Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 26th February 2024 Additional documents: |
Presentation - St Agnes Community Centre For Music & Arts - Hilda Milner & Sr. Bernadette Additional documents: |
Motion from Cllr Claire Byrne: 'That this SPC calls on Dublin City Council:
This is to ensure that the sector and all relevant departments are working to reach our climate targets as set out in our Climate Action Plan and so Dublin City Council can set a positive example for the events sector and the city.'
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Motion from Sunil Sharpe: "For this SPC to make a recommendation to the Planning Department to examine the city's noise impact policy in relation to new owners or tenants moving into a singular residential unit - house, apartment or flat - that adjoins a music related venue (licensed or unlicensed).
This should partly focus on the responsibility of property owners, landlords and estate agents who sell or let a property next to an established venue, helping to bring greater clarity and understanding to situations that may otherwise lead to disputes and costly legal proceedings.
Given the growing challenges for venues and businesses of all kinds (arts/culture/entertainment/hospitality) to survive in Dublin, as well as co-exist amongst an increasing residential population, a fresh examination of this policy would be most appropriate at this time."
The role of the planning department is limited to forward planning policy, assessment of planning applications (development management) and enforcement. It does not have a role in relation to lettings or ownership change of existing permitted properties.
In relation to the risk to existing venues and evening uses from new residential development, the 2022-2028 City Development Plan examined this issue in relation to both the night time economy and supporting cultural use in the City. A new objective was included in the plan in response. CUO38 (in Chapter 12: Culture) states “All applications for short or longer term residential proposals (including hotels) that seek permission adjacent to established late night uses such as nightclubs/music venues/public houses/comedy clubs, shall be required to demonstrate in their application, how, firstly through use of good design and layout; and secondly, through increased sound insulation; that they have ensured their development will not cause negative impacts on the adjoining uses in the future”.
Also within the Culture chapter are a number of other objectives that support and seek retention of cultural uses and spaces in the city including CUO39, CUO40, CUO41 which are focussed on supporting and growing the evening economy.
Deirdre Scully, City Planning Officer
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Update Report on the Spaces to Create Project Additional documents: |
Update Report on Little Amal Project Additional documents: |
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Approved Minutes of the Commemorations and Naming Committee dated 25th January 2024 Additional documents: |
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting dated 29th January 2024 Additional documents: |
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A.O.B. Additional documents: |