Contact: Marilyn Vickers
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of meeting held 06/09/22 (5 minutes) Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting, which took place on 6th September 2022, were agreed by Members. Proposed by Odran Reid and seconded by Evanne Kilmurray.
Matters Arising (5 minutes) Additional documents: Minutes: None.
Motion of Notice None received. Additional documents: Minutes: None received.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ciara O’hAodha, Head EPSO Copy of report was provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack Progress report noted. Ciara O h’Aodha was congratulated and welcomed to the post of Head of EPSO. The Chair opened the floor to questions and answers. Questions were addressed. Cllr. Freehill put forward her interest to attend upcoming study visit to Brussels being arranged by EPSO. Action: Cllr. Deacy and Ciara O’hAodha to examine possible funding potential for community development under Urban 1 and Urban 2 funding streams.
Action: EU Recovery & Resilience Facility (RRF) and DCC’s submission to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan including 13 potential projects to the value of €464.2M. Chair agreed to the EDE SPC writing to the Dept. of An Taoiseach and Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform seeking a meeting with the Members to discuss further the Council’s submission.
Additional documents: Minutes: Mary MacSweeney, Senior Executive Officer/Deputy Head of Enterprise & Economic Development Copy of report and draft strategy document were provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack Mary MacSweeney updated Members. The Chair thanked the Presenter and opened the floor to questions and answers. Update was noted. Questions were addressed. Action: Mary MacSweeney undertook to bring to the attention of KPMG / DBEC Political Advisory Group Secretariat that Members of the EDE SPC are of the opinion that all Councillors should have been invited to the recent workshop on draft strategy work on the 14th Oct 22 and to bear this in mind for future meetings. Workshop should not be limited to those on the DBEC Political Advisory Group. Action: As requested by Cllr. Freehill, and approved by Chair, Mary MacSweeney and Chair Cllr. Tom Brabazon to meet separately with Cllr. Freehill regarding concerns she has around the DBEC.
Additional documents: Minutes: Jamie Moore and Enda Geraghty, Eirgrid Copy of presentation was provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack Eirgrid presented to Members. The Chair thanked the Presenters and opened the floor to questions and answers. Questions were addressed and feedback was taken on board in particular the importance of having a robust Eirgrid communications tool kit. Action: Eirgrid made commitment to contact each DCC Councillor by email with current programme of works for PoweringUp Dublin City including where possible timelines, consultants and engagement forums and contact details including phone numbers.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ross Curley, Senior Economic Development Officer updated Members. The Chair thanked the Presenter and opened the floor to questions and answers. None received.
Smart Tourism Update - Barry Rogers, Smart Tourism Programme Manager (20 minutes) Additional documents: Minutes: Barry Rogers, Smart Tourism Programme Manager Copy of presentation was provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack Barry Rogers presented to Members. The Chair thanked the Presenter and opened the floor to questions and answers. Questions were addressed. Action: it was agreed that the Smart Tourism Programme – Strategy Update would be included in agenda for January SPC meeting. Cllr. Cooney requested further information on Master Card Spending Pulse breakdown.
Economic Development & Enterprise Management Reports (5 minutes) Ø Economic Development Office Ø Local Enterprise Office Ø Dublin.ie Ø Smart Dublin and Smart Cities Ø Your Dublin Your Voice – LECP Findings Additional documents: Minutes: Copy of Management Reports were provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack. Reports Noted. Action: Cllr Cooney requested that a copy of the Night Time Economy Policy Report that was produced by the Night Time Economy Working Group be sent to her. Tony Flynn agreed to provide her with copy.
Any Other Business (10 minutes) Ø 2023 EDE SPC dates for noting in diary
Next SPC Meeting: 24th January 2023 (3.30pm to 5.30pm) Venue: Hybrid – City Hall / Zoom
Additional documents: Minutes:
· 2023 EDE SPC dates – noted · Natalie McGuinness, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, notified Members by chat function on Zoom that there will be a new Dublin Chamber Representative in 2023. Action: Chair to write to Natalie McGuinness regarding this.
Next SPC Meeting: 24th January 2023 (3.30pm – 5.30pm) Venue: City Hall / Hybrid
Action items for Progression: