No. | Item |
Minutes of meeting held on 5th October, 2020 Minutes: Order: Agreed |
Jack Nolan Report Minutes: Order: Coilin O Reilly gave a brief update on the Implementation Working Group which, is making good progress. Jack Nolan has agreed to Chair the Implementation working group which, will consist of representatives from HSE, Gardai and two community Reps. It is hoped that there will be a workshop regarding the Report by the end of January.
Linda Hayden queried how the 2 community reps will be chosen. Coilin advised that they will come from Community Forum. Coming as a subset from the Implementation Working Group there will be a Community Forum, both Linda and Cllr. O Toole felt that these two community reps should be chosen from the Community Group. Coilin to come back re this. Cllr.Michael Mac Donnacha wanted it noted that he strongly feels that Councillors should be on this Implementation Working Group. Cllrs, Deirdre Heney and Cllr. Alison Gilliland agreed with Cllr. O Toole and Cllr. Mac Donnacha. Coilin stated that he would take all of these comments on board.
Minutes: Order: Inspector Dermot Mc Kenna gave a presentation on the “Drug related Intimidation Reporting Programme” followed with questions and answers. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: An Garda Síocnána discussed the statistics for the DMR North. There has been a significant decrease in burglaries across DMR North with lockdown and a larger number in the home, this is also being reflected nationally. Again there is an increase in incidents of domestic violence.
Cllr. Heney raised the issue around breakdown of young children effected by domestic violence. Cllr. O Muiri also queried domestic violence and referring to Tusla. Chief Superintendent Mark Curran advised there is a new operational model in place with Tusla. An Garda Síochána have a lot of supports in place to deal with domestic violence, there is a very specific team working with these victims on a one to one, all risk assessments carried out and all cases with children are automatically referred to Tusla. Coolock have a very high referral rate to Tusla. He advised that not all domestic violence cases are spouse related with over 30% being parents & siblings. Cllr. Mac Donnacha asked was there any resource issues, it was advised that there are no resource issues as a new Divisional Section of 21 people was set up in August 2020 dealing with domestic violence.
Cllr. Heney also raised the issue of Animal Cruelty and wanted clarity on the breakdown for offences committed by humans to animals. Chief Superintendent Curran advised that acts of cruelty to animal welfare is recorded on the Garda Pulse System. Part of Garda training in Templemore includes animal welfare.
Cllr. Barron asked if there have been any prosecutions or files gone to DPP regarding catalytic converters being stolen. Chief Superintendent Curran stated that they are currently in discussions with Toyota Ireland in regards to new devices that make it nearly impossible to remove these.
Cllr. O Toole raised the issue re illegal dumping not coming up in any reports, is there any action being taken? Superintendent Mark O Neill advised that he was actively working with DCC on a large scale dumping area and he did not want to go into it. The powers to prosecute rubbish offenders rely on the public to detect and CCTV. It was noted that the Jack Nolan report states that a huge clean-up of the area is needed.
Linda Hayden is requesting more support & follow up from the Gardai as a number of calls from the Bell Building went unanswered, Superintendent Mark O Neill will follow this up & ensure the area in question is patrolled. |
Any Other Business and Further Items Minutes: · Policing of gaming & Lotteries – Chair Cllr. Tom Brabazon · Report on fraudulent letter/passes are being done up by anti-maskers advising bearer cannot wear a mask as they have an illness.
Letter to be sent to:
· Department of Health regarding national drug strategy · Department of Taoiseach with regards to there currently being no member of cabinet dealing with drug issues.
Next meeting Monday 19th April, 2021 Minutes: Order: Agreed |