No. | Item |
Election of the Chair of Protocol Minutes: Cllr. Deirdre Heney was nominated by Cllr. Dermot Lacey and seconded by Cllr. Donna Cooney.
Order: Cllr. Deirdre Heney was unanimously elected as Chair of the Protocol Committee. |
Election of the Deputy Chair of Protocol Minutes: Cllr. Dermot Lacey was nominated by Cllr. Deirdre Heney and seconded by Cllr. Cat O’Driscoll
Order: Cllr. Dermot Lacey was unanimously elected as Deputy Chair of the Protocol Committee.
Minutes of the last meeting held on 2nd June and matters arising. Minutes: Cllr. Feeney confirmed that she had written to the Department requesting access to the report on the governance of the Board of St. Patrick’s Festival but had yet to receive a response.
Cllr. MacDonncha reported that the involvement of Baile Átha Cliath le Gaeilge was not included in the press release for the Rose Festival. He has emailed the Press Office with regards the omission but had not received a response. The Manager agreed to investigate the matter and report back to Councillor MacDonncha.
Members also asked that a comprehensive list of all events taking place in their area be provided to the Area Committee’s.
Order: Minutes Agreed. |
Minutes: A request to illuminate City Hall in support of World Heart Day on 29th September was also received from the Irish Heart Foundation on the 20th July.
As the City Hall illumination policy only allows for one illumination per month the Members agreed to the request from the Chilean Ambassador as that request was submitted on 30th June.
Order: The Members agreed to illuminate City Hall to mark the National Day of Chile and 30 days of Diplomatic Relations between Chile and Ireland. |
Approval for Councillors Attendance at the Irish District Energy Association's Annual Conference on 1st September 2022 Full Details of the Conference are available here Irish District Energy Associations Annual Conference Minutes: Order: The Members approved Councillor attendance at the Conference. |
Visit of Belfast City Council Minutes: The Manager informed the Committee that 8 Members of Belfast City Council would be visiting Dublin in September to visit various Council facilities including the Waste to Energy Project and the Rediscovery Centre.
Order: It was agreed that 1 Member from each of the Political Groups on the Council would meet with their colleagues from Belfast on the tour and would participate in a return visit to Belfast City. Each of the Group Leaders would nominate a representative. |
Review of Standing Orders Minutes: The Manager requested that the Standing Orders Working Group reconvene to address a variety of anomalies that had come to light in Standing Orders since the last review.
Order: It was agreed that the Working Group would meet in September to carry out a review of Standing Orders. |
Managers Report |
Michael Collins Commemoration - Richard O'Carroll Room Minutes: The Manager informed members that the Libraries had commissioned Anu Productions to produce a commemorative piece to mark the centenary of Michael Collins lying in state in City Hall. The event would be taking place from 24th – 27th August 2022 and the production company was requesting the use of the Council Chamber and Richard O’Carroll Room for the duration.
Order: The Members agreed the request to use the Council Chamber and Richard O’Carroll Room for the event. |
Kathleen Clarke Portrait Unveiling 29th September Minutes: The Manager confirmed that the unveiling of the Kathleen Clarke portrait would take place on 29th September 2022 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of her death and all Councillors would be invited.
Order: The Members agreed that an evening event would be most appropriate to mark the occasion. A discussion followed regarding the accessibility of the portrait for members of the public. The Manager agreed to discuss the matter with the Deputy City Librarian, Brendan Teeling who was organising the event. |
Update on Consultation with Disabled Persons Organisations Minutes: The Manager reported that following a report to the Corporate Policy Group on engagement with Disabled Persons Organisations, a Service Designer has been engaged to co-design for engaging with DPOs prior to, during and post projects. As part of this process the Designer wished to engage with Councillors on the subject.
Order: It was agreed that Group Leaders would consult with their colleagues and then revert to the Manager with nominations of those councillors wishing to participate. |
Hybrid Meetings Sound Quality Minutes: The Members expressed their frustration with the continuing issues relating to hybrid meetings in the Council Chamber. There have been technical issues impacting on the quality of the sound as well as noise interference from events in the Rotunda.
The Manager reported the following steps were being put in place to improve matters:
· An upgrade of the webcasting system and audio equipment would be in place for September. · Ongoing training would be provided for Area and SPC Administrators. · Officials would be required to attend meetings physically if they were making a presentation or had a major item on the agenda. · The Chief Executive’s Office would carry out a review of the Members Guidelines for Remote and Hybrid meetings. · There would a review of bookings of the Rotunda for weddings and civil marriages to try and avoid clashes with Council meetings. Unfortunately an initial analysis shows several clashes for the remainder of 2022 as a result of rescheduling of events due to Covid 19. · Prajwal would continue to support the Area and SPC administrators and would attend the first hybrid meetings of the SPC’s.
Cllr. Heney requested the Manager raise the lack of hybrid facilities in the North Central Area with the Director of Services and to try and find a suitable resolution to the issue.
Order: It was agreed that it would be a matter for the individual SPC’s as to whether they wished to continue with fully remote meetings or transition to hybrid meets from September onwards. |
Disorderly Conduct in the Council Chamber Minutes: The Manager noted that there a number of options available to the Lord Mayor in cases of disorderly conduct at a Council meeting.
The matter is dealt with under standing orders and Rule 13 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act also applies. The options outlined in the LGA involve motions to the floor and resolutions of the members generally. An amendment of the Local Government Act by the Local Government Reform Act 2014 introduced the possibility of financial penalty and suspension for a period of time from meetings of the Council and committee meetings in certain circumstances which are approved by resolution of the members.
• If any member has been disorderly or is disorderly by persistently disregarding the ruling of the chair or by behaving irregularly, improperly or offensively etc and the Chair conveys her opinion to the members by naming the member concerned then the chair or any member may move that the member named leave the meeting and motion if seconded shall be put and determined without discussion. Once the Council decides the member must then immediately leave the meeting and shall not be entitled to speak or take any further part in the meeting that day.
• If the Chair is of the opinion that there is (a) general disorder which impedes the orderly transaction of the business of the meeting or (b) where a member against whom it has been resolved that he/she leave the meeting but refuses to do so, the Chair may adjourn the meeting.
• Where it has been resolved that a member leaves the meeting and the chair adjourns the meeting because the member refuses to leave the meeting there may be further financial consequences for the member if the members further resolve that the member in question was the cause of the meeting having been adjourned. (See 13(4) below).
• There is a further option for suspension of the member in question set out below in 13(5) following a resolution being passed by two thirds of those present in the circumstances outlined. This takes place at the meeting in question. These provisions are designed to address disorderly conduct as it arises.
The Manager also noted that the Code of Conduct applies to all Councillors.
Order: Members felt that the behaviour by a Councillor at the City Council meeting on 4th July was unacceptable and requested the Chair to write to the Councillor concerned, advise the Councillor of the view of members and request the Councillor to make a public apology. |
A.O.B. Minutes: There were no further matters raised for discussion.
Date of next meeting: 22nd September 2022 Minutes: Order: It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on 22nd September 2022. |