Venue: The Round Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin. View directions
No. | Item |
Lord Mayor's Business Additional documents: Minutes: · The Lord Mayor opened the meeting by asking Council for agreement on rescheduling the January Council meeting to the 11th January 2021. The request was approved.
· The Lord Mayor paid tribute to two staff members who will be retiring this December and who have given a life of public service to the people of Dublin.
Dr. Mary Clark, Dublin City Archivist who has been a constant help to Lord Mayors, Councillors and staff of Dublin City Council with her knowledge of the city of Dublin, history of the City Council, of the Office of the Lord Mayor and the Mansion House. She started with Dublin Corporation on 5th November 1979 and was the first city archivist since Sir John Gilbert in 1898. She, and the Archives, have been located in City Hall, Civic Museum and most recently in Pearse Street Library & Archive. Thanks to her work the City Council has a very good history of Dublin including new collections being donated to the Archive.
Eileen Gleeson, Director of the Dublin Region Homeless Executive who retires on Christmas Eve. She has dedicated the last number of years working in Dublin City Council to those who are homeless on the streets of Dublin. She has shown great professionalism and humanity in working in this challenging position and has made a real difference through her work to those in need in our city.
Representatives from all the political groups on the Council joined the Lord Mayor in expressing their gratitude to Ms. Gleeson and Dr. Clark for their years of service and wished them well in their retirement.
· The Lord Mayor informed Members that 6th December marked the 100th anniversary of the City Council moving its meetings to the Mansion House. On 6th December 1920 the British Army entered the Council Chamber in City Hall and arrested two Aldermen and four Councillors. Later City Hall and Municipal Buildings were requisitioned by the British Army and Dublin City Council moved to the Mansion House for its meetings where it remained for the following four years.
· The Lord Mayor reported that following 13 meetings, the Lord Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness will present its report to Minister O’Brien, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage. For the past number of months the Task Force has heard from Service Users and Service Providers which will culminate in the submission of a “Top Five Requests” to the Minister on Friday next. The Lord Mayor thanked Brendan Kenny, Eileen Gleeson and all the Elected Members who worked on the Task Force.
· The Lord Mayor briefed Members on the Christmas events at the Mansion House:
IFA Live Animal Crib will open tomorrow at 11am and will be on the forecourt of the Mansion House from 11am to 5pm every day until Christmas Eve when it will close at 2pm. It has changed slightly to allow for Covid compliance but I’m delighted to be able to continue the Mansion House tradition.
Rewind 2020 – An Interfaith ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |
Ceisteanna fé Bhuan Ordú Úimhir 16 PDF 536 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghan that Dublin City Council approves the Dublin Chief Executive answering the questions lodged. The motion having been put and carried, written answers to the 144 questions lodged for the City Council meeting were issued. The Questions and Answers are set out in Appendix A to these minutes. |
Correspondence Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghan that that Dublin City Council notes the contents of this letter. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghan that that Dublin City Council notes the contents of this letter. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghan that that Dublin City Council notes the contents of this letter. The motion was put and carried. |
To confirm the minutes of the City Council Meeting held on 16th November 2020. PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. James Geoghegan asked for clarification regarding item 13 on the minutes, Report No. 311/2020.
It was confirmed that Report No. 310/2020 and 311/2020 were taken together and both were rejected. The minutes will be amended to reflect this and resubmitted for approval in January 2021. |
To fill one vacancy on the City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB) following the resignation of Cllr. Noeleen Reilly. Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed to defer the filling of this vacancy to the January 2021 City Council meeting. |
Disposal of Fee Simple and Freehold Interest: Additional documents: |
Report No. 303/2020 of the Executive Manager (M. Hayes) - With reference to the disposal of the Fee Simple Interest under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978 in 11 premises. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 303/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 339/2020 of the Executive Manager (M. Hayes) - With reference to the disposal of the Fee Simple Interest under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978 in 15 premises. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 339/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 344/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 299/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 295/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 300/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 345/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Granting of Licenses and Leases to Community and Voluntary Groups Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghan informed Council that she had a conflict of interest in relation to this item and left the meeting for the duration of the discussion on the matter.
It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Cllr. Tara Deacy that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 293/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes:
It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 291/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 346/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 349/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 347/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 341/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. Joe Costello informed Council that he had a conflict of interest in relation to this item and left the meeting for the duration of the discussion on the matter.
It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 343/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 353/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 342/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Disposal of Land: Additional documents: |
Report No. 292/2020 of the Senior Executive Officer (H. McNamara) - With reference to the proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 12 Croydon Park Avenue, Marino, Dublin 3. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 292/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 294/2020 of the Senior Executive Officer (H. McNamara) - With reference to the proposed disposal of a plot of ground to the rear of No.26 Broadstone Avenue, Phibsborough, Dublin 7. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 294/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 296/2020 of the Senior Executive Officer (H. McNamara) - With reference to the proposed disposal of a plot at 606 Clonard Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 296/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 348/2020 of the Executive Manager (P. Clegg) - With reference to the proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 23 Brian Boru Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 348/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 297/2020 of the Senior Executive Officer (H. McNamara) - With reference to the proposed disposal of a plot at 604 Clonard Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 297/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 301/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Disposal of Property: Additional documents: |
Report No. 350/2020 of the Assistant Chief Executive (R. Shakespeare) - With further reference to the proposed disposal of fourteen apartments in New Priory, Hole in the Wall Road, Dublin 13. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 350/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 298/2020 of the Assistant Chief Executive (R. Shakespeare) - With further reference to the proposed disposal of one apartment in New Priory, Hole in the Wall Road, Dublin 13. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 298/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 351/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 352/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Reports of the Chief Executive, in compliance with Section 138 of the Local Government Act 2001 informing the Council of works which are about to commence and in compliance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, Part 8: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 332/2020 and hereby approves the contents therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 320/2020 and hereby approves the contents therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 309/2020 and hereby approves the contents therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 357/2020 of the Assistant Chief Executive with reference to the Proposed Borrowing for Housing Capital Planned Maintenance, and hereby approves the borrowing requirement as set out therein, subject to the sanction of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The motion was put and carried. |
Report No. 288/2020 of the Chief Executive (O. Keegan) - Performance Indicators 2019. PDF 365 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 288/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 334/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Members thanked Brendan O’Brien and his team for their hard work and commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic. They raised several issues in relation to the ongoing mobility interventions across the city.
The Manager agreed to respond in writing to the issues raised by the Members during the debate.
It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghanthat Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 355/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Topical Issues - As decided by Council on the night Additional documents: Minutes: No Topical Issues were submitted. |
Emergency Motion(s) Additional documents: Minutes: The Following Emergency Motions were taken without debate:
Emergency Motion No. 1:
As street performances this December have been banned due to Covid restrictions and public health concerns, that Dublin City Council find ways to support our street performers to reach an audience and make an income this Christmas/December, be it through providing recordings of pieces, working with radio stations/TV/media to play selected pieces and or through speakers on street, helping to make videos of performances shown on DCC websites and social media and any other ways creative effective and safe ways to support street performers who’s work brings joy and colour to our streets and that really need our support more than ever this Christmas.
Submitted by: Cllr. Donna Cooney, Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud, Cllr. Caroline Conroy, Cllr. Darcy Lonergan, Cllr. Christy Burke, Cllr. Janet Horner, Cllr. Dearbháil Butler, Cllr. Claire Byrne.
Emergency Motion No. 2:
Dublin City Council recognises that Covid has posed huge challenges for council management and council staff. We applaud the cooperation and commitment of staff right across Dublin City.One of the challenges has been the monthly council meetings and working through the agenda. In order to deal with the backlog of motions Dublin City Council agrees to host at least one extra meeting a month from January 2021 until the motions have been cleared.
Submitted by: Cllr. Daithi Doolan, Cllr, Janice Boylan, Cllr. Daniel Céitinn, Cllr. Máire Devine, Cllr Anthony Connaghan, Cllr Larry O'Toole, Cllr Seamas McGrattan, Cllr. Micheál MacDonncha.
It was proposed by Lord Mayor Hazel Chu and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Callaghan that the meeting be adjourned to Monday 14th December 2020. The motion was put and carried. Additional documents: |
The meeting concluded at 8.10pm and in accordance with Standing Orders all other items remaining on the Agenda were deferred to the adjourned meeting of the City Council to be held on the 14th December 2020. Additional documents: |