{meta} Agenda for Community, Gaeilge, Sport, Arts & Culture SPC on Monday 11th March, 2019, 9.30 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Paula Ebbs  Email: paula.ebbs@dublincity.ie


No. Item


Minutes of meeting held on 21st January 2019 pdf icon PDF 372 KB

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Action: Agreed


Presentation on the Draft Dublin City Council's Play Development Strategy - Deborah Clarke, Play Development Officer pdf icon PDF 3 MB

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Members welcomed the presentation and the need for a strategy. They were interested in who DCC engaged with to draft the plan to ensure that we provided play age appropriate facilities for every age group. Integrate young with old and be inclusive of all needs/requirements. Look and identify gaps of play locations in the City in consultation with stakeholders and users.


Action:    Consultation on Draft Strategy to continue. On-line Consultation Questionnaire to be issued widely. Distribute draft document for discussion. Consider amendments/suggestions. Return to SPC/City Council for endorsement/approval. 



Presentation on the Winter Lights and New Year's Festival Dublin - Alison King, Administrative Officer

Presentation to be circulated on the day

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Members welcomed the presentation and congratulated DCC Events Unit on exceeding all expectations of Winter Lights 2018. It was noted that there was increased social media engagement for visitors, businesses and residents.


The Chair informed members that Alison King was resigning from DCC in the coming weeks. He and the members and management expressed their thanks for Alison’s hard work and dedication during her career and wished her well with her new opportunities.


Action:    Agreed.

Winter Lights 2019 should expand the number of locations and improve images on some buildings. Look at the possibility of an artist open call for a commissioned illumination. Continue to work with various stakeholders to deliver an even better 2019 Winter Lights.



Presentation on the Dublin City Cultural Map Project - Iseult Byrne, Interim CEO pdf icon PDF 945 KB

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Annette Nugent presented an update on the Dublin City Cultural Audit and Map Project which will be called Culture Near You.  As part of the Cultural Strategy a priority is to conduct a cultural audit, to build a cultural database and map that aims to bring together, in a single place, all existing cultural information available to the city of Dublin.


Members were excited with this new intelligence project. It was agreed it would be a useful resource for them, staff and the public. They reiterated the need for such resource and to be kept up to date.


Action:    Presentation was welcomed and noted. Internal user testing phase to go live in April followed by the project going live to the public in quarter three 2019.



Motion submitted in the name of Cllr John Lyons:

“Noting a recent survey of 500 teenagers by South Dublin County Council which sought views on the kind of facilities young people would like to have access to found that over 90% of the 13 – 19 year olds wanted places to hang out and engage in unstructured play.  This Arts, Culture and Recreation Committee calls on the Manager to initiate a survey of teenagers in Dublin City to establish their views on the kinds of facilities and spaces they would like to have in their city”


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“Noting a recent survey of 500 teenagers by South Dublin County Council which sought views on the kind of facilities young people would like to have access to found that over 90% of the 13-19 year olds wanted places to hang out and engage in unstructured play, this Arts, Culture and Recreation committee calls on the manager to initiate a survey of teenagers in Dublin City to establish their views on the kinds of facilities and spaces they would like to have in their city”.


Action:    Motion deferred in the absence of Cllr. John Lyons.


The Chair read to the members an emergency motion submitted in the name of Cllr

Claire Byrne:-


'That this Arts, Culture and Recreation SPC supports Dublin LGBTQ+ Pride Festival & Parade in their pursuit of a more inclusive engagement with the City through the annual Parade on 29th June 2019 and fully support their proposal to route start the parade at the Garden Of Remembrance and O'Connell Street'


Managements response was that discussions have commenced between Dublin City Council and Events Licensing Officer, Events Organisers and other statutory agents such as Public Transport Providers in respect of the proposed route for the 2019 parade route.


Action:  Agreed



Report on Smart Cities Programme - Jamie Cudden, Smart Cities Programme Manager pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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The report was noted. A number of members suggested the report was focused on the Docklands and not the entire city. Cllr. Kelly wished to see some initiatives expand into the suburbs including the introduction of more smart bins. Conor McQuillan wished to see the Driverless Shuttle Bus idea expanded, however the Manager advised currently the cost of such service is too high.


Action:    Continuation of projects within the report. Contact Waste Management regarding number and location of new smart bins to be introduced in 2019.



Report on the Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere Discovery Centre - Donncha O'Dúlaing, Senior Executive Officer, Parks & Landscape Services

pdf icon PDF 826 KB

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Report welcomed. Cllr. O’Farrell suggested that the project be slowed down to ensure full consultation and understanding of the project. He thanked management for providing the recent workshops and stated they were very informative. 


Action:    Report noted. Continue the public consultation. Contact the Public Participation Network. Continue with updated reports to the Area Committee and SPC.



Report on Parks Waste Management Policy - Leslie Moore, City Parks Superintendent pdf icon PDF 210 KB

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The report was welcomed.  It was noted that collected litter is not yet segregated prior to disposal. Dog waste is one of the main issues in the City and in Parks. It was suggested to review the issue of installing dog only waste bins particularly in our parks and to attach dog waste bags to the bins to encourage people to clean up after their dogs. 


Action:    Dublin City Council to look at initiatives to support collection of litter e.g.: "Three for Sea" beach initiative. Look at the problem of needles in the play area of Merrion Square Park.  Management to reply via e-mail to  Cllr Kelly issues on a) How many bins in St. Anne’s Park,  b) Is there a shortage of parks staff i.e. that is prohibiting the provision of dog bins in parks, c) Smart bin plans for 2019.



Update on the New City Library at Parnell Square - Brendan Teeling, City Library (Acting pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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Members were informed that 4 submissions were received. There was no request for an oral hearing and a decision is expected in early May from An Bord Pleanala


Action: Report noted.  Further report to issue in May.



Report on the Implementation of the Cultural Strategy - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer pdf icon PDF 88 KB

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Action:    Report noted



Management Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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Cllr. Kelly requested some clarification on the plans for the  Drimnagh/Crumlin Library.


Action: Bring a report on the Library Development Strategy to the next meeting which will include the plans for the Drimnagh/Crumlin Library.


Cllr Kelly requested details on Cafe at Richmond Barracks.


Action: Send Cllr Kelly details.


Cllr. McGrattan requested a report on why we engage private security firms for events in the City and the cost of same in relation to the St. Patricks Day Festival.


Action: Bring a report to the next meeting


Libraries were requested to look at the Dolly Parton Imagination Library books initiative with a view to getting involved or supporting it.


Members congratulated all who was involved in the Luke Kelly statues unveilings with particular thanks to Ruairí O’Cuiv, Public Art Manager.


Management addressed all other issues raised under this item.



Approved minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting dated 22nd November 2018 pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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Action:    Agreed



Approved minutes of the Commemorative Naming Committee meeting dated 22nd November 2018 pdf icon PDF 261 KB

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Action:    Agreed



Breviate of draft minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting dated 24th January 2019 pdf icon PDF 335 KB

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Action:    Agreed



Breviate of draft minutes of the Commemorative Naming Committee meeting dated 24th January 2019 pdf icon PDF 202 KB

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Action:    Agreed



Breviate of draft minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting dated 25th February 2019 pdf icon PDF 314 KB

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Action:    Agreed




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There were no items under A.O.B.