{meta} Agenda for Housing SPC on Friday 13th January, 2017, 3.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions


No. Item


Housing Programme Report pdf icon PDF 763 KB

Additional documents:


Action: Agreed Report to be issued in relation to number of units D.C.C. have held over the last five years.



Monthly Housing Programme Report circulated to members prior to meeting. 

Tony Flynn, Executive Manager went through presentation. 


The Chair, Cllr. Boyland and Cllr. Perry queried as to where the process (Part 8) can be speeded up.


Cllr. Janice Boylan asked about Part V 25 units in 2016, (one or more developments?), HAP tenancies roll out, March deadline is still viable?


Cllr. Cieran Perry asked if the June handover for the Rapid Builds is realistic? He asked if the Finglas and Airfield Schemes are 100% Social Housing schemes.


Both Cllr. Lyons and Cllr. Connaghan asked if a review has been carried out at Rapid Build Poppintree to see how the tenants are getting on.


Cllr. John Lyons stated that a meeting with Minister Coveney should be arranged through the Housing SPC with a review to increasing the Capital budget for the next few years.

Cllr Lyons sought Clarification in relation the Kilmore Rapid Build project. He asked for a time-frame in relation the Land Initiative.


Cllr Anthony Connaghan enquired if there is going to be underground car parking for the Scribblestown development and about consultation with local residents thus far. He asked for time-frame of Rapid Build at Rathvilly and Woodbank sites and also asked if consultation with residents has taken place.


Cllr. Pat Dunne requested a report on the number of units D.C.C. has had over the last couple years compared to the current amount be circulated. He also sought an update from Anthony Flynn with regard to the “Armagh Convent” grounds.


Tony Flynn addressed the various questions raised;


He stated the Part V Hampton Wood was one scheme with 25 units. He informed the committee that he anticipated that mainstream HAP will be introduced on the first of March. Presentation is planned for June meeting of Central committee meeting regarding Infirmary road.


He anticipates a possible phased handover of Rapid Build early April/May on one site. He explained that New Build technique is being piloted on Bunratty Road and Fishamble St. with a view to completing developments in a shorter time frame, it is currently taking over 5-6 years using traditional building techniques.


He  advised that Finglas and Airfield are 100% social schemes.


He advised that there will be underground car parking at Scribblestown development.


He explained that Woodville House is being reviewed with a view to increasing units to a figure of “In and Around” 36 units.


Land Initiative Timeline to be revised.


Regarding Rathvilly and Woodbank schemes, he stated that main consultation will start in February.


Tony Flynn explained that D.C.C. is satisfied with the building technique (Poppintree Rapid Build).


He stated that “Armagh” site shall be starting in Q1 2017.


Tony addressed the topic of speeding up the programme by stating that sites will have to be “Future Proofed” meaning front loaded investment is needed. He emphasised the importance of site selection and removing any  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Chairperson's Business: pdf icon PDF 509 KB


·        Update on Sub-Groups

·        Update on 2016 Action Plan of Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021



Additional documents:


Action:Agreed Report to issue on review of Choice Based Lettings



Céline Reilly advised that Choice Based Lettings will be used in 2 or 3 housing areas initially and letters will issue to all applicants to advise them of this. Cllr Janice Boylan requested a report.



·         Sub-Groups:

Ø  Data Protection & Housing List:

Chair Cllr Pat Dunne advised that the group requested details on the Lettings List. Further advice has been sought on this from the Data Commissioner and we await a response. 

Ø  Social Integration & Tenure Diversity:

Chair Cllr Patrick Costello advised that the sub-group have met once.  Cllr. Costello to discuss the purpose of the group further with the Chair of the SPC. Overlap of Planning policy and could link into Planning SPC. 

Ø  DCC Housing Stock Standards:

Céline Reilly, Executive Manager advised of letter to issue to DHPCLG regarding the Housing SPCs support of DCC submissions for funding regarding 2-into-1s and for deep retrofit proposals.


·      Update on 2016 Action Plan of Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021


Circulated to members prior to meeting.



Minutes of meetings dated 23rd November and 9th December 2016 and matters arising pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


Action : Agreed



I.G.B. Action Group pdf icon PDF 644 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair asked if Housing SPC members were in agreement to have presentation by I.G.B. first on the agenda.


I.G.B. Action Group


The I.G.B. Action Group gave a presentation to the SPC.

Members present thanked I.G.B. for their attendance and expressed their support for their initiative.



Disability Strategy pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


Action: Agreed Housing SPC to write to Min. Coveney re: the apartment sizes being too small to allow for universal access.



Disability Strategy


Cormac O’ Donnell and Brian Swann of D.C.C. briefed members on Dublin City Council’s Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability.


Cllr. Daithi Doolan, Cllr. David Costello, Cllr. Pat Dunne, Cllr. Cieran Perry and Cllr. Mannix Flynn supported positive engagement with Minister Coveney in relation to current standards. The apartment sizes being too small to allow for universal access was discussed and it was agreed to write to Min. Coveney regarding this.


Tony Flynn, Executive Manager stated that under the disability strategy,  a number of working groups are to be set up and a sub group to be created to look at barriers regarding housing people with a disability. He said that D.C.C. have detailed profiles of needs of people on the housing list. Units acquired and new builds will be future proofed.



Homeless Update pdf icon PDF 567 KB

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Update circulated to Housing SPC member and all other Councillors prior to meeting.


Cllr. Christy Burke would like an end of the process of “People on Mats” in Merchants Quay Cafe.


Cllr. Christy Burke, Cllr. Cieran Perry, Janice Boylan and Cllr. Mannix Flynn raised concerns about emergency accommodation standards.


Cllr. Christy Burke, Cllr. Boylan & Cllr. Pat Dunne thanked staff for the work being done in relation to tackling  homelessness.


Cllr. Anthony Connaghan & Cllr. Pat Dunne commended Home Sweet Home for highlighting of the Homelessness issue.


Brendan Kenny advised that all hostels meet standards. He stated that D.C.C. has approached the Minister for 2 more hostels.  Provided an update (figures/stats). D.C.C. is actively trying to eliminate mat issue (M.Q.I.) through supply of accommodation.


Eileen Gleeson stated that National Quality Standards are being developed (End of March) and Voluntary Sector aware of this.



Traveller Accommodation Update pdf icon PDF 374 KB

Additional documents:


Action:Agreed Report on Lands for Traveller Specific Housing to issue February Housing SPC meeting.



Report circulated to members prior to meeting.


Cllr. Anthony Connaghan asked for an update about the report for Lands for Traveller Specific Housing.

He asked about the cause of the recent fire at Avilla Park.

Cllr. John Lyons asked if a presentation can be given next month, Re: Labre Park.

Cllr. Mannix Flynn asked for a report in relation to the extent that Caravans are in the rear gardens of dwellings.


Céline Reilly Executive Manager stated that Mary Hayes shall prepare a Identification of Lands report for the February SPC.

She advised that we could look at the possibility of Cluid (Labre Park) attending the next meeting rather than the March meeting as it currently stands.






Additional documents:


Action: Agreed  Report on airbnb will issue to a future meeting of the Housing SPC.

Action: Agreed Survey Housing SPC members regarding preferred dates for 2017 meetings. The next two SPC meetings to be held on 10th Feb and 10th March will remain on the agreed dates to allow for the presentations e.g. HFA and Clúid. Then dates of meetings will be reviewed for 2017.



Cllr. Janice Boylan asked about the “Hotel” update.

Cllr. Mannix Flynn re-iterated his request for a report on airbnb.


Brendan Kenny stated that DRHE is actively looking at suitable hotel accommodation and will advise of any updates when available.



Cllr. Perry requested a debate soon (within next two meetings) in relation to the day SPC meetings are held. Cllr. Connaghan and Cllr. Lyons were also in favour of an alternative day.