{meta} Agenda for Housing SPC on Thursday 5th April, 2018, 3.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions


No. Item


Minutes of meeting dated Thursday 8th March 2018 and matters arising

Additional documents:


Agreed: Minutes agreed.



Chairperson's Business:

o    Correspondence

o    Update on Sub-Groups

o    Condensation: Next Meeting 10th April @ 15:00, block 1, floor 3, Civic Offices


Additional documents:


Cllr. Daithi and members expressed their gratitude to Dublin Fire Brigade and all concerned for their response to the fire in the Metro Hotel in Ballymun. Cllr. Doolan sought a current update from management concerning families affected by the incident.


Brendan Kenny, Assistant Chief Executive updated members in relation to D.C.C.’s engagement with families to date and the procedure involved.


o   Correspondence

None received

o   Update on Sub-Groups

Ø  Condensation: Next Meeting 10th April @ 15:00



Scheme of Lettings Priorities - Proposed Revision pdf icon PDF 421 KB

Additional documents:


Scheme of Letting Priorities – Proposed Revision


Discussion Followed.


Cllr. Gilliland explained the context of Motion.


Discussion Followed.


Agreed: Members agreed to discuss Scheme of Lettings Priorities and Cllr. Alison Gilliland’s motion in tandem on the agenda.


Agreed: A report will be prepared in advance of May Housing SPC and that report along with a recommendation from the SPC will go to council for amendment or adoption at the May Council meeting. The SOL group can meet if there is a need once the report has been circulated.


Agreed: Bring the Scheme of Lettings Priorities review to the May City Council meeting.


Agreed: Motion Noted



Housing Update Reports pdf icon PDF 386 KB

o    Homelessness

o    Housing Supply

o    Traveller Accommodation


Additional documents:


o    Homelessness


Discussion Followed.


Agreed: Report Noted.


o    Housing Supply


Discussion Followed.


Agreed: Report Noted.



o    Traveller Accommodation


Discussion Followed.


Agreed: Report Noted.



Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland

DCC notes the proposed changes in the Housing Allocations System, in particular the changes relating to removal of the Homeless Priority waiting list. DCC also notes the concerns regarding these changes expressed by key organisations working to support and evidence those experiencing homelessness 


To ascertain that these proposed changes do not negatively impact on the experience and the opportunity to be housed of those families and individuals who find themselves homeless, DCC will carry out a full Impact Analysis on the proposed changes and present the results for consideration prior to any decision being taken to proceed with the proposed allocations. 


Additional documents:


Agreed: Members agreed to discuss Scheme of Lettings Priorities and Cllr. Alison Gilliland’s motion in tandem on the agenda.



Emergency Motion in the name of Cllr. Cieran Perry

This committee calls on the Assistant Chief Executive for Housing to provide a report to the next Housing SPC documenting a process to alleviate the current delays in completing refurbishment work on voids. For example, there are currently over 60 voids in the North West Area with the majority in our procession since last year. I am aware that the contractor Framework is due for renewal in May but the tendering process may delay that further and we cannot afford to leave voids unoccupied unnecessarily during the current housing crisis. Temporary framework tendering may be an option or the use of another public service organisations construction framework may be possible. I am asking that the Office of Government Procurement is contacted for advice.


Additional documents:


Cllr. Perry explained the context of Motion.


Discussion Followed.


Agreed: Motion Noted



A.O.B. pdf icon PDF 108 KB

·         REPORT TO SPC re Docklands (Part V) - For Noting

Additional documents:


REPORT TO SPC re Docklands (Part V) – For Noting


Discussion Followed.


Cllr. Doolan extended an invitation to Housing SPC members to attend the launch of the Housing with Supports imitative. Invitation shall be sent to members in due course.


Chair thanked all for their attendance,


Cllr. Daithi Doolan