Venue: BY REMOTE VIDEO CONFERENCE. View directions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2024 and matters arising. Minutes: Order: Minutes Agreed. |
Receptions of the Lord Mayor and Engagements of the Deputy Lord Mayor Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Receptions and Engagements noted. |
International Relations Quarterly Report Minutes: Ciara O hAodha gave an update to the Members on developments in International Relations and the ongoing work that was taking place in relation to Friendship and Twinning Agreements. A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.
Order: Report Noted. |
Request from the Irish Blood Transfusion Services to illuminate City Hall in support of World Blood Day on 14th June 2024. Minutes: Order: Lighting Request Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland: "Dublin City Council recognises the immense historical significance of the Office of the Lord Mayor and the protocols and traditions associated with it. In particular DCC recognises the privilege of each Lord Mayor to work with the Office of the Chief Herald to design a personal grant of arms. These are subsequently displayed for historical reference in the Oak Room. However, DCC also recognises that there is no record of the story behind each crest/grant of arms. The Protocol Committee therefore agrees that DCC undertake a research project that details the design of each of the grant of arms and the representation/story it expresses and collates these into a series of books. These books would preserve the history of this particular and very special Lord Mayor tradition." Minutes: Order: Motion agreed. The Manager agreed to contact Deputy City Librarian, Brendan Teeling to investigate the commissioning of the project and to identify costings and available budget. |
Manager's Report Minutes: · The Manager updated the Members on the organisation of the Local Elections with reference to the nomination period, postering guidelines, the Count Centre and the deadline for the electoral register. Details of which are all available on Dublin City Council’s website. The Manager also agreed to contact the Litter Management Section to get clarification regarding the impact of electoral postering on the Tidy Towns Competition.
· The Manager informed the Members that a new conferencing system will be installed in the Council Chamber over the summer months. It is envisaged that this will address the issues that have effected hybrid meetings in recent weeks. |
A.O.B. Minutes: There was no other items raised for discussion. |
Date of next meeting: To be confirmed after Local Elections 2024 Minutes: Order: Dates for future meetings will be agreed after the Local Elections and the appointment of members to the new Protocol Committee. |