Venue: Remote Video Conference
Contact: Martina Halpin
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Meeting of the Traffic & Transport SPC, 02nd September 2020 PDF 236 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes Agreed. |
Briefing by Minister Eamon Ryan (TBC) Requested by Chairperson Cllr Christy Burke Additional documents: Minutes: Chair Cllr. Christy Burke welcomed Minister Eamon Ryan to the meeting and thanked him for his time. The Minister spoke on a number of current issues, Programme for Government, Importance of sustainable transport in the current environment, Bus Connects Project and its importance for the city, funding & investment, e-scooter proposed legislation. The Minister then answered questions raised by Members on a range of issues.
Update on College Green Plaza Project - Brendan O'Brien A/Executive Manager, Traffic Additional documents: Minutes: As the Minister was unable to attend the meeting until 3.45 due to being called to the Dáil for Topical question which was unscheduled, item 3 commenced prior to the arrival of Minister Ryan. Brendan O’Brien gave a presentation on the new proposals for College Green Plaza which is out on non-statutory public consultation. Members raised questions in relation to the presentation and it was agreed these would be answered by email to facilitate the arrival of the Minister.
Noted. |
National Transport Authority Presentation on Bus Connects Project, start of third phase of public consultation Additional documents: Minutes: Hugh Creegan, John Fleming and Grainne Macken were in attendance and John Fleming & Grainne Macken presented on the third phase of the Bus Connects Project which opened that day. The team from the NTA answered questions raised by members in relation the project.
Noted. |
Reports by Chairpersons of Walking & Cycling and Public Transport Sub-Committees Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Walking & Cycling and Public Transport Sub-Committees held on the 15th and 16th September were emailed to all SPC members.
Motion in the name of Cllr Jane Horgan Jones For an assessment of the advantages and the disadvantages of running bus routes against the flow of traffic on the quays in the city centre to be undertaken by Dublin City Council, with a view to the findings being presented to Dublin Bus and the NTA. For example, buses heading to Heuston station would no longer run on the south-side of the river, they would run on the Northside on the river-side of the road, adjacent to the boardwalk. The potential advantages of this are as follows: · Make better use of footpaths on the riverside · Increased use of riverside footpaths can reduce antisocial behaviour on the boardwalks · Reduce conflict between bus passengers and cyclists at bus stops on the business/shop side of the road and so allow the bike lane to revert to the left side of the road, from the current riverside bike lane. This is a more suitable side of the road for cyclists. · Reduce bus passengers clogging up footpaths on the building-side of the quays.
Additional documents: Minutes: Deferred to next SPC Meeting. |
AOB Additional documents: Minutes: 7.Motion in the name of Cllr. Daniel Céitinn
That this committee undertakes to write to the Minister for Local Government and request that the necessary amendments are made to the legislation, and any relevant regulations, which prevent a proposal which has completed a statutory public consultation process from being amended by City Council where amendments are evidence in the feedback from the public consultation, to allow such amendments to be made post-consultation.
Agreed without debate.