Venue: MS Teams
No. | Item |
Chair introduction Additional documents: Minutes: All members and officials introduced themselves. Housekeeping rules for MS Teams were agreed. It was noted that the meeting would be recorded.
Minutes of Meeting held of 17th February 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed.
Presentation on Libraries Update - Mairead Owens, City Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: The City Librarian presented an overview on the activities of the library service during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown which included huge social media streams, virtual library usage, home delivery service and call and collect service. Six library branches opened on 29th June – 3 on the Northside and 3 on the Southside of the city. It is hoped that Donaghmede and Ballyfermot Libraries will be included in the next phase of branches re-opening. Councillors thanked Library staff for their hard work and efforts throughout the Covid-19 crisis
Action: Send copy of presentation to all members.
Motion submitted in the name of Cllr Mary Freehill “ That the Libraries curate an exhibition of the work and achievements of women councillors and women officials on DCC over the centuries. The exhibition will demonstrate the difference the increase in women as elected members and promotion of women officials made to the lives of women in Dublin”
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion proposed by Councillor Vincent Jackson and seconded by Councillors Deirdre Heney & Clare Byrne. Several Councillors spoke in support of this motion. It was suggested that this could be a nationwide library initiative and could also be online. The Deputy City Librarian will commission a Historian in Residence to work on this
Action: Motion agreed. Update on the progress of this motion to the next SPC meeting.
Report on Play Strategy - Debbie Clarke, Play Development Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Debbie gave an overview on the new Dublin City Play Strategy ‘Pollinating Play’ 2020 – 2025. This strategy follows on from the Dublin City Play Plan; Play here, Play there, Play everywhere (2012 – 2017) and will be implemented in support of the plan as a continued local authority response in promoting and supporting play for children and young people. A discussion took place on other cities such as Bristol who have play strategies in place including street play.
Action: Report Noted. The final draft document will be presented at a future SPC. Les Moore to bring a report on Street Play Initiative to a future meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The City Parks Superintendent gave an overview on the Parks & Landscapes services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parks throughout the City remained open with reduced staff. Changes to work practices were introduced and new Health & Safety measures were put in place. The pandemic highlighted more than ever the importance of parks to local communities and their role in the mental health and wellbeing of our City.
A discussion took place regarding the proposed Discovery Centre at Bull Island. The plan will be presented to the North Central Area Committee before coming before the Arts SPC.
All queries raised were addressed by Management.
Action: Report noted. Discovery Centre – Report to be included on the Agenda of next SPC meeting.
Report on Arts Policy and Strategy Development - Ray Yeats, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The City Arts Officer informed members that due to COVID-19 thousands of arts events were cancelled with inevitable losses in income, employment and opportunity. Individual artists in particular have suffered hugely.
Events such as Opera in the Open will take place in the amphitheatre which will allow for 100 people to attend each performance and adhere to social distancing guidelines. Although this is a free event it will be a ticketed. Many events are being recorded and distributed on line.
A new City Arts Plan is set to be published before the end of 2020. The second Dublin City Public Art Programme will launch in the Autumn.
Action: Report noted.
Hugh Lane Gallery Update Report - Barbara Dawson, Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Gallery will re-open to the public on 30th June. All Health & Safety requirements have been put in place to ensure both visitors and staff are in a safe and secure environment. It has a one way system to ensure social distancing requirements are met. A clicker system will be adopted which will log the number of visitors entering and exiting the gallery. The café and bookshop will also be open. The Lane Legacy Exhibition along with the Harry Clarke Room, Sean Scully display and Francis Bacon’s Studio will be on display. Councillors expressed their gratitude to the Gallery staff for the effort to ensure online communications continued throughout the crisis.
Action: Report noted.
Sports and Recreation Update Report- Jim Beggan, Senior Executive Officer Additional documents: Minutes: All Sports and Recreation facilities closed in line with Government instructions during COVID-19. From May, small outdoor fitness classes commenced which were free of charge. As facilities begin to re-open it is most likely that there will be significant restrictions in relation to user levels and service levels. There has been no income from the facilities for 3 months but any report on finance would come from the Head of Finance to ensure accuracy. Members thanked Sports staff for their work including online courses throughout the pandemic.
Action: Report noted.
Report on Events Programme 2020 - Simon Clarke, Administrative Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The inclusion of instrument making was welcomed.
Action: Report noted.
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: · Thanks and congratulations were offered to the new Chairperson and members of the Arts SPC. · 2020 meetings: 21st September and 30th November. · The meeting agreed that Councillor Cat O’Driscoll would replace Gary Gannon on the Commemorations & Naming Committee · Establishment of an Irish Language Sub-committee to be included on the agenda of the next meeting. · Night time economy sub group. This group already exists on the Economic & Development SPC. Councillor Clare Byrne and Sunil Sharpe were nominated to sit on this group. · Grass cutting contracts to be included on the agenda of the next meeting – The final document to be circulated to members for any observations / comments.
Date of next meeting: Monday 21st September 2020 at 9.30 a.m. Location TBC