{meta} Agenda for Arts, Culture, Leisure & Recreation SPC on Monday 14th November, 2016, 9.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

No. Item


Minutes of meeting held on 12th September 2016 pdf icon PDF 179 KB


Matters arising: Amend Minutes to include the attendance of Maurice Ahern, Irish Sports Council.


Action: Agreed.


The City Arts Officer in response to a discussion at the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group on the 5th of September, 2016 is to establish a Working Group to consider the complex issues arising out of the selection of a proposal by artist Vera Klute of a sculpture of Luke Kelly (2015) and the subsequent offer to the city of a completed sculpture of Luke Kelly by artist John Coll (2016) commissioned by a private citizen Gerry Hunt.  A report based on the findings of the Working Group  will be presented back to this Committee..


Action: Agreed




Presentation on the Proposed Discovery (Interpretive) Centre for Dublin Bay - Leslie Moore, City Parks Superintendent pdf icon PDF 11 MB


The presentation was broadly welcomed by members. The City Parks Superintendent informed the Committee that there will be ongoing consultation / communication with all local groups and will keep the Committee informed of the project going forward.


Action: .  It was agreed that the Committee be kept informed of this project.

                Noted and welcomed.





Report on the Implementation of the amended Street Performance Bye-Laws pdf icon PDF 238 KB


It was decided to take this item along with item 4 – Motion referred from South Central Area Committee.


The Manager gave the background on the Street Performance Bye-Laws to date. He outlined the main issues which are - banning of backing tracks, banning of amplification in the Temple Bar area and banning of all busking in one particular part of Temple Bar.  Other issues outlined were visitor licences and time slots and also some unlicenced performers who use amplification.  Overall there is a lot more compliance with the Bye-Laws. The appointment of four additional authorised enforcement officers and the co-operation of An Garda Siochana will have a positive impact on the Street Performers.

Another issue raised was noise / loud music from licenced premises and the regulations around noise pollution in the city.

It was decided to make the Street Performance Forum a formal Committee where most of these issues can be ironed out.  Cllr McGrattan proposed Cllr Greg Kelly to Chair this Committee.  The Chair requested that relevant Councillors ensure that local residents engage with this Forum.


Action:  Agreed to set up a formal Street Performance Forum with Cllr Greg Kelly as Chair.

Agreed to bring Minutes and Breviates from the Forum to this SPC.

Refer to the Environment SPC for a report on regulations on noise pollution in the city.



Motion referred from South Central Area Committee:-

“This Area Committee expresses its disappointment in the way major amendments were made to the Street Performance Bye-Laws at the Council Meeting of Monday 4th July and feels a vote on a motion to ban busking in parts of Temple Bar should not have been taken without full debate.  It is noted that at the Arts SPC it had been agreed that no ban on busking was agreed”.


“This Area Committee expresses its disappointment in the way major amendments were made to the Street Performance Bye-Laws at the Council Meeting of Monday 4th July and feels a vote on a motion to ban busking in parts of Temple Bar should not have been taken without full debate.  It is noted that at the Arts SPC it had been agreed that no ban on busking was agreed”.


Action: This item was taken with item 3 above.




Motion submitted by Cllr John Lyons:

"This committee recognises the invaluable contribution public libraries and their staff have made to the educational and social life of communities across the city of Dublin and the country over many decades, is strongly opposed to the Open Libraries initiative and will support any moves by library staff and their trade union Impact to resist the introduction of staff less libraries in Dublin City. "


“This committee recognises the invaluable contribution public libraries and their staff have made to the educational and social life of communities across the city of Dublin and the country over many decades, is strongly opposed to the Open Libraries initiative and will support any moves by library staff and their trade union Impact to resist the introduction of staffless libraries in Dublin City”


Action:  A vote from members was taken on this motion and was passed. Due to the current situation with Trade Unions and the possibility of industrial action it was not appropriate for management to comment on this motion at this stage.         



Motion submitted by Cllr Rebecca Moynihan:

“That a report on the temporary use of the Boys Brigade pitches on the SDRA12 be brought to the Arts SPC”.


“That a report on the temporary use of the Boys Brigade pitches on the SDRA12 be brought to the Arts SPC”.


Action: Agreed.



Motion referred from the Planning and Property Development SPC:

“That the City Council assess the potential of promoting Dublin as a ‘City of ‘Romance’ to coincide with St. Valentine’s Day given the presence of the remains of St. Valentine in Whitefriar Street Church”


“That the City Council assess the potential of promoting Dublin as a ‘City of Romance’ to coincide with St. Valentine’s Day given the presence of the remains of St. Valentine in Whitefriar Street Church”.


Action:  As this is more of a marketing exercise it was agreed to refer this motion to the Working Group that deal with tourism.



Motion referred from Planning, International Relations & Property Management SPC:

“Erecting columbarium walls in some of our older cemeteries on North and South sides would allow people to be buried in their local area, providing a service that is needed, and create revenue for the Council for the upkeep of those old cemeteries”.


Motion referred from Planning, International Relations & Property Management SPC:


“Erecting columbarium walls in some of our older cemeteries on North and South sides would allow people to be buried in their local area, providing a service that is needed, and create revenue for the Council for the upkeep of those old cemeteries”.


Action: Motion agreed.  Management to bring a report to the January meeting.



Update on Implementation of the Cultural Strategy - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 535 KB


The City Arts Officer informed the members that the Programme is progressing very well.  The Project Team are now working on the 2017 plans of which part of this is to get the cultural audit and mapping project implemented throughout the city. It is intended to work some of the following into the planned activity:-


·        To organise a creative industry conference in partnership with the United Cities and Local Governments Agenda 21 Culture Programme.

·        To work more with neighbourhoods to design and produce a feasibility study for a large scale event celebrating the 2016 and 2017 project outcomes and participants.

·        A feasibility study on a Galway 2020 collaboration.    Although Galway will hold the European Capital of Culture Title in 2020, it is increasingly being viewed as a national designation. 

·        To support the Arts and Education Policy which was recently adopted.


Action:  Noted.  The report was broadly welcomed. 



Report on City Arts Grants - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 176 KB


The City Arts Officer informed the Committee the Arts Grant closed November 1st.              There are three categories of support:-


·        Revenue Grants – Arts Organisations of long standing and longevity whose work makes a significant contribution to the City.

·        Project Grants – Support for a play or exhibition or other arts projects.

·        Neighbourhood Grants – Funding aimed at achieving quality arts provision at local level with strong input from local residents and organisations working with an artist or arts organisation (amount awarded in 2016 €100K, average grant €2 - €5K)


Following a comprehensive review of Arts Grants it was noted there was a shortage of high quality Neighbourhood applications.  The City Arts Officer made a proposal to the members for this year’s adjudication of Neighbourhood Arts Grants.  To recommend that €50K from the €100K of the Neighbourhood Arts Grant allocation be earmarked for            partnership, €10K per area and that whether through the neighbourhood Grants process and/or through consultation with Area Offices,            a Neighbourhood Arts Project in each area be identified.  The possibility of         matching funding from Area Offices will also be explored.  As the Arts Grants are a reserved function it will require the permission of Council.


Action: Agreed.  Report to be brought to the January City Council for approval and   bring back report to this SPC for noting.




Management Update Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Action: Report Agreed.



Management Update – Parks and Landscape Services


Cllr Jackson requested that a strategy be brought forward to tackle the small anti-social behaviour that occurs in the Le Fanu Park (Lawns Park) in Ballyfermot. Cllr McGrattan requested further details of all sport field drainage works. Cllr Byrne enquired about plans to re-instate the tea rooms in St. Patricks Park and in the interim if it would be possible that the space be used for pop up events. Cllr Kelly requested further details on the plans for Liffey Vale.


Action: Management to investigate further into the anti-social behaviour at Le Fanu Park (The Lawns) in Ballyfermot.


A full list of sports field drainage works to be brought to the next meeting.


Management informed the Committee that the operator ceased working some time ago at the tea rooms in St. Patricks Park, but are working on resolving the situation soon and would be open to the idea to facilitate any pop up events that may occur.


Plans for Liffey Vale, Liffey Valley Park will be brought to the Area Committee for discussion.  Will keep this Committee informed.



Dates for 2017 Meetings pdf icon PDF 107 KB


Action: Agreed



Approved Minutes of Sport and Wellbeing Partnership Advisory Board meeting held 15th August 2016 pdf icon PDF 579 KB


Action: Agreed



Approved Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 18th May May 2016 pdf icon PDF 291 KB


Action: Agreed



Approved Minutes of the Commemorative Naming Committee meeting held 18th May 2016 pdf icon PDF 201 KB


Action: Agreed



Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting held 5th September 2016 pdf icon PDF 240 KB


Action: Agreed



Breviate of Draft Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 21st September 2016 pdf icon PDF 105 KB


Action: Agreed



Breviate of Draft Minutes of the Commemorative Naming Committee meeting held 21st September 2016 pdf icon PDF 235 KB


Action: Agreed





Gerry Kerr wished to thank Alison King who has moved on from Social Inclusion, Bernie Doherty from Community and Ruairi O’Cuiv from the Arts Office  He also wished to thank Councillors who support events such as the Sightless Cinema.  He also requested that a report on Social Inclusion be brought to this SPC.


Cllr Jackson requested that a note of thanks be sent to Ciaran Reid, Ballyfermot/Chapelizod Partnership who has moved on from this Committee.


Action: Send note of thanks to Ciaran Reid for his participation on this SPC.