{meta} Agenda for Protocol Committee on Thursday 29th September, 2016, 8.00 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Richard O'Carroll Room - City Hall. View directions

No. Item


Minutes of Protocol Meeting held on the 1st September 2016 and matters arising pdf icon PDF 5 KB


Order: Agreed


Receptions Notified by the Lord Mayor






DCIF (Dublin City Interfaith Forum) and religious leaders meeting



European Schoolboy Boxing Championship Boxers.




Oder: Agreed & recommend to Council





Conferences attended by Councillors


Ø  Cllr. Declan Flanagan. AILG Module 4 “Local Authority Housing and the National Action Plan for Housing”. Rochester Park Hotel, County Cork. 10th September 2016.


Ø  Cllr. Andrew Montague, “Irish Transport Research Network Conference”, DIT Grangegorman, Dublin. 31st August – 2nd September 2016.



Ø  Cllr. Declan Flanagan. AILG Module 4 “Local Authority Housing and the National Action Plan for Housing”. Rochester Park Hotel, County Cork. 10th September 2016.


Ø  Cllr. Andrew Montague, “Irish Transport Research Network Conference”, DIT Grangegorman, Dublin. 31st August – 2nd September 2016.



Oder: Agreed & Recommend to Council



Conference Reports Received from Councillors

Ø    Cllr. Declan Flanagan. AILG Module 4 “Local Authority                     Housing and the National Action Plan for Housing”.


Ø    Cllr. Andrew Montague, “Irish Transport Research Network Conference”, DIT Grangegorman, Dublin.




ØCllr. Declan Flanagan. AILG Module 4 “Local Authority                  

Housing and the National Action Plan for Housing”.


ØCllr. Andrew Montague, “Irish Transport Research Network

Conference”, DIT Grangegorman, Dublin.



Oder: Noted


Motion in the name of Councillor Mannix Flynn:

“That this Protocol Committee agree to initiate appropriate protocols and guidelines  for the Office of Lord Mayor. At present there are no guidelines or boundaries with regards public or other announcements by the elected Lord Mayor or by the Lord Mayor’s Office. This is not best practice and can lead to confusion regarding media statements. The recent controversy regarding a motion to disband the Artane Band was commented upon by the Lord Mayor, creating a potential conflict of interest between his elected position as Chairperson, Lord Mayor and First Citizen of the city. That role must be impartial and should not be exploited under any circumstances for personal capital through media statement or otherwise.”



“That this Protocol Committee agree to initiate appropriate protocols and guidelines  for the Office of Lord Mayor. At present there are no guidelines or boundaries with regards public or other announcements by the elected Lord Mayor or by the Lord Mayor’s Office. This is not best practice and can lead to confusion regarding media statements. The recent controversy regarding a motion to disband the Artane Band was commented upon by the Lord Mayor, creating a potential conflict of interest between his elected position as Chairperson, Lord Mayor and First Citizen of the city. That role must be impartial and should not be exploited under any circumstances for personal capital through media statement or otherwise.”


Order: Following an extensive debate the motion was put to a vote and was defeated by five votes to three.


Motion in the name of Councillor Michael O'Brien:

That the protocol committee notes:

·        The increase in the rate of emergency motions being ruled out of order from June 2014 to the present at the monthly meetings of Dublin City Council.


·        That an inconsistent approach is taken towards the ruling out of order of motions depending on whether or not they originate from the ruling group on the council or the opposition.


And therefore resolves: 

·        That a fair and consistent approach be taken on emergency motions.


·        That emergency motions ruled out of order be circulated to all members before the monthly meeting with an accompanying explanation.



That the protocol committee notes:

·        The increase in the rate of emergency motions being ruled out of order from June 2014 to the present at the monthly meetings of Dublin City Council.


·        That an inconsistent approach is taken towards the ruling out of order of motions depending on whether or not they originate from the ruling group on the council or the opposition.


And therefore resolves: 

·        That a fair and consistent approach be taken on emergency motions.


·        That emergency motions ruled out of order be circulated to all members before the monthly meeting with an accompanying explanation.


Following a discussion on the motion Cllr. Michael O’Brien agreed to amend his motion to the following:


That a fair and consistent approach be taken on emergency motions and

that emergency motions ruled out of order be circulated to all members before the monthly meeting with an accompanying explanation.”


Order: Agreed and Recommend to Council


Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe:

“That the flag of the EU join the City Flag and the National Flag in the Rotunda of City Hall. “



"That the flag of the EU join the City Flag and the National Flag in the Rotunda of City Hall.”


Order: As Councillor McAuliffe was not in attendance when his motion was reached it was deemed to have fallen.



Request from the Irish Institute of Legal Executives to use the Council Chamber to hold a seminar in the Autumn of 2016 pdf icon PDF 271 KB


Order: Agreed


Modern.gov Meetings Management System


Order: The Members gave a positive response to the new application and recommended that it be rolled out across all City Council Committees and be made available to all the elected Members as soon as possible.



Manager's Report


Ø  The Nuclear Free Local Authorities organisation requested the use of the Council Chamber for their Annual General Meeting on 25th November 2016.

Order: Agreed


Ø  The Dublin Inquirer is planning to hold a debate in the Rotunda of City Hall in early November to discuss the issue of a directly elected Mayor for Dublin. Members are welcome to attend.

Order: Noted


Ø  In the event of Dublin winning the All Ireland Final a Civic Reception will be held in Smithfield Plaza on the afternoon of Sunday 2nd October.

Order: Noted


Ø  The Lord Mayor will be hosting a visit from the President of Cyprus in October 2016.

Order: Noted


Ø  Request to attend The 19th Annual Conference of the Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development on the theme of “Cybercrime”. Friday, 7th October, 2016 in the Spencer Hotel, Excise Walk, IFSC, Dublin 1

Order: Agreed & Recommend to Council






Ø  John Lyons requested to be added as a Member of the Standing Orders Working Group as Group Leader for the PBPA.

Order: Agreed


Proposed date for next Protocol Meeting: Thursday, 3rd November, 2016, 8am, Richard O'Carroll Room, City Hall.


Order: Agreed