre accessible to all and to protect and nurture its commercial, social and cultural heritage

·         question the need for a tram every 90 seconds and for longer (55m) trams passing through the city centre


It is noted that the city has a strong Public Realm strategy that is not possible to implement. It is apt that this strategy should commence in College green and emanate out from this point. College Green should become a central point for connectivity of the City for citizens.


The changes proposed have been met with some resistance and these concerns need to be addressed. If Dublin is to be a planned city it will need to have a dynamic citizen focused centre, not one that is a thorough fare for traffic.


Concern raised by Odran Reid about the development of College Green.  The area needs to managed, shared space between pedestrians and cyclists. Design needs to take into consideration people with disabilities. The frequency of LUAS, movement Taxi’s and Buses all need to be taken into consideration. 


What is the budget for Public Realm Strategy for this space?


The Scheme is with An Board Pleanála at the moment and no final decision has been made.