{meta} Agenda for Mobility and Public Realm SPC on Wednesday 8th September, 2021, 3.00 pm

Agenda and minutes


Contact: Martina Halpin  Email: martina.halpin@dublincity.ie


No. Item


Minutes of Traffic & Transport SPC 25th May 2021 pdf icon PDF 219 KB

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Clarification given to Colm Ryder that report on College Green and Motion on Construction Traffic will be on Agenda for next SPC meeting in November.  


Minutes of Public Transport Sub-Committee 15th April 2021 pdf icon PDF 569 KB

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Minutes of Walking and Cycling Sub-Committee 22nd March 2021 pdf icon PDF 438 KB

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Standing Orders Managing SPC Meeting- duration of meetings etc - Chairperson Cllr. Christy Burke pdf icon PDF 562 KB

The aim of the changes to Standing Orders is to improve the efficacy and efficiency of both the full City Council meeting and Area, JPC and SPC Committee meetings. Standing Order 48 deals with the General Provisions relating to Committees and is relevant to all Area, JPC and SPC Committees. Under the new guidelines Committees will be asked to agree the following:


  • Each SPC, shall agree a standard length of time for their meetings, to be approved by a majority of Members.
  • An option to extend the meeting by a maximum of 30 minutes is available with the agreement of a majority of Members present.
  • The decision to extend the meeting should be taken no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled conclusion of the meeting. 
  • Consideration can be given to allocating a maximum time for each item on the Agenda.
  • Limiting the number of presentation per meeting and limiting the time allocated for each presentation.



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Cllr. Burke advised as per Standing Order 48 meetings will be managed as follows


·         Standard time for meeting approx. 2.15 – An option to extend the meeting by a further 30 minutes should be taken no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled conclusion with the agreement of a majority of members present.

·         Shorter presentations

·         Shorter Agendas.

·         Reports should be read prior to meeting for discussion only

·         Number of meetings will be kept at four

·         Chair nominates Deputy in his absence.







Agree Dates for SPC Meeting 2022 Chairperson Cllr. Christy Burke

Proposed Dates for 2022 – Meeting time at 15:00


Wednesday 09th February

Wednesday  08th June

Wednesday  07th September

Wednesday  09th November


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Provision of an extra date if required.


Report on Bike Bunkers - Will Mangan Executive Engineer Transportation Operations. pdf icon PDF 629 KB

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Will Managed addressed questions raised by members in relation to Bike Bunker trials. Main issues raised were in relation to roll out of scheme to housing estates and flat complexes, price point, security issues adaption for mobility scooters, locating  charging points for electric bikes close by.  Request to write to Irish Rail to increase Parking at Dart Stations. GK advised that Irish Rail are working on this as he is part of a working group with them. Members advised that agreement has been reached with two city centre car parks for bike parking.


Presentation Cargo Bike Scheme - Jennifer McGrath Senior Executive Engineer, City Centre Transport Projects.

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Jennifer McGrath gave a presentation on proposed Cargo Bike Scheme and addressed any queries raised by members.  Main issues raised were in relation to cycle lanes being very narrow. 


Report of South Quays contra-flow proposal Motion submitted by Cllr. Jane Horgan Jones at last SPC meeting - Maggie O'Donnell Senior Transportation Officer pdf icon PDF 200 KB

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Deferred to next SPC at request of Cllr. Jane Horgan Jones.


Report on public consultation on the Eastlink Toll Road revision of Bye-Laws - Brendan O'Brien pdf icon PDF 306 KB

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Brendan O’Brien address queries raised by Members in relation to this report.  Members requested further reports for further discussion with Group Leaders.  


Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Conroy

To ask the Transport and Traffic Department to address the National Transport Authority and ensure that the historic boundaries and gardens and trees of Terenure Road East and Rathfarnham Road are not demolished. Dublin Bay South and Dublin South Central Bus Corridor 8,9,10,11,12 and 14 Proposals have to be redressed since COVID-19.

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Motion deferred.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney

  1. Re Item not agreed at North Central Area Committee Meeting held on 19th July, 2021 and referred to Traffic & Transport SPC

for discussion.


Motion 8M in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney

That this Area Committee agrees that zebra crossings be put in place on residential roads to aid crossing in 30km zones, especially on school routes and routes to parks and amenities. 


Safe access to schools is being addressed as part of the School Zone and Safe Routes to School projects.

Contact:               Antonia Martin, Active Travel Communication, Engagement & Promotion Officer

Email:                   Antonia.martin@dublincity.ie



As a result of observations and representations to the Environment and Transportation Department, Zebra Crossings have been phased out over the years in favour of signalised crossings.

Zebra crossings rely on drivers to give way to pedestrians stepping onto a crossing which results in faster crossing times for pedestrians and less delay for traffic. However, drivers tend not to take as much notice of zebra crossings as they should, as there is no red light signalling them to stop, and pedestrians do not feel as safe as they do with a signal telling them when to cross.

Zebra crossings give priority to pedestrians but do not actively slow down vehicles; thus they may induce unsafe behaviour from both driver and pedestrian. The issue of safety is more critical for the visually impaired and the NCBI have found Zebra crossings undesirable for the visually impaired. In addition, compliance with the law regarding this type of crossing is very difficult to enforce unless offending motorists are caught in the act.

In cases where it is felt a recommendation should be made we would  look at other more suitable traffic calming measures if needed, on a case by case basis, considering the criteria for approval for such measures.



Contact: Catalin Rosca, Area Engineer

                Environment and Transportation Department.

Email:   catalin.rosca@dublincity.ie


Karl Mitchell

Acting Executive Manager /Director of Services

North City


Order:Not agreed.  Refer to Transport SPC for discussion.




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Informal working group to be set up to discuss type of crossing that maybe safer the zebra crossings and agree a location for a trial in the future.