Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fanchea Gibson
No. | Item |
Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 25th September 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed
Presentation - Little Amal Visit to Dublin in May 2024 - Erika Clark, Belfast City Council Presentation to follow. Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Welcomed, suggestions can be forwarded to Ray Yeates.
Presentation - Dublin Winter Lights 2023, Simon Clarke, Administrative Officer Presentation to follow. Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Welcomed and noted. Dublin City Council Events Community Fund - The current total stands at €25,324. In accordance with the report “Event Safety and Minimal Charging for Public Events” submitted to the SPC Committee in February 2023, the total will be distributed equally amongst the five area offices for the purpose of funding events in the community.
Motion submitted by Cllr. Deirdre Heney: “That Dogs in parks and open spaces shall be kept on a leash, other than in areas designated as off-leash areas, or at times specified by the City Council. Dogs must be kept under effectual control at all times. Dogs (other than guide dogs or assistance dogs) shall not be permitted in public playgrounds. A person shall not cause or allow any Restricted Breed, as defined in the Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 (as amended) belonging to him/her, or in his/her charge to enter or remain in the park unless such dog is kept securely muzzled and led on a sufficiently strong leash not exceeding two metres in length by a competent person over 16 years of age.”
Reply: It is acknowledged that our Parks Bye Laws need to be reviewed and updated. The requirement “That Dogs in parks and open spaces shall be kept on a leash, other than in areas designated as off-leash areas” would be a beneficial change which would give local communities and neighbourhoods greater say over what parks and what areas of parks would be best suited for dogs off lead. We are trialling this in St Annes park and the North Bull Island at present. The process for making and changing Bye Laws is a statutory process contained in Part 19 of the Local Government Act 2001 and the Local Government Act 2001 (Bye-laws) Regulations 2006. It involves a public consultation which would undoubtably generate a great deal of comment, feedback and stakeholder engagement. At present the Parks Service is not in a position to commence such a resource heavy process but this review could commence in 3 2024.
Leslie Moore Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Department.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Retain on agenda for next meeting.
Update on Motion: “Due to the negative effects of the use of fireworks on people, animals and our environment, that Dublin City Council agrees a policy of non-use of fireworks (or supporting the holding of fireworks displays) in our communities/in our city and instead use and promote the use of alternative types of entertainment, e.g. outdoor film screenings, parades, (Bram Stoker Halloween Spooktacular, Bram Stoker Park,) at Halloween and festive occasions”.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action:A review will need to be carried out where a dedicated resource will need to be identified to lead the development of a policy in this area and to identify the various stakeholders including the area offices and Dublin Fire Brigade, the Gardaí etc who will need to input to this process. This work is likely to require research, drafting of a policy, engagement and consultation with internal and external stakeholders and will need to be reviewed in light of the work load of the CRES Department.
St. Patrick's Day Festival - for discussion Additional documents: Minutes:
Action: Noted. Agreed to invite the St Patricks Day Festival for discussion.
Verbal Update on the European Green Deal for Circular Festivals & the Circular Cities Declaration - Mary Mac Sweeney, A/Executive Manager Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Welcomed and noted. This item should be included on the agenda of a CPG meeting in 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Welcomed and noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Welcomed and noted. Cllrs are welcome to the exhibition and can contact Barbara Dawson or the office to arrange a suitable time.
Update Report on Chatham Row - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Welcomed and noted. SPC members will be informed of any further updates.
Update on the City Library, Mairead Owens, Dublin City Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
Proposed meeting dates for 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations and Naming Committee dated 27th July 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting dated 4th September 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting dated 6th November 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
Miontuairiscí Fochoiste Gaeilge den CBS - 13 Deireadh Fómhair 2023 Additional documents:
Minutes: Action: Agreed. |
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: · Members extended their gratitude to Ruairi O Cuív for all his hard work over several years and congratulated him on his retirement.