{meta} Agenda for Housing and Social Inclusion SPC on Wednesday 9th February, 2022, 11.00 am

Agenda and draft minutes



No. Item


Minutes of meeting dated Wednesday 19th January and matters arising pdf icon PDF 189 KB

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Agreed: Minutes Agreed



Chairpersons Business

i.           Correspondence


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i.           Correspondence


Agreed: Tenant In-Situ correspondence to be circulated to members



Age Friendly - Housing for Older People Presentation pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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The following themes were discussed;


·         Demographic Change/The Challenge

·         Age Friendly Ireland Shared Service

·         Housing Policy updates

·         Suite of nine documents launch

·         Dublin City Council (DCC) Annual Report Grant Scheme

·         Age Friendly Housing Technical Advisor

·         Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

·         Minimum sized home compared to a Universal Design (UD) home

·         New housing in existing suburbs challenge

·         Build to Rent

·         Housing Adaptation Grants

·         Standard Modification

·         Under-utilised Housing


Agreed: Presentation noted


Housing Delivery Update pdf icon PDF 851 KB

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The following themes were discussed;


           Agenda Thematic topics

           Delivery Stream activity consultation with Local Area Committees

           Housing targets & Output figures

           Housing For All plan review – Practical Implementation

           Competitive Dialogue

           Expression of Interest/Tender flexibility


           Target/Plans & DCC remaining Land Banks




Agreed: Dept. of Housing, Local Government and Heritage consultation update with regard to Cost Rental and Affordable Housing figures shall be provided at a future SPC


Agreed: Housing Delivery Reform update to be included on a future agenda


Report on Homelessness pdf icon PDF 561 KB

Additional documents:


1.    Report on Homelessness & 7iii Special Committee on Homelessness


The following themes were discussed;

·         Current HAP rates & potential unintended consequences if the threshold was increased

·         Quality Standards Framework & Inspections

·         Tender for inspections

·         New Action Plan

·         Households exiting homelessness & solutions/strategies

·         Timeframe processing Housing Applications

·         HAP Tenures/Tenancy Types

·         National Homeless Action Committee initiatives

·         Cost Rental


Agreed: Discuss agenda points 5 & 7iii simultaneously



Report on Housing Allocations pdf icon PDF 673 KB

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6.    Report on Housing Allocations & 8. Motion in the name of the Lord Mayor Cllr Alison Gilliland


The Housing SPC recognises the importance of our housing waiting lists working as effectively and efficiently as possible for those who qualify for social housing. Since the introduction of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme, Dublin City Council has sought to ensure that those in receipt of HAP are not disadvantaged in terms of waiting time for social housing.


Applicants who avail of social housing support through the HAP scheme are placed on the transfer list in line with s.37, Part 4 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2014 “the provision of housing assistance under this Part shall be deemed to be an appropriate form of social housing support for a household that is determined by a housing authority to be qualified for such support”.


The transfer list has ceased operating effectively and has caused frustration for HAP applicants and for social housing transfer list applicants given the constant 'moving' of one's place on the list. Therefore the Housing SPC agrees to a review of the current approach to providing an effective waiting list approach for those in receipt of HAP with a view to making it more effective.


The Lord Mayor explained the context of the motion.

The following themes were discussed under agenda points 6 & 8;

The following themes were discussed;

·         Housing Assistant Payment (HAP) process

·         Medical Priority & suitable accommodation

·         Right Sizing & Life Cycle Housing Development

·         Allocation statistic breakdown

·         Transfer List/Clear account

·         Legislation constraints

·         Choice Based Lettings process and consultation

·         Surrender larger accommodation option

·         Potential Working Group establishment


Agreed: Discuss agenda points 6 & 8 simultaneously


Agreed: Allocations to circulate detailed annual Lettings report to sectoral Housing SPC members.


Agreed: Motion agreed & a small working group to be set up to examine the issues.



Update on Working Groups

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Public Housing Working Group

Verbal Update

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Public Housing Working Group

Agreed: N/A



Senior Citizens Working Group Update

Verbal Update

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Senior Citizens Working Group Update

Cllr Mary Freehill provided members with meetings & strategy update

Agreed: Update noted



Special Committee on Homelessness pdf icon PDF 675 KB

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Special Committee on Homelessness

Agreed: Discuss agenda points 5 & 7iii simultaneously



Oversight Committee on Animal Welfare Issues

Verbal Update

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Oversight Committee on Animal Welfare Issues

Cllr Deirdre Heney provided members update

Agreed: Update noted



Motion in the name of the Lord Mayor Cllr Alison Gilliland

The Housing SPC recognises the importance of our housing waiting lists working as effectively and efficiently as possible for those who qualify for social housing. Since the introduction of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme, Dublin City Council has sought to ensure that those in receipt of HAP are not disadvantaged in terms of waiting time for social housing.


Applicants who avail of social housing support through the HAP scheme are placed on the transfer list in line with s.37, Part 4 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2014 “the provision of housing assistance under this Part shall be deemed to be an appropriate form of social housing support for a household that is determined by a housing authority to be qualified for such support”.


The transfer list has ceased operating effectively and has caused frustration for HAP applicants and for social housing transfer list applicants given the constant 'moving' of one's place on the list. Therefore the Housing SPC agrees to a review of the current approach to providing an effective waiting list approach for those in receipt of HAP with a view to making it more effective.


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Agreed: Discuss agenda points 6 & 8 simultaneously

Agreed: Motion agreed & a small working group to be set up to examine the issues.





              i.                2022 SPC Work Plan


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Agreed: Choice Based Lettings report shall be circulated to members