Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Cora Roche, South Central Area Office
No. | Item |
Minutes of Meeting held on 20th May 2020 Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Questions to the Director of Services South City Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Replies to Questions and the Director of Services report circulated.
South Central Area Matters 1. Presentation on SHD 0009/20 - Former Bailey Gibson Site, 326 to 328 South Circular Road, Dublin 8 2. Notification of intention to initiate Part 8 Application for, Former Parish Centre, 12-14 Carman’s Hall, Dublin 8. 3. Report on proposed Ballyfermot People’s Park 4. Nomination of one member to the St. Teresa’s Gardens Regeneration Board 5. Director of Services Report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Presentation on SHD 0009/20 - Former Bailey Gibson Site, 326 to 328 South Circular Road, Dublin 8 2. Notification of intention to initiate Part 8 Application for, Former Parish Centre, 12-14 Carman’s Hall, Dublin 8. 3. Report on proposed Ballyfermot People’s Park 4. Nomination of one member to the St. Teresa’s Gardens Regeneration Board 5. Director of Services Report. Order: 1. Presentation given by Carol Smyth, Assistant Planner. Members made observations on the application which will be factored into the submission to An Bord Pleanala. Presentation noted. 2. Report noted. 3. Report noted. 4. Deferred to July meeting 5. Report noted, (see attachment).
Culture, Recreation & Economic Matters 1. Sports and Recreation report for June 2020
Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Sports and Recreation report for June 2020 Order: 1. Report noted.
Emergency Motions Additional documents: Minutes: Emergency Motion 1 The Dublin South Central Area Committee is deeply concerned at the recent increase levels of intimidation and anti-social behaviour in Inchicore. It calls for greater cooperation between youth services and Gardaí in responding to this behaviour. It demands Gardaí to increase Garda presence in the area. We call on the chairperson to write to the Joint Policing Committee asking for services to coordinate work in tackling the causes and consequences of these problems. Cllr Críona Ní Dhálaigh & Cllr Daithí Doolan Order: Agreed. The members agreed to refer the motion to the JPC.
Emergency Motion 2 In light of, and in the context of the serious public health pandemic posed by the coronavirus, questions raised about the heightened risk posed by communal living for the transmission of pathogens and disease, this Area Committee calls on the Minister for Housing to suspend the 2018 Planning Guidelines for shared living until such time as the impact of the public health crisis on this form of housing is fully understood. This Area Committee also calls on NPHET to heed to the call from the four Dublin South Central TDs that Housing in the context of public health be dealt with by the Covid Committee. Cllr. Tina Mac Veigh, Cllr. Criona Ni Dhalaigh, Cllr. Michael Pidgeon, Cllr. Michael Watters, Cllr. Darragh Moriarty, Dllr. Daithí de Róiste, Cllr. Sophie Nicoullaud, Cllr. Vincent Jackson, Cllr. Hazel de Nortúin & Cllr. Daithí Doolan Order: Agreed. Letter to be sent to NPHET and the Covid Committee.
M.44 Councillor Vincent Jackson That we the elected members wish to record our deep appreciation to all the volunteers, An Garda Siochana, DCC emergency services, Partnership boards, HSE staff, emergency services for the collaboration of services over the past few months with Covid 19.
M.45 Councillor Críona Ní Dhálaigh That this Area Committee agrees that as part of planning conditions that a good neighbourhood protocol must be agreed. Dublin 8 has been inundated with construction recently and, although there are certain conditions regarding start and finish times, sometimes these are not adhered to. What is impacting on neighbourhoods is the construction workers parking en masse next to building sites, loitering outside homes, dumping food rubbish near site and, in some cases, being loud and playing music outside homes.
M.46 Councillor Daithí Doolan This Area Committee expresses deep concern at the high level of nitrous oxide being used in our communities, we urge the HSE to work with LDATFs in developing and delivering a public information programme for parents and young people to raise awareness about so called ‘silver bullets’.
Additional documents: Minutes: M.44 Councillor Vincent Jackson That we the elected members wish to record our deep appreciation to all the volunteers, An Garda Siochana, DCC emergency services, Partnership boards, HSE staff, emergency services for the collaboration of services over the past few months with Covid 19. Order: Agreed. Letter to the Chief Executive suggesting using Digital Boards to thank front line workers.
M.45 Councillor Críona Ní Dhálaigh That this Area Committee agrees that as part of planning conditions that a good neighbourhood protocol must be agreed. Dublin 8 has been inundated with construction recently and, although there are certain conditions regarding start and finish times, sometimes these are not adhered to. What is impacting on neighbourhoods is the construction workers parking en masse next to building sites, loitering outside homes, dumping food rubbish near site and, in some cases, being loud and playing music outside homes. Order: Agreed.
M.46 Councillor Daithí Doolan This Area Committee expresses deep concern at the high level of nitrous oxide being used in our communities, we urge the HSE to work with LDATFs in developing and delivering a public information programme for parents and young people to raise awareness about so called ‘silver bullets’. Order: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the HSE.