{meta} Agenda for North Central Area JPC on Monday 19th April, 2021, 11.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: BY REMOTE VIDEO CONFERENCE. View directions

No. Item


Minutes of JPC meeting held on 18th January 2021 and matters arising. pdf icon PDF 642 KB


Minutes Agreed


Darndale Social & Economic Update


Darndale Social & Economic Update


Order:  Coilin O Reilly advised following two meetings that there is a lot of positive ideas and in process of prioritising plan, budget of E250,000 has been assigned to Implementation of the plan. Dympna Mc Cann has been assigned as overall Administrator. Cllr. Lyons asked that information be filtered to people at ground level for the purpose of maximum involvement, Coilin O Reilly advised this was to be achieved by themed workshops.




Policing of Gaming & Lotteries Act pdf icon PDF 423 KB


Policing of Gaming & Lotteries Act


Order:Update given by Supt. Darren Mc Carthy on change to Lotteries Act which was implemented on 1st Dec 2020. Random checks can be carried out on Betting offices and the committee was reminded that any concerns that they have can be reported & spot checks will be made. Deputy O Riordan advised on Senator Mark Wall introducing the banning of all gambling ads & asked for this committee to send a letter to the Minister for Justice outlining experiences and concerns raised.



Garda Reports: pdf icon PDF 490 KB

Additional documents:


Garda Report's –

Superintendent Ronan Barry – Coolock

Superintendent Darren Mc Carthy  -  Raheny/Clontarf

Inspector Brian Kavanagh  - Santry


Order: Committee welcomes Supt. Ronan Barry to Coolock.

An Garda Siochana discussed the statistics for the DMR North. There has been a number of significant drug seizures in the area. Knife crime is on the rise and due to Covid unable to reach out to schools, they would ask all parents to take responsibility.

Cllr Cooney requested more Garda presence around Parks to deal specifically with stealing of scooters from children with offensive weapons. Cllr Heney asked that online awareness be done with school’s to make children aware and requested more co-operations between DCC & Gardai around parks.

Cllr Stocker requested Gardai host a public safety meeting to make parents aware of the dangers and this was supported by Cllr O’Muiri & Cllr Heney. Supt. Darren Mc Carthy to look into this.


Cllr.Lyons stated that more is needed to be done to disrupt street dealing which is becoming the norm for people, this was also reiterated by Linda Hayden aswell as increase in anti-social activity, there is a need for an awareness campaign for adults.


Cllr Gilliland asked if “Cucooing” has been an issue in the area which is where dealers take over houses of addicts/family etc. Connell McGlynn advised this has been an issue and the area office is currently working with a number of these at the moment.


Cllr Batten was advised by An Garda Siochana that the Darndale unit is active with 5members on the team that maybe expanded.


Chief Supt.Curran advised that the station in Clongriffin in currently a work in progress and he should have more news in 3-6 months. Cllr O’Toole advised that no point in having new station if no people to work from it, doenst want to see resources being pulled from other areas to cover.



Cllr. Heney also raised concerns around domestic violence and the effect it has on children, Chief Supt.Curran advised all cases with children involved are referred to Tusla with average of 4000 referrals per year.



Cllr Heney was disappointed Animal cruelty not listed on all reports, advised around lack of knowledge with Gardai & cost issues of horse seizure should not be an issue, asked about animal scanners on patrol cars/stations, Animal Cruelty Section need to Implement & enforce the Act. Chief Supt. Curran stated a lot of work is being done with DCC new Animal Cruelty Section & that devices in cars would be a corporate decision.


Cllr Roe & Cllr Batten requested regular patrols of the Albert College & Plunkett College area be carried out due to a number of issues arising over the last few weeks.






Superintendent Ronan Barry - Coolock pdf icon PDF 490 KB


Superintendent Darren Mc Carthy - Raheny/Clontarf pdf icon PDF 699 KB


Inspector Brian Kavanagh - Santry pdf icon PDF 497 KB




Any Other Business and Further Items:


·         Darndale Social & Economic Update

·         Report on Fraud & Economic Crime (Superintendent Ronan Barry)

·         Youth Justice Strategy (Patricia Roe requested)

·         Citizen Assembly on Drugs (how DCC/Garda can interact with young children – Don’t take Cocaine campaign)





Proposed date of next meeting: Monday 19th July 2021




Next meeting Monday 19th July 2021, 11.30am.


Coilin O’Reilly

Director of Services – North City   


Councillor Tom Brabazon


19th April 2021