Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Email: gabrielle.malone@dublincity.ie
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held 20th September, 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Questions to the Director of Services South Central Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Replies to Questions and the Director of Services report circulated.
Environment and Transportation Matters 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 26/09/23 in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 15/09/23 and 18/09/23.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on the 26/09/23 in relation to Traffic Matters in the South Central Area. 2. Traffic Service Requests Status Reports at 15/09/23 and 18/09/23. Order: 1. Report Noted. 2. Reports Noted.
South Central Area Matters 1. Update on Greening Projects – The Liberties & Dolphin’s Barn 2. Community Grants Scheme 2023Report 3. Halloween Community Engagement Programme 2023. 4. Halloween 2023 Public Domain Report. 5. Naming proposal for new development – Planning Reference 3006/21and An Bord Pleanála Reference ABP-311688-21, located at: 15,16 & 16A Camac Park 6. Director of Services Report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Update on Greening Projects – The Liberties & Dolphin’s Barn 2. Community Grants Scheme 2023Report 3. Halloween Community Engagement Programme 2023. 4. Halloween 2023 Public Domain Report. 5. Naming proposal for new development – Planning Reference 3006/21and An Bord Pleanála Reference ABP-311688-21, located at: 15,16 & 16A Camac Park 6. Director of Services Report. Order: 1. Presentation given by Deirdre Prince, Parks BioDiversity & Landscape Services Division. Presentation noted. 2. Agreed. Recommend to Council. 3. Report Noted. 4. Report Noted. 5. Agreed. 6. Report Noted.
Culture, Recreation & Economic Matters 1. Sports and Recreation Report for October 2023 South Central Area.
Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Sports and Recreation Report for October 2023 South Central Area. Order: Report noted.
Planning and Property Development Matters 1. With reference to the proposed grant of a Licence in 48-49 Meath Street, Dublin 8 to Meath Street Youth Activity CLG. 2. With reference to the Lease of the Regional Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at Merrywell Industrial Estate, Ballymount Road Lower, Dublin 22.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. 1 With reference to the proposed grant of a Licence in 48-49 Meath Street, Dublin 8 to Meath Street Youth Activity CLG. Order: Agreed. Recommend to Council.
2. With reference to the Lease of the Regional Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at Merrywell Industrial Estate, Ballymount Road Lower, Dublin 22. Order: Agreed. Recommend to Council.
Emergency Motions Additional documents: Minutes: The order of business was suspended to deal with the following Emergency Motion:
Emergency Motion 1 The South Central Area Committee unequivocally condemns the ongoing attacks on civilians in Palestine and Israel. Deliberately targeting civilians, medical facilities, schools, cutting off fuel, water and international aid to Gaza are all war crimes and Israel should be held to account for these actions. This Area Committee acknowledges the right of Palestinians to live in Palestine with dignity, peace and freedom. This Area Committee calls on the Irish Government to use their positon in the EU and in the UN to call for an immediate cease fire, international aid to be allowed in to Gaza, immediate lifting of the blockade of Gaza and a UN sponsored peace process leading to a just resolution based on international law. Cllrs. Daithí Doolan, Máire Devine
Order: Agreed to write to Department of Foreign Affairs, Palestinian Embassy and Israeli Embassy.
M273 Councillor Hazel de Nortúin To request that DCC acquire one of the unused retail units in Park West (beside the Train Station) for a short period, to establish an information centre for the proposed developments by the Land Development Agency and inclusive of the Local Area Plan which will see thousands of units developed in the area. The scale of the development proposed will change the face of the area, both physically and socially. Residents and communities would benefit from a visual and informative display of retail and residential units.
M274 Councillor Hazel de Nortúin This Area Committee is calling for an immediate response to the level of vacant properties in the D10 area. We agree to call on the CEO and Housing Manager to provide support that will include a budget that will allow for short term solution to returning the voids back into housing stock and a long term support for the Local Area Office that will allow the process of allocation to progress.
M275 Councillor Darragh Moriarty The Area Committee notes the closure of a number of venues in recent years, and acknowledges the need for the increased use of all arenas and event spaces in the city, including the National Stadium. To ensure this increased use is managed appropriately and causes as minimum disruption as possible to surrounding residents, this Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to engage directly with management of the National Stadium, which is a 2,000-seater venue, to seek prior notice of all events taking place at the venue and to put in place tailored parking enforcement plans on surrounding streets to ensure compliance with the Parking Control Bye Laws 2020.
M276 Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud That this Committtee demand from the Cherry Orchard implementation board that residents and group reps from the Cherry Orchard response group be added as full members of the implementation board. It is a matter of transparency, democratic debate and decision making, and inclusion.
M277 Councillor Vincent Jackson That this committee seeks from the Department of Transport representation on the NTA / BUS CONNECTS. Political representation on the board to ensure the concerns of our communities are heard. With all the current changes people now feel powerless to intervene on what’s happening to our services.
M278 Councillor Máire Devine This Committee agree on a more general discussion on the discretionary fund ahead of its allocation in next few months and that reasonable requests from Cllrs. on behalf of constituents, for a grant from the Discretionary Fund be given more priority than has been the experience in past few rounds. M279 Councillor Máire Devine That this committee agrees to support the Liberties History Group in establishing a Robert Emmet Summer School in the Liberties giving locals and visitors a fantastic opportunity to explore this area’s history and promote the heritage of this unique place.
Additional documents: Minutes: DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL SOUTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 18th October, 2023
M273 Councillor Hazel de Nortúin To request that DCC acquire one of the unused retail units in Park West (beside the Train Station) for a short period, to establish an information centre for the proposed developments by the Land Development Agency and inclusive of the Local Area Plan which will see thousands of units developed in the area. The scale of the development proposed will change the face of the area, both physically and socially. Residents and communities would benefit from a visual and informative display of retail and residential units. Order: Agreed.
M274 Councillor Hazel de Nortúin This Area Committee is calling for an immediate response to the level of vacant properties in the D10 area. We agree to call on the CEO and Housing Manager to provide support that will include a budget that will allow for short term solution to returning the voids back into housing stock and a long term support for the Local Area Office that will allow the process of allocation to progress. Order: Agreed.
M275 Councillor Darragh Moriarty The Area Committee notes the closure of a number of venues in recent years, and acknowledges the need for the increased use of all arenas and event spaces in the city, including the National Stadium. To ensure this increased use is managed appropriately and causes as minimum disruption as possible to surrounding residents, this Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to engage directly with management of the National Stadium, which is a 2,000-seater venue, to seek prior notice of all events taking place at the venue and to put in place tailored parking enforcement plans on surrounding streets to ensure compliance with the Parking Control Bye Laws 2020. Order: Agreed.
M276 Councillor Sophie Nicoullaud That this Committtee demand from the Cherry Orchard implementation board that residents and group reps from the Cherry Orchard response group be added as full members of the implementation board. It is a matter of transparency, democratic debate and decision making, and inclusion. Order: Agreed.
M277 Councillor Vincent Jackson That this Committee seeks from the Department of Transport representation on the NTA / BUS CONNECTS. Political representation on the board to ensure the concerns of our communities are heard. With all the current changes people now feel powerless to intervene on what’s happening to our services. Order: Agreed to write to the NTA.
M278 Councillor Máire Devine This Committee agree on a more general discussion on the discretionary fund ahead of its allocation in next few months and that reasonable requests from Cllrs. on behalf of constituents, for a grant from the Discretionary Fund be given more priority than has been the experience in past few rounds. Order: Agreed.
M279 Councillor Máire Devine That this committee agrees to support the Liberties History Group in establishing a Robert Emmet Summer School in the Liberties giving locals and visitors a fantastic opportunity to explore this area’s history and promote the heritage ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |