Contact: Aileen Mac Dermott
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of Meeting 29th September PDF 427 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Minutes of Meeting 29th September Minutes: Agreed |
Matters Arising Additional documents: Minutes:
2. Matters arising Apologies from Jonny McKenna · PPN need to nominate a 2nd person to the Planning and Urban Form SPC. Robbie has written to Richard who has agreed that they have till April 2021. The PPN are in the process of setting up a new office. · Capturing public gain from Land Zoning Measures. The Chair has secured agreement from CPG for the establishment of the sub-committee. Terms of reference to be agreed on the 4th Dec · Update on Nass Road/Ballymount/Cherry Orchard/Park West URDF Masterplan Some statistics on Build to Rent Planning Applications, were sent prior to this meeting.
· Update on Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) Richard to give an update on outcome of the meeting with The Department on the 1st October, regarding the BID. Minister to announce successful applicants early December. We hope to get some significant projects.
· City Development Plan Communication Strategy The document was circulated to all Councillors
· SHD Process Process document sent to all SPC Members and for discussion at the next meeting
· Emergency Motion re: 40 Herbert Park Report from Richard on findings went to all Members and Richard in the process of doing a further update. After the demolition a Cease Works Notice was put in effect so the Developer cannot continue to work on the site until pre-commencement conditions have been agreed. Residents have taken an injunction against the Developer.
City Greening Strategy PDF 376 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 3. City Greening Strategy
Presentation given by Les Moore, City Parks Superintendent, Discussion followed, Les addressed questions raised by the Members. They commended the work of Les and his team and felt the greening of the city was very inspiring and uplifting in the current climate. Presentation Noted. |
Short Term Letting Update PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: 4. Short Term Letting Update
The Enforcement Manager gave an update: Since the new legislation came into force Enforcement have resolved 60-70% of cases to date these have reverted back to non-short term tenancies/lets. The specific figures relating to this is that we have opened 859 cases since July 2019 and of these we have resolved 526 with the remaining 333 still under investigation. Enforcement action to date since January 2020
There were 475 enforcement file opened this year (up to 5/11/2020)
There were 351 cases resolved Cases since January 2020. The remaining cases are under active investigations.
25 x Enforcement Notices have been issued.
4 cases have been referred for legal proceedings in respect of non-compliance with enforcement notices. These cases are currently before the courts awaiting hearing.
Discussion followed and the Enforcement Manager addressed questions raised by the Members Presentation Noted.
Proposed Works to City Walls PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: 5. Proposed Works to City Walls. The Dublin City Archaeologist gave a presentation which outlined the history of this National Monument and the conservation works ongoing at the moment. Cllr. Dermot Lacey offered his congratulations to the City Archaeologist and Lidl on Aungier Street for their innovative approach to the development. Presentation Noted |
Criteria for Selecting Council owned Sites for Disposal PDF 263 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 6. Criteria for Selecting Council Owned Sites for Disposal
Helen McNamara outlined the changes in the report which was sent to the Members prior to the meeting. Discussion followed, Cllr. Alison Gilliland through Cllr. Lacey requested that Section 8 of the criteria be amended to include the reason for reaching the decision.
Agreed: H. McNamara agreed to amend the criteria as requested and the report to be submitted to the City Council for consideration.
Ancillary Family Accommodation PDF 179 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 7. Ancillary Family Accommodation John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer went through the report circulated prior to meeting. He gave an outline to the 2 main types of accommodation.
1. Ancillary family accommodation ( aka granny flats) 2. Attic Space
Discussion followed and John answered questions raised by the Members Agreed: John to make representation in conjunction with the Building Control Section to the Department of Housing and Planning, Building Control Section to seek a review of the height regulations from 2.4m to 2m in respect of attic conversions.
Motion Motion in the name of Odran Reid Due to the decline in the retail sector and the increasing vacancies in retail premises, Dublin City Council should convene a taskforce drawn from key stakeholders, business interests, consumer interests academia, representative and professional bodies, key sections within the Council and other interested bodies to examine the future of the town centre and the high street within all of Dublin City Council area. The need for a diverse and dynamic town centre, as well as active and functional suburbs that are sustainable and meet the complex needs of the citizens of the city require that shared areas in town and village centres offer safe and coherent services for all. In the context of climate change and other existential challenges such as Brexit, it is critically important that a comprehensive examination of what the city will become post Covid 19 takes place in an inclusive and imaginative way.
Additional documents: Minutes: 8.Motion Motion in the name of Odran Reid Due to the decline in the retail sector and the increasing vacancies in retail premises, Dublin City Council should convene a taskforce drawn from key stakeholders, business interests, consumer interests academia, representative and professional bodies, key sections within the Council and other interested bodies to examine the future of the town centre and the high street within all of Dublin City Council area. The need for a diverse and dynamic town centre, as well as active and functional suburbs that are sustainable and meet the complex needs of the citizens of the city require that shared areas in town and village centres offer safe and coherent services for all. In the context of climate change and other existential challenges such as Brexit, it is critically important that a comprehensive examination of what the city will become post Covid 19 takes place in an inclusive and imaginative way.
Verbal reply provided by John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer. Dublin City Council has commissioned a Retail Impact Study to inform the new Development Plan. Discussion followed and John answered questions raised by the Members
Additional documents: Minutes: 9. A.O.B. None
Proposed Meeting Dates for Next Year
1. Date of next meeting Tuesday 23rd February 2021 Proposed dates for 2021 Tuesday April 27th 2021 Tuesday June 29th 2021 Tuesday September 28th 2021 Tuesday November 23rd 2021
Additional documents: Minutes: 10. Date of next meeting 23rd February 2021
Proposed dates for 2021 Tuesday April 27th Tuesday June 29th Tuesday September 28th Tuesday November 23rd
Councillor Ray McAdam Chairperson Tuesday 24th November 2020