Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fanchea Gibson
No. | Item |
Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 22nd May 2023 PDF 454 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed
Presentation on the 500 Seater Venue Conceptual Feasibility Study - John Davison and Arthur Lappin of Turley Planning Presentation to follow. Additional documents: Minutes: The feasibility study was undertaken by Turley Planning alongside Arrow Architects. Key considerations include the need and impact upon the wider performance arts venues across the city. The assessment of the sustainable programme, governance and operation of a 500 seat venue and the development of a conceptual vision to inform future site identification and assessment. Action: Welcomed and Noted. The report will be considered by the Artists Work Spaces Working Group who will report back to this SPC.
Presentation on the Dublin Sports Plan 2023 - 2028 - Donncha Ó Dúlaing, Dublin City Council and Brian McNiece, Teneo Will be circulated by e-mail. Additional documents: Minutes: The new Sports Plan will act as a guide to help increase participation and access for all, including those in areas of economic disadvantage to harness the power of sport and physical activity to enhance the lives of the city’s citizens. There is an online public forum which will afford everyone opportunity to contribute to the Sport Plan.
Action: Welcomed and Noted. Send link of the public survey to members
Verbal Update on the European Green Deal for Circular Festivals - Mary MacSweeney, A/Executive Manager Additional documents: Minutes: Management informed members that following on from a Motion that was adopted by this SPC and a commitment to arrange a workshop on the European Green Deal for Circular Festivals. It was agreed, to broaden engagement, to invite two other SPC’s – Climate Action Environment and Energy SPC and the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC to join in an afternoon workshop on Thursday September 14th at the Wood Quay Venue (2.00 p.m.).
Action: Invitations to follow. Further information to follow.
Additional documents: Minutes: This report was broadly welcomed by members.
Action: Report supported.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: All issues were addressed. Report Noted.
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations and Naming Committee dated 23rd March 2023 PDF 448 KB Additional documents: Minutes: An amendment to the location for the memorial to Noel Browne was noted as his Election Headquarters and not Clinic. Management informed members that the Deputy City Librarian and the Deputy Lord Mayor attended the Peasant Revolution Commemorative International Conference in South Korea. Management informed members the Commemorations and Naming Committee considered the proposed memorial to the Children of the Rising. The Committee felt that there were already memorials in existence but as it is an artistic proposal, it was referred to the Arts and Culture Advisory Group.
Action: Noted.
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting dated 24th April 2023 PDF 604 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations and Naming Committee dated 25th May 2023 PDF 319 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that an amendment be made regarding the Harry Clarke Museum’s location. It is confirmed that it is 18 Parnell Square North and not 43 Parnell Square.
Action: Noted
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: Action: The Chair to invite Sunil Sharpe to an upcoming Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting to discuss artists workspaces for musicians.
Members conveyed best wishes to Paula Ebbs on her retirement.