Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Presentation on Euro 2020 - Don Daly, Project Manager Presentation can be circulated by Sharefile in advance of the meeting, if required. Additional documents: Minutes: Don Daly gave an overview on Euro 2020 with a focus on infrastructure, viewing areas/signage, city promotion and legacy. Some details cannot be finalised until the match draw takes place on the 30th November.
Action: Presentation was welcomed and noted. |
Motion in the name of Willie White, Dublin Theatre Festival “I move that Dublin City Council commission an audit, for timely delivery, of spaces for culture in the city, mapping the change in the number of these over the past ten years, and proposing what level of provision is appropriate for a city of our size, in line with the ambitions of the Councils corporate plan” Additional documents: Minutes: “I move that Dublin City Council commission an audit, for timely delivery, of spaces for culture in the city, mapping the change in the number of these over the past ten years,and proposing what level of provision is appropriate for a city of our size, in line with the ambitions of the Councils corporate plan”
Action: Motion passed with an agreed amendment that an update would be given at each SPC meeting. Report to be presented to the SPC in February. It was agreed that the Dublin City Culture Company would be in the best position to compile this audit as they have previously done a similar exercise. The Chair also suggested that a daylong seminar be held in the New Year to discuss the findings of this audit. |
Report on the New City Library at Parnell Square - Mairead Owens, City Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: The City Librarian, Mairead Owens gave a brief update on the New City Library Project. She confirmed that the new library will be on the old Colaiste Mhuire site. The Phasing Feasibility Study has now been completed. The new library building and all works to No. 27 will be completed in Phase 1. Phase 2 will cover the full redevelopment of the other Georgian buildings and the completion of the public realm works. The Design Team has been instructed to complete the detailed design drawing for the Phase 1 works and to prepare tender documentation. A costing exercise is underway. The Chief Executive has written to the Minister for Finance requesting a meeting to discuss funding for the project.
Action: Report noted. Reports to be provided to each SPC meeting. |
Report on the Dublin City Culture Company - Iseult Byrne, CEO Additional documents: Minutes: Iseult Byrne gave an update on the Culture Company with a focus on Culture Near You. Culture Near You is an online map and dynamic database that highlights where culture happens and the people who make it happen, as well as featuring local stories and tips to tell more about the city’s neighbourhoods. The Dublin City Council Culture Company 2018 review was circulated to all members.
Action: Report was welcomed and noted. |
Report on Richmond Barracks - Richard Shakespeare, Assistant Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Amalgamation of these committees was agreed.
Nominations to the new committee are: Cllr. Vincent Jackson, Cllr. Gary Gannon, Cllr. Micheál MacDonncha, Cllr. Seamus McGrattan and Julian de Spáinn.
Action: One member from each Area will also be sought. This committee to be approved by the CPG. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Re-establishment of this group was agreed.
Nominations to this advisory group are: Cllr. Gary Gannon, Cllr. Deirdre Conroy, Cllr. Claire Byrne, Cllr. Lawrence Hemmings, Willie White, Sunil Sharpe, Ciaran Taylor and Adekunle Gomez.
Action: This Committee to be approved by the CPG.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report noted. |
Proposed dates for SPC Meetings 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Dates agreed. |
Membership on the Dublin City Council Culture Company Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed to move item no.10 up at this stage of the meeting. It was discussed prior to item number 8.
Action: Cllr. Vincent Jackson was proposed and agreed for membership on this Company.
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes:
Issues raised included:
· Liffey White Water Rafting Project - This project is at Part VIII at the moment and will be presented to Dec/Jan City Council meeting. · Membership on the Parnell Cultural Quarter Board will remain the same and proposals to progress the project will be reported to the SPC · 2014 – 2024 the International Decade of African Culture – Adekunle to link in with the Executive Manager for discussion. · Planning application for 15 Ushers Island (James Joyce House of the Dead) – was submitted on 18/10 but is not on line yet. · It was suggested that the sub-committees of previous SPC: Street Art and Delivery of cultural studios/spaces committees will continue – this needs to be approved by the CPG.
Date of next meeting: Monday 17th February 2020 at 9.30 a.m.
Cllr Gary Gannon, Chairperson.