Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Paula Ebbs Meetings Administrator
No. | Item |
Draft Minutes of meeting held on 10th September 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Minutes of meeting held on 10th September 2018
Action: Agreed The Chair thanked Gabrielle McClelland, Staff Officer, for her outstanding work in Dublin City Council and wished her well on her retirement after 42 years.
Presentation on the Draft Dublin City Public Libraries Development Plan 2019 - 2023 - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting) Presentation to follow Additional documents: Minutes: Brendan gave a presentation on the new library strategic plan called Libraries Unlimited – a strategic direction for Dublin City Public Libraries 2019-2023. The Vision being that Dublin City Public Libraries are trusted places that nurture curiosity so that opportunity, ambition and imagination flourish.
Management addressed all issues raised.
Action: The Draft Plan to go to City Council for adoption and will then be circulated to members.
Presentation was broadly welcomed and noted.
Motion submitted by Cllr Claire Byrne “That this Arts SPC calls on Dublin City Council to ensure that there is cultural programme developed for the Velo City 2019 event, to engage the citizens of Dublin in the discussion of city design and cycling provision while enhancing the overall experience for the attendees” Additional documents: Minutes: Clive Ahern, Environment and Transportation Department gave a brief presentation and background on Velo-city Dublin 2019. Velo-city is an international cycling conference seeking to improve the policies, planning and provision of cycling. It is organised by European Cyclists’ Federation (Dublin Cycling Campaign a member) and host city. The Velo-city programme includes engaging with the City Arts Office regarding developing cultural / artistic elements around Velo-city and connecting with the public. The Conference will be held in the Convention Centre from Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th June 2019. Further information can be found on the website at www.velo-city2019.com Funding is sourced from the Arts Council. There will also be additional funding from DCC. Cllr Byrne stated that adding a cultural programme would bring value to the Velo-city experience.
Action: Motion agreed
Report on Dollymount Strand - Les Moore, City Parks Superintendent Additional documents: Minutes: Gerry Kerr asked that additional signage be put in place in cases when the water quality is unsafe for swimming. Conor McQuillan asked if the City Council would consider running a pilot autonomous bus from the City Centre to Dollymount Strand.
Action: The Manager to investigate and look at the potential cost and inform members of outcome. Report Noted.
Dublin City Council Culture Company - Iseult Byrne, Interim CEO Minutes: Action: The Chair commended the work and the staff of Culture Connects. Report Noted.
Update on the Luke Kelly Statue - Ruairí O'Cuiv, Public Art Manager Additional documents: Minutes: Progress is continuing on the sculptures of Luke Kelly. A steel fabricator has been identified and contracted by Vera Klute. It is envisaged that the completion date is January 2019.
A site for the John Coll sculpture has been identified. This is at the top of South King Street near the old Mercers Hospital. It is envisaged that both sculptures be launched on the same day in that it will create parity of esteem between the two artists and the two sculptures. It is aimed to have the launch on 30th January which is the anniversary of Luke Kelly’s death.
Action: Report Noted.
Update on the George Bernard Shaw House - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting) Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report Noted. Leave on agenda for further updates.
Report on the Implementation of the Cultural Strategy - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The provisional title for the Conference is ‘Connecting the City through Culture’. The Conference will set out the investment in cultural infrastructure and programmes annually by Dublin City Council and highlight specific examples from all sections and departments that are involved in cultural activity. It is hoped to coincide it with a unified City Arts Plan.
It has been long acknowledged that the general public and other public and private agencies do not realise the extent of DCC’s involvement and support for culture and this Conference is a first step in taking responsibility for our part in making this visible. It is planned to have the conference in late April.
A discussion took place around the great work of the Arts Office and indeed the work of Dublin City Council and that DCC should make our branding / logo more prominent at certain events / buildings.
Action: Report Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was informed that the planning application was submitted to An Bord Pleanála on 26th October. It is understood that the determination period will be 18 weeks, beginning from the end of the 3rd party and prescribed bodies submissions period (18th December 2018). It is hoped that a decision will issue in May 2019 depending on whether an oral hearing is decided upon or further information is requested by An Bord Pleanála.
Action: Report Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Kelly informed the Committee that Bluebell Community Centre was very badly vandalised and requested that the building be re-opened as a matter of urgency, and to employ a security guard in the interim.
Management stated that the building will be closed for at least a week as all fire doors were destroyed.
Cllr O’Farrell requested more information on the New Year’s Eve Festival and the Winter Lights. He also asked if the Couch to Parkrun could be rolled out in the Clontarf area.
Action: Circulate more information on the New Year’s Eve Festival. Sports Officer to contact Cllr O’Farrell regarding the Couch to Parkrun. Cllr Lyons commended the work being invested in the Darndale Park. He also praised the work of the Sports and Wellbeing Partnership.
The Chair commended Council staff for their work around the Halloween period.
Conor McQuillan asked that the Sportsfest include people with disabilities for next year.
Action: Management to review Sportsfest for next year.
Proposed Dates for 2019 Arts, Culture and Recreation SPC Additional documents: Minutes: The proposed dates were not approved. It will revert to Monday mornings in 2019.
Action: Circulate new dates to members
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting dated 25th July 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted.
Approved Minutes of the Commemorative Naming Committee meeting dated 25th July 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting dated 3rd September 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: The former Lord Mayor and Chairperson of Screen Producers Ireland John Gormley has asked to present at the next SPC.
Action: Agreed