{meta} Agenda for Central Area Committee on Tuesday 8th May, 2018, 10.00 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Cathy Cassidy 


No. Item


With reference to the minutes of the Central Area Committee meeting held on 10th April, 2018 pdf icon PDF 169 KB

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ORDER: Agreed.


Questions to the Area Manager pdf icon PDF 14 KB

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ORDER: Noted.


With reference to a presentation - Re imagining Dublin One Laneways

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ORDER: Presentation noted.


With reference to Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - Motorway Operation & Control Building, East Wall Road, Dublin 3 pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER: Agreed.  Recommend to City Council. 


With reference to the proposed grant of a licence of Unit G04 of the Markets Area Community Resource Organisation (MACRO) Building, No. 1 Green Street, Dublin 7. pdf icon PDF 541 KB

Additional documents:


ORDER: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


With reference to a proposed exchange of lands at O'Devaney Gardens, Dublin 7 with the ESB. pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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ORDER: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.


With reference to the Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 24th April, 2018. pdf icon PDF 547 KB

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ORDER: Reports noted.


With further reference to a request for a nomination to the North Inner City Drugs Task Force

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ORDER : Members requested that the North Inner City Drugs Task Force be invited to the next meeting.


With reference to Discretionary Funding

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ORDER: Agreed.


With reference to an update - Public Domain Section pdf icon PDF 166 KB

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ORDER: Report noted.


With reference to an update on Housing Matters in the North West and North East Inner City pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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ORDER: Reports noted. 


With reference to an update - North East Inner City Programme pdf icon PDF 721 KB

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ORDER: Report noted.


With reference to updates on the following: Central Area Sport, Grangegorman Development and Central Area Age Friendly pdf icon PDF 322 KB

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ORDER: Reports noted.


With reference to Motions to the Area Manager pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe (deferred from April meeting)


That the City Architect prepare plans for the construction of a mixed-use development of housing over retail on the Council owned site at the corner of Ryder’s Row and Capel Street.

ORDER: Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That the new road beside the 3Arena be named Molly Nugent Road after the Nugent family who lived at Seaview House, positioned at the junction of Seaview Avenue and East Wall, and whose portrait was sketched by Countess Markievicz.

ORDER: Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke


That the Central Area Committee calls on the Revenue Commissioners/Tax Office  to open late, maybe Thursday night, to allow workers who pay taxes, who are unable to take time off work Monday to Friday, to call into the tax office to put their tax affairs in order.

ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the Revenue Commissioners.


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That the Members of this Committee fully support the following proposals for the celebration of the centenary of the sitting of First Dáil on 21st January 1919, as put forward by The First Dáil Commemoration Committee of the 1916-1921 Club. The proposal/recommendations include the following:


•        That the Irish language as First Language of the State should have prominence as was the case in 1919.


•        The Centenary Year should feature Debate/Discussions on “the Dáil then - the Dáil today” , on leading figures of the time and to include discussion on the role of the 1916 women in the suffrage movement, the 1918 General Election and the First Dáil.


•        The Centenary Programme should include a photographic record, film archive display and exhibition of copy historic documents such as The Declaration of Independence, Message to the Free Nations of The World and The Democratic Programme of The First Dáil.


•        A large photo of the members of The First Dáil should be displayed outside The Mansion House and Leinster House during Centenary Year.


•        Recognising that the national broadcaster, RTE, will have a central role to play it is recommended that TV and Radio Programmes should be centred on three themes:  Election 1918, The First Dáil and the commencement of the War of independence.


•        The significance of the First Dáil should be brought to schools nationwide in a similar way in which the 1916 Easter Rising became a focal point for schoolchildren. A presentation to schools of copies of the historic documents of the time (i.e. The Declaration of Independence, Message to the Free Nations of The World and The Democratic Programme of The First Dáil) should be considered.


•        Finally, the importance of this occasion warrants the announcement of a National holiday, ‘Independence Day’ on 21st January 2019 to appropriately mark the Centenary of the sitting of the First Dáil, as recently proposed in Seanad Éireann.

ORDER: Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.