Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Paula Ebbs, Meetings Administrator
No. | Item |
Draft minutes of Arts Culture and Recreation SPC dated 12th March 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair thanked Margaret Hayes, City Librarian for her exemplary work and huge contribution made to the development of the library service. Members expressed their deep appreciation and wished Margaret well on her retirement after 41 years service.
Cllr Jackson, Chair opened the meeting then nominated Cllr McGrattan to take the Chair as he had a prior appointment.
Action: Agreed. Gerry Kerr wished to have his objection under item no. 4 “Review of the Passport for Leisure and Over 65’s Scheme” noted.
Cllr Freehill informed members that she was advised that the Volunteer Award Scheme may not proceed in 2018. Members felt that this very worthwhile scheme should be allowed to continue.
Action: Bring an update of this Scheme to the next SPC meeting or notify members of progress in the interim.
Presentation on a Community Engagement Approach to Implementing the Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan 2015-2020 - Niamh Ní Cholmáin, Biodiversity Officer for Community Engagement Minutes: Niamh gave an overview of a community engagement strategy that raises awareness of biodiversity and helps protect the city’s nature and wildlife. Action: Presentation welcomed and noted by members. |
Verbal update on the new over 60's Discount Scheme - Jim Beggan, Senior Executive Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Executive Officer apologised to members that his report would not be available until the next SPC as the meeting with members only took place on Friday 11th May. Action: Bring report to next meeting. |
Update Report on the George Bernard Shaw House - Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian Additional documents: Minutes: Management informed members that the Chief Valuer’s Office has finalised negotiations with Failte Ireland who currently hold the premises under a 200 year lease. The matter has been referred to the Law Agent for preparation of the legal documents. City Architects expect to commence the Statutory Approval process by the end of June, with a view to having City Council approval by November and tender documentation ready by the end of the year. Action: Get update from Law Agents on timeline and inform Cllr. Freehill. Report Noted.
Verbal update on the Artists Workspaces - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Management informed the Committee that in recent times many studios have been closed down throughout the city and artists’ workspaces are no longer available to the people who had them. There is also a deficit in spaces coming to the market due to the various pressures on housing and the private rental sector. A Committee has been formed which consists of the DCC’s Arts Office, Planning & Development, Dept. of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Arts Council and have begun to address this matter. Five sites have now been identified which are located in Dublin 1 and Dublin 8 areas and can now go forward for a feasibility study. Action: Noted – Progress report to be brought to future meeting. |
Report on the Implementation of the Cultural Strategy - Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: Management gave an update on the action of the Cultural Strategy which talks about the cultural rights of the child. The Young Dublin Assembly Event will take place on 15th June in the Mansion House. This event will showcase how Dublin City Council works with creativity, culture, play and with Arts, Community and Cultural organisations to support children and their families. Action: Noted. Cllr Flynn raised the matter of a dedicated park / green space for children. Action: Les Moore, City Parks Superintendent to contact the Councillor directly to discuss.
Verbal update on the New City Library at Parnell Square - Margaret Hayes, Dublin City Librarian. Additional documents: Minutes: As part of the process of preparing the Environmental Impact Statement to accompany the planning application, a consultation matrix is currently in preparation. This will document all aspects of project consultation to date. In order to allow time for the production of the planning submission, project design freeze was set for May 11th. Some members requested more information on the rising costs of the project. Action: Bring a breakdown of the latest funding costs/financial report to the next meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The current draft Action Plan for 2018 was circulated to the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). The 2016 Action Plan had 404 actions attached to it. Last year it was reduced to 303 actions. The current Plan has 147 actions which will be a more efficient way of delivering the Plan. It is hoped to condense it further for the years 2019 – 2021. Once the draft plan has been type-set and desktop published, it can then go forward to the full Council in June. Action: Noted. |
Motion submitted by Cllr. Mary Freehill, Cllr. Dermot Lacey, Cllr. Alison Gilliland and Cllr. Rebecca Moynihan “That the Arts SPC formally embarks on a discussion regarding freedom and tolerance of artistic expression. Furthermore develops a review mechanism that will adjudicate on any activities or programmes where there is a divergence of views in relation to inclusion of a performance on any Programme run by DCC” Additional documents: |
Motion submitted by Cllr. John Lyons “Noting with grave concern the decision taken by Dublin City Council officials to cancel a literary event in which participants had been invited to discuss the concept of protest art, their approach to writing about the body and art and the impact of the movement for reproductive rights on arts and culture in Ireland, as part of the programme of the International Literary Festival Dublin 2018;
Acknowledging also the disquiet expressed by many Dublin writers and artists that this decision sets a dangerous precedent for intellectual discourse and artistic freedom,
The elected representatives and other members of this arts committee call on Dublin City Council management to reverse the decision and immediately re-instate “The Question of the Eight” event, due to take place on May 21st.” Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair decided to discuss the two Motions together. Following a detailed discussion, members broadly supported both Motions. Management informed members that having viewed options, DCC could not be seen to interfere with the integrity of the referendum. It could also be seen to contravene the Code of Conduct for Local Authority employees (who are directly organising and funding this festival) in their responsibility to remain politically neutral. The Supreme Court (as in the McKenna Judgement in 1995) ruled that public monies may not be used to support either side of a referendum. The cancellation of this festival was due to a unique set of circumstances and is not an attempt to suppress intellectual discourse or artistic freedom but to ensure compliance by Local Authority employees with their Code of Conduct and Court findings with regard to impartiality by public bodies in a referendum. Consideration will be given in future direct programming of Dublin City Council events to issuing a set of guidelines for City Council officials and curators involved. Action: Both Motions were agreed.Members were considering submitting an Emergency Motion at the City Council meeting later that evening.
Management Update Minutes: Action: Noted. |
Approved Minutes of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group meeting held 17th January 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Approved Minutes of the Commemorations Sub-Committee meeting held 31st January 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Approved Minutes of the Commemorative Naming Committee meeting held 31st January 2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action: Agreed |
A.O.B. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Flynn informed members of a document that was presented at the Housing SPC regarding social housing and the possibility of rejuvenation and potential demolition, and the implications for built heritage and the architectural merit of such buildings. He asked that this SPC take a special interest and to have a look at de-listing in order to make interventions on these buildings. Action: Discussion paper report on Regeneration and Development Proposals for Dublin City Council apartment complexes submitted to the Housing SPC meeting on 10th May 2018 to be circulated to members. Arts, Culture and Recreation SPC may seek a presentation from Housing and Community Services if required. Some members requested an update on Markets. The Manager addressed these queries. Cllr O’Farrell requested information / clarity on markets in parks. Action: Bring report / presentation on markets in parks to the next meeting. Gerry Kerr stated that with regard to a Part VIII on Cathedral Street and Sackville Place to contact him as Chairperson of the Disability Linkage Group for updates.
In relation to this item an excerpt under Chairpersons Business of meeting of 9th July 2018:- “A request has been lodged from a 3rd party to remove an item from the webcast from the meeting on 14th May 2018. The item was raised under AOB by Gerry Kerr regarding the Sackville Place and Cathedral Street Part VIII vote. Gerry Kerr has consented to its removal. We are seeking this Committee’s consent to proceed with the removal.” The Committee agreed to the removal of this item from the webcast. |