{meta} Agenda for Community, Gaeilge, Sport, Arts & Culture SPC on Monday 17th February, 2020, 9.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions


No. Item


Chairpersons Business - Update / Amendment to the Terms of Reference of the Commemorations & Naming Committee - Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian pdf icon PDF 68 KB

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Action: Amended. Terms of Reference were agreed.



Minutes of Meeting held on 11th November 2019 pdf icon PDF 496 KB

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Action: Agreed.



Presentation on Sports and Leisure Facilities - Jim Beggan, Senior Executive Officer pdf icon PDF 286 KB

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A brief overview of sports services and facilities was presented.  Members were informed of the refurbishment plans of the sports facilities through the Capital Programme 2020 – 2022. In line with DCC’s commitment to reduce energy usage there is provision to continue the Energy Management Programme by way of ongoing necessary upgrade/refurbishment works across the facilities under the remit of the Sports and Recreation Services.  By 2020 ten of the centres which have the largest energy usage will have their energy use managed and maintained through Energy Performance Contracts.  All centres are accessible to all and affordable through offering really competitive prices and a number of payment options. 


Action: Report noted.  Management to investigate if there is existing staff in the department to provide leisure services through the use of Irish language



Report on Sculpture Dublin - Leslie Moore / Ray Yeates pdf icon PDF 155 KB

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Management informed members that Sculpture Dublin aims to raise awareness of the city’s sculptural heritage and to create a series of new sculptures in parks and public spaces city-wide.  It is a Dublin City Council initiative, being developed by Parks and Landscape Services and the City Arts Office.  Provision have been made in the 2020 budget.


Action: Report noted.



Update Report on Euro 2020 - Don Daly, Project Manager pdf icon PDF 365 KB

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The Committee were informed that the Dublin fixtures have now been confirmed.  50% of all stadia capacity went on sale in June 2019 to the general public.  Allocations for nations involved in the play-offs will go on sale in early April after the March play off final.  Recruitment for volunteers is on schedule. The Mobility Group’s aim is to promote mobility in the city, such as marking the routes and identifying suggested routes to the stadium.   Free transport for fans on match days has been confirmed.

          Meetings are on-going in relation to the fan zones in both Merrion Sq and Dublin Castle.  Engagement with the local communities is on-going. 


Action: Management addressed issues raised.  It was noted the use of the Irish language will be taken into account during the event.  Report noted.



Report of Audit of Artists Workspaces in Dublin City Councils Administrative Area - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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          This audit was commissioned by Dublin City Council’s Arts Office with a view to quantifying artists workspaces in the city.  Over the past five years there have been a number of closures of artists workspaces, and it is important to quantify the number of new/replacement workspaces. This audit identified 89 buildings which specifically constitute artists workspaces

          The comprehensive research will inform the next City Development Plan.  It was noted that a substantial number of workspaces have been lost due to commercial development. It was suggested that EU funding may be an option to fund workspaces.      Further research is required to include musicians, night venues as well as short, medium and long term requirements.   Meetings with the artists in Merrion Square are on-going and they will be offered a move to Kildare Street for the duration of the Euro 2020.  It was also noted that there are 2 recording studio spaces available in Ballyfermot Library and there are also studios in Ballyfermot College for Further Education.


Action:   Report Noted.   Re-establish the Artists Workspaces Sub-Committee. The City Arts Officer will respond directly to any queries raised by Members.



Review of the Arts Grants Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 275 KB

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The Arts Grants are a Reserved Function of the Elected Members of Dublin City Council.  The final say on the recommendations of the Assessment process is reviewed by a sub-committee of the SPC and brought to a full Council meeting for formal approval.  €530,000 is distributed in Arts Grants annually.  There has been no increase in 13 years.

It was noted that the application process can be very frustrating particularly for new and non-professional applicants.  Very few applications were received from the North Central Area.  Social inclusion also needs to be addressed.  Public consultation will be completed by the end of the year.  Arts Office will liaise with the 5 Area Committees to determine how best to engage with local communities. It was suggested that Revenue Grants be opened up to all applicants with immediate effect.  A comprehensive review of Arts Grants to coincide with a new Arts Plan by the end of 2020 is proposed.  This will involve public and professional consultation and research.  It will not be possible to significantly alter Arts Grants for 2020/2021 and any new scheme proposed by review would launch in 2021/2022.


Action:  Report Noted. Ray Yeates will respond directly to any queries from Members.



Report on the new City Library at Parnell Square - Mairead Owens, City Librarian pdf icon PDF 266 KB

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Phase 1 of the project will deliver the new library building and all works to house No. 27 together with limited works to the other Georgian buildings.  The Design Team has been instructed to proceed with Stage 2C of the project, which is design to tender.  Ground investigation works and a package of enabling works will be undertaken ahead of the main contract.  The Chief Executive has written to the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform seeking a meeting to discuss the possibility of Exchequer grant aid for the project.


          Members commended the library services across the city and supported the concept of a Cultural Quarter at Parnell St.


          Action: Report Noted.  Members requested a detailed comprehensive report outlining funding, timelines and governance to the next meeting.  An update on any events to celebrate George Bernard Shaw’s 70th anniversary was requested.  Libraries to look into developing the skill of storytelling.



Management Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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The following issues were raised:


·         Fairview Park Tea rooms – no provision of a Changing Places toilet facility for people with disabilities.  It was suggested a DCC Policy is required.  A report from the Central Remedial Clinic to the next meeting to include associated costs.

·         Winter Lights: It was confirmed that the projectors are rented.  Efforts are being made to improve the images and engage local artists.  Artists and schools in the community were engaged to create designs for the 2019 programme.  This will continue again for 2020.

·         Dalymount/Tolka Park: A detailed breakdown report was requested by members.

·         Discovery Centre: EIA will not be submitted without further consultation with the North Central Area Committee.

·         Wolfe Tone Park: It was confirmed that this space would be dealt with as soon as possible.

·         Redmond’s Hill: A request for the trees to be pruned.

·         Seachtain na Gaeilge  should be included in the plan around the city’s events.  Conradh na Gaeilge will engage with DCC regarding an Irish language plan for the city such as an Irish version of the Cultural Audit Map and any other events in Sports or Libraries etc.

·         Solar Power bins: These are leased and placed in areas with the highest footfall but will be extended to other areas as the budget allows.

·         NEIC greening: Is it possible to run a project that would provide residents with everything they need for the greening of the front of their properties in the Donnycarney / Killester area.

·         Africa Day: City Hall has been made available. Arrange meeting with Management if necessary.

·         Park signage; investigate the possibility of painting information such as distance to the bins on the footpaths.

·         Greening in Dublin 8 area was complemented for both the visual and biodiversity aspects.


Action: Report noted. Management to follow up on all requests.



Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations and Naming Committee held 28th January 2020 pdf icon PDF 467 KB

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Action: Noted.



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The following issues were raised:


·         Ross Keane would like to become a member of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group

·         Simon Clarke, Events Unit, is available to meet Sunil Sharpe to discuss Musictown 2020 if required.

·         DCC branding should become more visible around events and on buildings etc. and efforts are being made to improve this even further by including it in the conditions of an application for funding.

·         It was suggested that DCC revise their policy to allow artists to use hoarding posters.




Date of next meeting:  Monday 18th May 2020 at 9.30 a.m.