Venue: Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2. View directions
No. | Item |
Lord Mayor's Business Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor opened the meeting by thanking the OPW for facilitating a meeting in Dublin Castle.
The Lord Mayor requested that the Members pause for a moment to remember the following who recently passed away o Former Councillor John Gallagher who died on 29th March 2020. o Firefighter/Paramedic Dave McLoughlin, Dublin Fire Brigade based in Finglas Fire Station No. 5, C Watch, who died on 6th April, 2020 o Ray Glynn’s sister Angela Kane Ní Glynn and his aunt Ena Rice Ní Geraghty.
He extended his congratulations to two former Members of Dublin City Council, Councillors Rebecca Moynihan and Marie Sherlock who were recently elected to Seanad Éireann.
The Lord Mayor updated members on a Video Conference of the Liberal Mayors Network last Saturday, 9th May - Europe Day. This year it marked the 70th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which set European integration in motion. He joined with the Mayor of Bratislava, the Deputy Mayor of Madrid, and others to discuss and a declaration on what kind of Europe liberal mayors believe is necessary 70 years after the Schuman declaration and coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic which is hitting our societies so hard. The Lord Mayor will circulate the draft declaration to members for their consideration.
The Lord Mayor also spoke of the closure of Bewley’s Café, Grafton Street. He has received a lot of correspondence in relation to the matter and intends collating those ideas and arranging a virtual meeting.
The following motion was proposed by Cllr Catherine Stocker and seconded by Councillor Daithí Doolan. “In order to meet National Guidelines on Social Distancing, this Council agrees to meet now in Dublin Castle and for the same reason agrees this meeting should last no longer than 90 minutes”. The motion was put and carried.
It was proposed by Councillor Catherine Stocker and seconded by Councillor Daithí Doolan that “This Council agrees to schedule the June Council Meeting and the Annual Meeting in a venue other than City Hall to comply with Government guidelines on social distancing” The motion was put and carried. |
Ceisteanna fé Bhuan Ordú Úimhir 16 PDF 939 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dermot Lacey and seconded by Councillor Deirdre Heney “That Dublin City Council approves the Dublin Chief Executive answering the questions lodged”. The motion having been put and carried, written answers to the 129 questions lodged for the City Council meeting were issued. The Questions and Answers are set out in Appendix A attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr. Damian O’Farrell requested that the minutes be amended for the adjourned meeting of 10th March to reflect that Report No. Report No. 77/2020 of the Chief Executive (O. Keegan) - Proposed Variations (No.'s 8 - 27) of Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, that Variation No. 14 was carried by the casting vote of the Lord Mayor. Agreed.
The minutes of the Special meeting held on 24th February, the March City Council meeting held on 2nd March and the Adjourned City Council meeting held on 10th March 2020, having been printed, certified by the Meetings Administrator, circulated to the Members and taken as read, were signed by the Lord Mayor.
To fill vacancies on the following committees and outside bodies: Additional documents: |
One vacancy on the Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC following the resignation of Cllr. Deirdre Conroy Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Deirdre Heney that this item be deferred. Agreed.
One vacancy on the Traffic and Transport SPC following the election of Marie Sherlock to Seanad Eireann Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dermot Lacey and seconded by Councillor Deirdre Heney that Councillor Jane Horgan Jones be appointed as a member of the Traffic and Transport SPC. The motion was put and carried.
Three vacancies on the Protocol Committee Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Catherine Stocker and seconded by Councillor Michael Pidgeon that Councillor Cat O’Driscoll be appointed as a member of the Protocol Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor Michael Pidgeon and seconded by Councillor Alison Gilliland that Councillor Darcy Lonergan be appointed as a member of the Protocol Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor Colm O’Rourke and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Councillor James Geoghegan be appointed as a member of the Protocol Committee. The motions were put and carried.
One vacancy on the Dublin Mid-Leinster Regional Health Forum Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed that this item would be deferred. |
One vacancy on the Board of Irish Public Bodies following the resignation of Cllr. Declan Flanagan Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor James Geoghegan that this item be deferred. Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Michael Pidgeon and seconded by Councillor Micheál MacDonncha that Dublin City Council notes Report No. 146/2020 and hereby approves the contents therein. The motion was put and carried.
Monthly Local Fund Statements: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Noeleen Reilly that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 119/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 147/2020 of the Head of Finance (K. Quinn) - May Monthly Local Fund Statement PDF 369 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Noeleen Reilly that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 147/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 148/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Noeleen Reilly and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that Dublin City Council notes Report No. 130/2020 and adopts the Annual Financial Statement 2019 as outlined therein. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 107/2020 and assents to the proposals outlined therein”. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 122/2020 and hereby approves borrowing €34m to fund the proposed NCOD, subject to the sanction of the Minister for the Housing, Planning and Local Government”. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Alison Gilliland and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 126/2020 and assents to the proposal to amend the Dublin City Council Scheme of Letting Priorities”. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Catherine Stocker and seconded by Councillor Alison Gilliland that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 150/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dermot Lacey and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 154/2020 and approves the amendment of the Record of Protected Structures in the Dublin City Council Development Plan 2016-2022 for 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4 in accordance with Section 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as amended. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Damian O’Farrell and seconded by Councillor Daithí Doolan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 155/2020 and approves the addition of R & H Hall Silo, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1 to the Record of Protected Structures in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 in accordance with Section 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as amended. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Damian O’Farrell and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 156/2020 and approves the addition of 24, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 to the Record of Protected Structures in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 in accordance with Section 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as amended. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Damian O’Farrell and seconded by Councillor Lawrence Hemmings that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 157/2020 and approves the addition of the former Guinness Power Station, Guinness Brewery, James’s Street, including the gates and railing to its front site to the Record of Protected Structures in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 in accordance with Section 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as amended. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dermot Lacey and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that “It is hereby resolved that we, the Lord Mayor, and members of Dublin City Council, being the Road Authority for the City of Dublin declare the roads and footpaths at Adair Lane, Dublin 2, to be public roads and footpaths as shown on Drawing R.M. 25173B in accordance with Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993”. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Lawrence Hemmings and seconded by Councillor James Geoghegan that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 158/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Proposed disposals of property: Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor stated that he had acted in a professional capacity in relation to Priory Hall (Reports 108/2020 and Reports 113/2020) and vacated the Chamber. Councillor Dermot Lacey took the chair for this item.
Report No. 110/2020 of the A/Executive Manager (H. McKenna) - with reference to the disposal of the Fee Simple Interest under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978 in 4 premises Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 110/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 123/2020 of the A/Executive Manager (H. McKenna) - With reference to the disposal of the Fee Simple Interest under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978 in 14 premises. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 123/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 108/2020 of the Assistant Chief Executive ( R. Shakespeare) - With further reference to the proposed disposal of eleven apartments in New Priory, Hole in the Wall Road, Dublin 13 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 108/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 111/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 113/2020 of the Assistant Chief Executive (R. Shakespeare) - With further reference to the proposed disposal of five apartments in New Priory, Hole in the Wall Road, Dublin 13 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 113/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 114/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dathí Doolan and seconded by Councillor Alison Gilliland that Report 116/2020 be deferred. Agreed.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 115/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 131/2020 of the Executive Manager (P. Clegg) - With reference to the disposal of a plot of ground to the rear of No 27 Broadstone Avenue, Phibsborough, Dublin 7 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 131/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 132/2020 of the Senior Executive Officer (H. McNamara) - With reference to the proposed disposal of a side passageway at No 89 Sandyhill Gardens, Ballymun, Dublin 11 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 132/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Report No. 133/2020 of the Senior Executive Officer (H. McNamara) - With further reference to the proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 17 Gortmore Drive, Finglas, Dublin 11 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 133/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 134/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 135/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 136/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 137/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 138/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 139/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried. Councillor Damian O’Farrell requested that Councillor Pat Dunne’s objection to the disposal be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 140/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 141/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 142/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 143/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 144/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Ray McAdam and seconded by Councillor Daryl Barron “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 145/2020 and assents to the proposal outlined therein” The motion was put and carried
The Lord Mayor returned to chair the meeting.
Social Housing Supply and Delivery Monthly Update: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 127/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 151/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Monthly Management Report: Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 128/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Report No.149/2020 of the Chief Executive (O. Keegan) - Monthly Management Report for May PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 149/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 109/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 124/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 120/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 129/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 121/2020. The motion was put and carried.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 125/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 112/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 152/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 117/2020. The motion was put and carried. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by the Lord Mayor Tom Brabazon and seconded by Councillor Dermot Lacey that Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No. 153/2020. The motion was put and carried
Before concluding the meeting the Lord Mayor made a statement on the COVID 19 crisis. He is a member of both the Crisis Management Team and Crisis Community Response Forum. He remarked on the commitment by the Senior Management of Dublin City Council and said that the last few weeks had shown local government at its best, staff working extremely hard to maintain vital services. He commended Dublin Fire Brigade who are working at the forefront and frontline. He thanked the Fire Brigade and An Garda Siochána most sincerely for their work and the members stood to applaud the front line workers.
The meeting concluded at 7.50 p.m. |