Venue: MS Teams
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held of 15th February 2021 Additional documents: Minutes:
Action: Agreed Matters Arising: None Frank D’Arcy, SEO, was welcomed to the SPC.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ciara O HAodha and Mary MacSweeney gave a presentation on the preparation process undertaken to develop a strategy on behalf of DCC for the European Funding Programme 2021 – 2027. An internal survey was conducted which sought to ascertain details of existing and past EU projects/EU funded national projects DCC had participated in or applied to. The aim of the strategy is to provide a framework for the participation of DCC staff in EU partnership projects which will result in an increase over the next EU budget cycle 2021 – 2027.
A European Programme Office will be established within DCC. Office structure is still being finalised and whose functions will include processing approval of applications, building partnership networks, assessing project implementation and evaluating impacts of projects etc and will engage with Councillors, staff and other stakeholders such as ACAG. Projects to advance the Irish language will be a part of the programme, developing the role of cities and meeting climate objectives.
Action: Noted. Progress report for meeting in September.
EU Programme Participation Strategy 2021 - 2027 - Overview Additional documents: Minutes: Included in agenda item 2. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Charles Duggan gave an overview of the Heritage Plan and achievements to date and outlined the process that was undertaken for the new City Heritage Plan for the city. Five key themes were identified which will form the basis of the Heritage Plan one of which is Community Engagement / Participation which will be vital to this plan. A Draft Plan will be on public display in quarter 4 of 2021 and a Dublin City Heritage Forum will be established which will meet twice a year.
Action: Noted. Circulate St. Anne’s & Clontarf Atlas to members.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Marie Devine:- (Referred from the South Central Area Committee 10th March 2021) “This Area Committee agree that following on from the agreed motion regarding commemoration for those we have lost in this pandemic at last month’s Area Meeting, to ask the Manager to consider the site for this remembrance, be at the old Fever Hospital, Cork Street?”
If approved by the area committee the motion will be considered by the Arts, Culture, Recreation & Leisure SPC and, if approved, forwarded to the Commemorations & Naming Committee for consideration.
Additional documents: Minutes: “This Area Committee agree that following on from the agreed motion regarding commemoration for those we have lost in this pandemic at last month’s Area Meeting, to ask the Manager to consider the site for this remembrance, be at the old Fever Hospital, Cork Street?”
Action: Approved. Refer to the Commemorations & Naming Committee for consideration.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Carolyn Moore:- (Referred from the South East Area Committee 8th February 2021) “That this area committee recognises the work and contribution to Irish society of Dr Dorothy Stopford Price, who pioneered the use of the TB vaccine in Ireland, and whose life and work were inextricably linked to the communities of the South East Area.
As a child, Dorothy Stopford lived at 28 Highfield Road, and later in the townland of Terenure. She studied at Trinity College, completing part of her training working as a clinical clerk at the Meath Hospital. As a qualified doctor worked at St Ultan’s Hospital, Charlemont Street while residing on Fitzwilliam Place.
Dorothy Stopford Price pioneered the use of the TB vaccine in St Ultan’s in 1937, making it the first hospital in Ireland or Britain to use the BCG. She was nominated for the World Health Organisation Leon Bernard prize for her contribution to social medicine, and was appointed head of the national vaccination programme by Noel Browne in 1949.
Her work was pivotal in ending the Tuberculosis epidemic in Ireland and in recognition of her contribution to Ireland’s public health system, this area committee will write to the Commemorative & Naming Committee seeking to memorialise Dr Dorothy Stopford Price as a timely reminder of the importance of vaccines and in recognition of a trailblazing woman in science.”
Report: If the committee agrees, this motion will be referred to the Arts, Culture, Leisure & Recreation SPC for consideration. If approved, forward to the Commemorations & Naming Committee for consideration.
Additional documents: Minutes: “That this area committee recognises the work and contribution to Irish society of Dr Dorothy Stopford Price, who pioneered the use of the TB vaccine in Ireland, and whose life and work were inextricably linked to the communities of the South East Area.
As a child, Dorothy Stopford lived at 28 Highfield Road, and later in the townland of Terenure. She studied at Trinity College, completing part of her training working as a clinical clerk at the Meath Hospital. As a qualified doctor worked at St Ultan’s Hospital, Charlemont Street while residing on Fitzwilliam Place.
Dorothy Stopford Price pioneered the use of the TB vaccine in St Ultan’s in 1937, making it the first hospital in Ireland or Britain to use the BCG. She was nominated for the World Health Organisation Leon Bernard prize for her contribution to social medicine, and was appointed head of the national vaccination programme by Noel Browne in 1949.
Her work was pivotal in ending the Tuberculosis epidemic in Ireland and in recognition of her contribution to Ireland’s public health system, this area committee will write to the Commemorative & Naming Committee seeking to memorialise Dr Dorothy Stopford Price as a timely reminder of the importance of vaccines and in recognition of a trailblazing woman in science.”
Action: Approved. Refer to the Commemorations & Naming Committee for consideration.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Alison Gilliland:- “The Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC recognises the invaluable service Dublin City Council provides through the provision and maintenance of playing pitches across our city. The Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC also recognises the dependency on weather for the all year round use of such pitches as well as a growing need for additional playing pitches. To get a clear picture of pitch use, the Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC requests that DCC carry out an audit of the use of its playing pitches that will particularly identify the type of activities/sports, training/matches, ages and genders the pitches are used for, the frequency of use and whether there are other green areas within each of the 5 DCC local administrative areas that could be used for sporting activities.”
Additional documents: Minutes: “The Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC recognises the invaluable service Dublin City Council provides through the provision and maintenance of playing pitches across our city. The Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC also recognises the dependency on weather for the all year round use of such pitches as well as a growing need for additional playing pitches. To get a clear picture of pitch use, the Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC requests that DCC carry out an audit of the use of its playing pitches that will particularly identify the type of activities/sports, training/matches, ages and genders the pitches are used for, the frequency of use and whether there are other green areas within each of the 5 DCC local administrative areas that could be used for sporting activities.”
Action: Members broadly supported this Motion. Agreed. Refer to Parks and report back to this Committee with results of the audit.
Report on the Dublin Bay Discovery Centre - Donncha Ó'Dulaing, Senior Executive Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Donncha gave an overview of the project stating that the entire focus of the Discovery Centre is on education, interpretation and learning with a view to enhanced conservation. The project will cost €14.5m in total with half of this being sought from philanthropic sources. Up to date plans are being presented to a wide range of stakeholders over the coming months ahead of a formal submission to An Bord Pleanála over the Summer
Action: Report Noted. Report back to SPC in three months
Additional documents: Minutes: Maryann Harris outlined the Plan to the members. The draft plan is based on 6 themes that have been co-created in partnership with various organisations working for biodiversity. These contain 18 objectives to be implemented through targeted actions with measurable outcomes. The Action Plan will go to public consultation so measures can be included in the City Development Plan. Action: After public consultation the final Draft Plan will be brought back to SPC for approval. It will then go to the full Council for adoption. Noted. Circulate link to members.
At this point, it was agreed to extend the meeting by 30 mins.
Additional documents: Minutes: Christina Todd gave an overview of the Strategy to the members. This strategy highlights the importance of a Dublin City Burial Places Strategy and outlines 12 key actions to achieve the objective of safeguarding and celebrating DCC’s burial places. A Columbarium Wall pilot project is under design development. Long term funding will be required.
Action: Report Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mission of this Strategy is to adopt a citywide co-ordinated approach to developing high quality, accessible and inclusive play facilities and opportunities for everyday play experiences for all children and young people. Due to time constraints there was a Q&A session to discuss this item. Members were in agreement that this Strategy go to City Council for adoption when the final publication is ready in June.
Action: Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Due to time constraints there was a Q&A session to discuss this item. An increase in murals around the city was welcomed. Challenges in relation to planning permission were discussed and a suggestion to engage with the Planning SPC on some matters. There is a need for a clear distinction between religious/political and sectarian installations.
Action: Report Noted. At this point the meeting ended so the rets of the agendan could not be discussed.
Report on Street Art - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer / Sheena Barrett, Asst. Arts Officer Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair suggested to members that they should e-mail any questions they may have directly to the Managers of the relevant unit.
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Approved Minutes of the Commemorations & Naming Committee meeting dated 28th January 2021 Additional documents: |
Miontuairiscí den chruinniú - Fochoiste Gaeilge - 12ú Feabhra 2021 Additional documents: |
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A.O.B. Additional documents: |