No. | Item |
Draft Development Plan Report 119/2022 PDF 127 KB Minutes: Councillor O’Farrell expressed his concerns regarding the process followed during the Development Plan meetings particularly in reference to Report 119/2022 and how it was considered.
The City Planner and the Meetings Administrator confirmed to the Members that the process adopted had been agreed by Group Leaders and was communicated to the Council by the Lord Mayor at the outset of the meeting. The process was in line with the approach adopted throughout the Development Plan process. The Law Agent had also reviewed the process and was satisfied that it was appropriate.
The City Planner confirmed that there would further opportunity for Councillors to submit motions on material changes to the Development Plan during the final stage of the process. He also agreed to discuss the possibility of extending the timeframe for submitting motions on the final report of the Development Plan with the Assistant Chief Executive. However, he cautioned that the timelines were statutory and there was little scope for significant revision.
The Meeting Administrator informed the meeting that during the Covid period and the transition to hybrid meetings it had been agreed that the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor would propose and second all reports. However, going forward she would seek proposers and seconders from the floor, which should assist in providing clarity to the Members in relation to the consideration of reports. She confirmed that the minutes of the Development Plan meeting would go before the October City Council in their current format.
Minutes of the meeting held on 21st July 2022 and matters arising. PDF 364 KB Minutes: Order: Minutes Agreed. |
Councillor Conference Reports: PDF 754 KB · Councillor Mary Freehill, MacGill Summer School, 21st – 24th July 2022, The Glenties, County Donegal. Minutes: Councillor Mary Freehill, MacGill Summer School, 21st – 24th July 2022, The Glenties, County Donegal.
Order: Report Noted. |
Approval of Councillor Attendance at Conferences: |
The Annual POLIS Conference 2022, 30th November and 1 December in Brussels, Belgium. Minutes: Order: Conference attendance agreed and recommended to Council. |
Child in the City World Conference, 5th - 7th October 2022 in Dublin Minutes: Order: Conference attendance agreed and recommended to Council.
Minutes: Order: Conference attendance agreed and recommended to Council. |
Minutes: Order: Conference attendance agreed and recommended to Council. |
Minutes: Order: Conference attendance agreed and recommended to Council. |
Minutes: Order: Conference attendance agreed and recommended to Council. |
Future Operating Model for City Hall Minutes: Executive Manager, Anthony Flynn informed Members that there is a proposal for the Dublin Culture Company to take over responsibility for the management of events in City Hall. This was part of a process intended to deliver a coherent strategy with how events are managed across all Dublin City Council cultural buildings. He confirmed that there would be no change to the existing facilities for Councillors and to Council meetings.
The Members thanked the Manager for his report and identified the following areas of concern;
· Ensuring the integrity and safety of the Councillors work environment. The use of City Hall for events was welcomed but not to the detriment of the Members. Excessive noise from the rotunda has caused disruption to Council meetings in recent times.
· Members requested that it would be important that the Protocol Committee would still have a strong say in the operation City Hall.
The Members requested that a written report detailing the proposals would be brought to a future meeting of the Protocol Committee.
The Manger thanked the Members for their input and recognised that safeguarding the Councillors work environment in the context of City Hall as an event space would be of prime consideration. He agreed to bring a report before the Members once details of the proposals had been formalised.
In relation to the redevelopment of Newcomen Bank, Ruth Dowling confirmed that it had been agreed to provide additional party rooms in the lower ground floor of City Hall and to upgrade of the existing party rooms instead of providing additional office space in Newcomen Bank. Consideration would be given to re-establishing the Newcomen Bank Working Group as a means to update Members on the status of that project. |
Standing Orders Review PDF 573 KB Text which has been deleted is struck through in Red. Additional text is highlighted in yellow. The changes can be seen on the following pages 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 20.
Minutes: It was agreed to revise Standing Order 19 (i) to clarify that the 7 hour deadline applied to an alternate meeting time.
It was agreed to leave Standing Order 20 (i) unchanged and allow 2 minutes speaking time for Group Leaders.
Order: Standing Orders 2022 as amended were agreed and recommended to Council. |
Remote-Hybrid Meeting Guidelines PDF 282 KB Minutes: It was agreed to remove the term “overtly political” from section 15 (i) and to remove the term “especially young children” from section12 of theEtiquette for Remote-Hybrid Meetings.
Order: The Remote-Hybrid Meeting Guidelines as amended were agreed and recommended to Council. |
Request to Illuminate City Hall Red on 17th October 2022 in support of Dublin Fire Brigades Fire Safety Week (WITHDRAWN) Minutes: In light of ongoing concerns regarding the current energy crisis, Dublin Fire Brigade made the decision to withdraw the request to illuminate City Hall and all other buildings in the City. Instead they would promote their campaign through social media channels.
The Manager confirmed that City Hall has 17 colour changing luminaires on site that consume 40 watts per hour per unit and that the total power consumption is .68 Kw per hour.
Order: The Members agreed to keep the illumination policy under review over the autumn and winter period, with respect to the energy crisis. |
Corporate Policy Group Attendance Report PDF 272 KB Minutes: Order: Report Noted. |
Manager's Report · Kathleen Clarke Portrait · Sculpture Dublin – O’Connell Plinth at City Hall
Minutes: · The Manager informed the Members that the unveiling of the Kathleen Clarke portrait would take place in the Council Chamber at 6.15pm on Thursday 29th September with a reception afterwards. The event would also be live streamed on the City Council’s website. In response to Councillors suggestion that members of the public would not have an opportunity to view the portrait the Manager confirmed that Brendan Teeling had commissioned a video detailing the creation of the art work and that tours of the Chamber would be organised for the public.
· The Manager confirmed that the tenure of the sculpture on the plinth outside City Hall was concluding. However, it would be relocated to a site in Grangegorman to extend its life span. The Manager would liaise with the Arts Office to determine the future plans for the plinth.
· The Manager informed the Committee that bicycles were not permitted in City Hall as there was a risk of causing inadvertent damage to the fabric of the building. Members could avail of the bicycle parking facilities at the Civic Offices. This position was not endorsed by all Members of the Committee.
A.O.B. Minutes: Councillor Damian O’Farrell raised the issue of the timeframe for making submissions to the final stage of the Development Plan. He also requested clarification on the status of a motion he previously submitted on the Development Plan.
Order: The Manager confirmed that the City Planner would discuss the Development Plan timeframe with Richard Shakespeare and a report would issue to the Members on the matter. The City Planner would also revert to Cllr Farrell on the status of his motion.
Proposed Date of next meeting - 27th October 2022 at 8am Minutes: Order: It was agreed that the next meeting of the Protocol Committee would take place on 27th October 2022 at 8am. |