Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Paula Ebbs, Meetings Administrator
No. | Item |
Draft Minutes of meeting held on 9th July 2018 Additional documents: |
Motion submitted by Cllr. Deirdre Heney “Following a recent successful prosecution by Gardaí in a court case involving animal cruelty against a carriage horse owner in Dublin, and in order to reduced/eliminate cruelty to horses in our city, that Dublin City Council
1. Review its Horse Drawn Carriages bye-laws, (was referred to the Transportation SPC)
2. work with An Garda Siochána, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the DSPCA, the Control of Horses Act 1996, Dublin City Council’s Control of Horses Bye-laws 2014 in order to bring about greater enforcement of existing legislation and
3. Arrange the introduction of routine welfare checks of horses (including checks on harnessing etc) by a qualified equine veterinarian or suitably qualified authorised officer.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Management informed Cllr Heney that item 1 of this Motion does not fall under the Licensing Unit’s remit. It had been referred to the Transportation SPC.
Cllr Heney called on Dublin City Council to request that An Garda Siochana, specifically the mounted unit be trained in the Control of Horses legislation so that we will be able to enforce that legislation and to carry out a public awareness campaign so that people know that horses should be licenced and enforce the Bye-Laws to ensure compliance, and that a review be carried out by DCC in conjunction with An Garda Siochana that all stables in the city be examined to ensure compliance with the Control of Horses legislation and that all premises have an equine number.
Cllr Heney also called on the Council to make provision to employ an Equine Vet on a contract basis / an on call veterinary service.
Management informed the members that a Dublin Region Horse Welfare Group has been set up who meet bi-annually. The role of this group is to develop a concerted collaborative programme aimed at promoting a facilitating responsible horse ownership across the Dublin region with a particular focus on indiscriminate breeding, animal welfare, education and awareness and legislation and regulation pertaining to animal welfare and control of horses.
The motion was broadly supported.
Action: A progress report to be submitted at the January 2019 SPC meeting. |
Motion submitted by Cllr. John Lyons “This committee believes that the rich social, cultural and political history and development of Dublin deserves the widest possible audience and notes with some dismay that the capital city currently has no municipal civic museum; therefore, this committee calls on the City Council, in consultation with a range of stakeholders including the OPW, the National Cultural Institutions, The Heritage Council and others, to initiate the process of establishing a new Museum of Dublin” Additional documents: Minutes: Members broadly supported this motion.
Action: Progress the concept of developing a museum and look at initiating a feasibility study. Consult with various stakeholders and report back to this committee in 4 – 5 months time.
Motion submitted by Cllr. Vincent Jackson “That Dublin City Council Parks Dept. allocate the necessary resources to rid the Lawns Park, Blackditch Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 of the daily menace of alcohol drinking which has plaqued this Park for over 30 years. The recent spell of good weather has resulted in all day sessions which can last up to 16 hours, residents along Le Fanu Road, Ballyfermot and Park, users cannot understand why we allow this practice to continue, would we allow it continue in say St. Anne’s Park? I am asking that once and for all this issue is resolved.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Members broadly supported this motion.
Suggestions were made such as signs stating the prohibiting of the consumption of alcohol be erected in parks and having a stronger Garda presence.
Management informed members that there is currently a Parks Management Committee which is attended by Councillors, an Garda Siochana and DCC officials. There is also a sub-committee of the Joint Policing Committee which deals with anti-social behaviour in parks.
Action: City Parks Superintendant to attend the next Parks Management Committee meeting. These issues are to be raised at next sub-committee of the Joint Policing Committee. Look at best practice in the UK to see how they deal with similar problems. Put small provision in Estimates to help deal with these issues. Bring progress report to the January SPC.
Verbal update on proposals on how to progress a Motion submitted by Cllr J. Lyons at July 9th meeting regarding the LGBTQ community's struggle and in recognition to commission a monument/piece of art - Ruairí O Cuív, Public Art Manager Additional documents: Minutes: Members broadly supported this motion.
Suggestions were made such as signs stating the prohibiting of the consumption of alcohol be erected in parks and having a stronger Garda presence.
Management informed members that there is currently a Parks Management Committee which is attended by Councillors, an Garda Siochana and DCC officials. There is also a sub-committee of the Joint Policing Committee which deals with anti-social behaviour in parks.
Action: City Parks Superintendant to attend the next Parks Management Committee meeting. These issues are to be raised at next sub-committee of the Joint Policing Committee. Look at best practice in the UK to see how they deal with similar problems. Put small provision in Estimates to help deal with these issues. Bring progress report to the January SPC.
Report on Dollymount/Bull Island - Leslie Moore, City Parks Superintendent Additional documents: Minutes: Some members raised concerns about the licensed discharges from the Irish Water Waste Water Treatment Plant that exceeded the EPA licence limits in relation to E. Coli. Cllr O’Farrell stated that this issue was raised at the last City Council meeting and a report on this issue is due back to the full Council meeting. Other concerns raised was the issue of human excrement on the beach and what would be involved in closing the beach while this problem exists. Action: Management to investigate the closure of the beach when this issue arises. Report noted.
Report on the George Bernard Shaw House - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting) Additional documents: Minutes: Action: A more detailed update to be brought to the November SPC. Report noted.
Report on the Artists Workspaces - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report noted |
Report on the Implementation of the Cultural Strategy - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Report noted.
Architects Report on Terenure Library - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting) Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. Freehill asked about co-operation between the City Council and the enterprise centre next door to the library to accommodate further space and requested that this issue be included in the report to the South East Area Committee. Cllr. Feeney stated there could be synergies between the enterprise centre and the library. Conor McQuillan raised the issue of meeting rooms in the enterprise centre being used by Terenure Library.
Action: Report to the South East Area Committee with the discussed issues to be included in the report. Report noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. Jackson read the following into the record:
Mr. Gerry Kerr and Mr. Robbie Sinnott have reached an agreement on an outstanding matter of which you are already aware. Mr. Robbie Sinnott wishes to change his email sent to Councillors regarding this matter.
From: “The only two NGOs who contributed to the PPN Disability Group’s Observations were my own Blind Legal Alliance and Headway.”
To: “My own Blind Legal Alliance and Headway made vital contributions to the PPN Disability Group’s Observations “
Gerry Kerr having already retracted his statement regarding the above and removal of the webcast, wishes to state that he apologises to Mr. Robbie Sinnott for naming him at the meeting. He wishes to state that Mr. Robbie Sinnott and the Blind Legal Alliance played a vital role in the Disability Linkage Group’s response to the Cathedral St /Sackville Place Part 8 proposal and wishes to verify Mr. Sinnott’s reputation as a long time disability advocate and indeed the hard work he did on this particular issue.
Cllr. Kelly queried the Bluebell All Weather Pitch pricing structure. He welcomed the appointment of the City Council’s first Athletics Officer. Cllr. Lyons praised the launch of the inaugural SportsFest which will take place 23rd – 30th September. The Chair asked that management convey the deep appreciation from members of this SPC the huge amount of excellent work that the Sports Section undertakes. Action: Report noted
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 30th May 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted.
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting held 30th May 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted.
Breviate of draft Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 25th July 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Noted.
Presentation on the New City Library at Parnell Square - Brendan Teeling, City Librarian (Acting) Presentation to follow Additional documents: Minutes: The presentation on the New City Library at Parnell Square which will be part of the cultural quarter was delivered by Grainne Shaffrey of Shaffrey Associates Architects, Yvonne Farrell of Grafton Architects and Ali Grehan from City Council Architects Division. It is envisaged that planning application should be submitted by end of September. Members were presented with plans, drawings and impressions of what the building will look like. Issues such as engagement with the PPN / accessibility / work spaces for artists and funding were raised. Management addressed these issues.
Action: Presentation was broadly commended and noted
A.O.B Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. Kelly stated apologies from Cllr. McGrattan being unable to attend the meeting.