Venue: MS Teams
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held of 30th November 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed
Matters arising: Issue of delayed motions has been referred to the Protocol Committee
Additional documents: Minutes: Members were presented with an introduction to the review process of the Dublin City Development Plan. In relation to Arts and Culture, it aims to provide policy support for existing national institutions and expansion of same, to look at the issue of workspaces and identify shortfalls, to include policies relating to growth of new cultural hubs within the City such as Parnell Square and Kilmainham. The Parks Strategy will ensure protection of wildlife. Submissions from this SPC and also individual submissions are welcomed to ensure variety and engagement.
Action: Attempts to rectify the software to allow use of the Irish Language on the website will be made. The zoning of DCC properties such as libraries will be addressed at the draft stage of the Plan. Increasing the number of publicly owned sports facilities/playing fields, physical cultural infrastructure, mixed use developments, use of subterranean spaces where archaeology allows will all be addressed. It was suggested that the lack of and protection of cultural spaces should remain as an agenda item. The Chairperson advised that she would be happy to submit motions on behalf of this SPC.
Presentation on UNESCO City of Literature - Alison Lyons, Divisional Librarian Additional documents: |
One Dublin One Book - Alison Lyons, Divisional Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: Members were presented with an introduction to the review process of the Dublin City Development Plan. In relation to Arts and Culture, it aims to provide policy support for existing national institutions and expansion of same, to look at the issue of workspaces and identify shortfalls, to include policies relating to growth of new cultural hubs within the City such as Parnell Square and Kilmainham. The Parks Strategy will ensure protection of wildlife. Submissions from this SPC and also individual submissions are welcomed to ensure variety and engagement.
Action: Attempts to rectify the software to allow use of the Irish Language on the website will be made. The zoning of DCC properties such as libraries will be addressed at the draft stage of the Plan. Increasing the number of publicly owned sports facilities/playing fields, physical cultural infrastructure, mixed use developments, use of subterranean spaces where archaeology allows will all be addressed. It was suggested that the lack of and protection of cultural spaces should remain as an agenda item. The Chairperson advised that she would be happy to submit motions on behalf of this SPC.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Mannix Flynn:- (Referred from the South East Area Committee December 2020) “That this committee of DCC support the erection of a plaque to commemorate and honour the actions of Violet Gibson who shot Mussolini wounding him in 1926. Born in Dalkey and raised in Merrion Square, Violet Gibson was a committed anti-fascist. After Gibson's failed attempt, she was set upon by Mussolini's supporters, and would likely have been lynched had the police not stepped in and arrested her. She suffered various cruelties and indignities within the fascist prison system, and was then deported to England, sparing the Italians the embarrassment of a public trial. Her family had secretly arranged to have her committed to an asylum – St. Andrew’s Hospital in Northampton, where Lucia Joyce, James Joyce's daughter, would later be committed. Despite repeated pleas for her freedom, she spent the rest of her life in St. Andrew’s, dying in 1956. It suited both the British authorities and her family to have her seen as "insane" rather than as political. It is now time to bring Violet Gibson into the public’s eye and give her rightful place in the history of Irish women and in the rich history of the Irish nation and its people.”
Reply: Refer to the Commemorations & Naming Committee
Additional documents: Minutes: “That this committee of DCC support the erection of a plaque to commemorate and honour the actions of Violet Gibson who shot Mussolini wounding him in 1926. Born in Dalkey and raised in Merrion Square, Violet Gibson was a committed anti-fascist. After Gibson's failed attempt, she was set upon by Mussolini's supporters, and would likely have been lynched had the police not stepped in and arrested her. She suffered various cruelties and indignities within the fascist prison system, and was then deported to England, sparing the Italians the embarrassment of a public trial. Her family had secretly arranged to have her committed to an asylum – St. Andrew’s Hospital in Northampton, where Lucia Joyce, James Joyce's daughter, would later be committed. Despite repeated pleas for her freedom, she spent the rest of her life in St. Andrew’s, dying in 1956. It suited both the British nation and its people.”
Reply: Refer to the Commemorations & Naming Committee
Action: Agreed.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Clare Byrne:- “To write to the chair of the National Task Economy Task Force Group to request that Dublin be included as a suitable pilot as part of the proposed Night Time Economy Pilot Scheme as it is the only urban centre of scale for such a project To engage a suitable organisation to develop a night time economy strategy for Dublin City To progress the creation of a Night Mayor for Dublin City as agreed by the Council in in 2020”
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Strategic Policy Committee agrees to the following: “To write to the chair of the National Task Economy Task Force Group to request that Dublin be included as a suitable pilot as part of the proposed Night Time Economy Pilot Scheme as it is the only urban centre of scale for such a project. To engage a suitable organisation to develop a night time economy strategy for Dublin City to progress the creation of a Night Mayor for Dublin City as agreed by the Council in in 2020”
Amendment: This SPC will work to include policy objectives in the next City Development Plan 2022 - 2027 that will ensure the creation of a vibrant, diverse and sustainable night time culture and economy for Dublin.
Action: Motion including the amendment was agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Refer to the Commemorations & Naming Committee – agreed.
Verbal Update on the Kathleen Clarke Portrait - Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: One submission has been received to date. Closing date for receipt of proposals has been extended to the 5th March 2021 due to Covid restrictions.
Action: Noted.
Report on Sport Inclusion Services - Jim Beggan, Senior Executive Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Members received a report from the Sports Inclusion and Integration Officers on behalf of Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership outlining their roles and the programmes offered.
Several members expressed their gratitude to Jim for his contribution to the SPC and the CRES Department over the last 12 years and wished him continued success in his new role.
Action: Report noted. Questionnaire from Accessibility Report to be circulated to members.
Discussion on the approach to Covid Recovery - Cllr Cat O'Driscoll, Chairperson Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairperson suggested that a sub-committee be established to develop a strategy for arts and culture for the reopening of the city. When the group has been established it will decide if the Sports remit can be included in the work of this committee, if not, an appropriate committee will be identified for Sports. The group will consist of Members from this SPC and other experts as required. It was suggested that this group could examine the role of Dublin City in the Faoin Speir programme. This group will report back to the SPC
Action: Agreed. Draft terms of Reference to be circulated and expressions of interest for membership will be sought. Refer to CPG for approval.
Additional documents: Minutes: · Euro Cities:– Management to provide a report on the membership/activities of DCC members of this network. Should the Chairperson be nominated as a member of this network – Management to discuss with Chair · Culture Near You: Iseult Byrne to contact Julian de Spainn in relation to the creation of a fully bi-lingual site. · Tea & Chats: Link to be circulated to members. · Fochoiste Gaeilge – Funding may be required for a commission to promote the use of Irish language – committee will report to the SPC when plan has been finalised. · Naming of new developments: Issues raised regarding more research into the Irish historical background in advance of developments being named. Some members queried the process around naming and numbering – Management to speak to relevant department regarding any issues raised.
Action: Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
Miontuairiscí den chruinniú - Fochoiste Gaeilge - Dé hAoine, 4ú Nollaig 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed.
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair raised a proposal by Cllr Byrne to re-convene the Artists Workspaces Sub-Committee in light of the City Development Plan being out for consultation. It was agreed that this Committee be attached to the Arts & Cultural Advisory Group for effectiveness and will be a permanent part of the Agenda.
Action: Circulate the current T.O.R. Chairperson to send relevant members the template.
Date of next meeting: Monday 17th May 2021 at 9.30 a.m. Location TBC