Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Email: gabrielle.malone@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 21st February, 2024 Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Questions to the Director of Services South Central Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Replies to Questions and the Director of Services report circulated.
Environment and Transportation Matters 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 27/02/24 in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 15/02/24 and 19/02/24.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 27/02/24 in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 15/02/24 and 19/02/24. Order: 1. Report Noted. 2. Reports Noted.
South Central Area Matters 1. Presentation - Dublin City Council Sports Plan 2023 – 2028. 2. Presentation - Digital Strategy & Citizen-facing Digital Services. 3. Proposed Pedestrian Improvement Measures at Newmarket. 4. Part 8 Notification – Flood lighting Donore Harriers. For information purposes only. 5. 2024 Roads Maintenance Annual Works Programme. 6. Director of Services Report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Presentation - Dublin City Council Sports Plan 2023 – 2028. 2. Presentation - Digital Strategy & citizen-facing digital services. 3. Proposed Pedestrian Improvement Measures at Newmarket. 4. Part 8 Notification – Flood lighting Donore Harriers. For information purposes only. 5. 2024 Roads Maintenance Annual Works Programme. 6. Director of Services Report. Order: 1. Presentation Noted. 2. Presentation Noted. 3. Report Noted. 4. Noted. 5. Noted. 6. Report Noted.
Culture, Recreation & Economic Matters 1. Sports and Recreation Report for March 2024 South Central Area.
Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Sports and Recreation Report for March 2024 South Central Area. Order: Report Noted.
Emergency Motions Additional documents: |
M312 Councillor Kelsey May Daly That this Area Committee recognises the invaluable work done in Warrenmount Adult Education Centre since 1995 to provide education to adult learners. The centre is a highly relied on resource for community engagement and accessible education and its closure would result in hundreds of displaced learners and tutors alike with no other clear option for relocation. Therefore, this Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to acquire the premises to ensure that it remains a centre of education for the community.
M313 Councillor Kelsey May Daly That this Area Committee directs the Director of Services to explore options to open the green space at the St Teresa's Gardens site to the public this summer and to present options at the next area committee. The community is negatively impacted by the dire lack of green spaces for children and families and therefore the council should consider any options including the Teresa’s Gardens site, available to make space for recreation with the upcoming outdoor season.
M314 Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud For this Committee to support the request from local social workers among others to add more 3 beds in the Emmet Road Project. That this Committee writes to the Minister for Housing expressing our support and asking for his support to provide housing for families.
M315 Councillor Vincent Jackson That Dublin City Council please look at using the new government legislation in relation use of CCTV to deter fly-tipping of waste to install cameras in the lane way from Kylemore Road Ballyfermot to Thomond Road. Neighbours are fed up with the constant filth and dirt those people dumping are responsible for. Can some of the waste be checked to see if we can find those responsible adjoining gardens are left with litter and odours from this very busy laneway.
M316 Councillor Vincent Jackson That Dublin City Council seek to preserve all the various archaeological finds recently discovered whilst construction of the new apartments takes place on the Old De La Salle Monastery and School site at Ballyfermot Road Dublin 10. Can DCC please indicate who will be responsible to ensure that all finds are properly recorded and documented? The Ballyfermot Heritage Group is very worried that the needs of the contractor will take precedent over the need to archive and record human remains etc. which we believe are now located on this vast site.
M317 Councillor Máire Devine This Committee is concerned at the number of established trees that have become damaged by construction works and subsequently are recommended for removal. We ask that the planning conditions for proposed developments be expanded so that trees are more robustly protected, regularly inspected and increased fines be included in any granted planning applications.
M318 Councillor Máire Devine This Committee recognises that with the significant developments in Dublin 8, especially the National Children’s Hospital & St. James Hospital campus, parking availability for local residents has been very challenging. We recommend that ... view the full agenda text for item 7. Additional documents: Minutes: DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL SOUTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 20th March, 2024
M312 Councillor Kelsey May Daly That this Area Committee recognises the invaluable work done in Warrenmount Adult Education Centre since 1995 to provide education to adult learners. The centre is a highly relied on resource for community engagement and accessible education and its closure would result in hundreds of displaced learners and tutors alike with no other clear option for relocation. Therefore, this Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to acquire the premises to ensure that it remains a centre of education for the community. Order: Report Noted.
M313 Councillor Kelsey May Daly That this Area Committee directs the Director of Services to explore options to open the green space at the St Teresa's Gardens site to the public this summer and to present options at the next area committee. The community is negatively impacted by the dire lack of green spaces for children and families and therefore the council should consider any options including the Teresa’s Gardens site, available to make space for recreation with the upcoming outdoor season. Order: Report Noted.
M314 Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud For this Committee to support the request from local social workers among others to add more 3 beds in the Emmet Road Project. That this Committee writes to the Minister for Housing expressing our support and asking for his support to provide housing for families. Order: Deferred to April Meeting.
M315 Councillor Vincent Jackson That Dublin City Council please look at using the new government legislation in relation use of CCTV to deter fly-tipping of waste to install cameras in the lane way from Kylemore Road Ballyfermot to Thomond Road. Neighbours are fed up with the constant filth and dirt those people dumping are responsible for. Can some of the waste be checked to see if we can find those responsible adjoining gardens are left with litter and odours from this very busy laneway. Order: Report Noted.
M316 Councillor Vincent Jackson That Dublin City Council seek to preserve all the various archaeological finds recently discovered whilst construction of the new apartments takes place on the Old De La Salle Monastery and School site at Ballyfermot Road Dublin 10. Can DCC please indicate who will be responsible to ensure that all finds are properly recorded and documented? The Ballyfermot Heritage Group is very worried that the needs of the contractor will take precedent over the need to archive and record human remains etc. which we believe are now located on this vast site. Order: Report Noted.
M317 Councillor Máire Devine This Committee is concerned at the number of established trees that have become damaged by construction works and subsequently are recommended for removal. We ask that the planning conditions for proposed developments be expanded so that trees are more robustly protected, regularly inspected and increased fines be included in any granted planning applications. Order: Report Noted.
M318 Councillor Máire Devine This Committee recognises that with the significant developments in Dublin 8, especially ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |