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Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 20th September 2022. PDF 343 KB Additional documents: |
Questions to the Area Manager. PDF 262 KB Additional documents: |
Finglas Area Report, Mick Carroll, Area Manager. PDF 771 KB Additional documents: |
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With reference to the proposed disposal of a plot adjacent to 6 Westwood Road, Finglas, Dublin 11. Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan That the Manager arranges for the removal of plinth wall and railings at the area under footbridge on North Road in Finglas. Also, that the Manager removes all shrubbery etc. within said area and arranges for trees adjacent to the area be pruned back and lower branches removed to allow clear line of sight into the area. This railed off area is a magnet for drug addicts and anti-social behaviour.
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Ballymun Area Office Report, Jackie O'Reilly, Area Manager. PDF 2 MB Additional documents: |
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Ballymun Local Area Plan 2017 - Implementation Update, Site 26 Proposal PDF 617 KB Additional documents: |
Presentation by the Telecoms Unit, Seamus Storan, Strategic Asset Manager, Kevin Mahon, Executive Engineer. Sinead French, Assistant Engineer. Additional documents: |
Public Domain Report, Marguerite Delaney, A/Environmental Liaison Officer PDF 938 KB Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy That this Area Committee agrees to put Swift Boxes on all suitable public buildings in the North West area. This will help to curb the decline in Swifts. Swifts are now a red-listed bird on the Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland list. One major factor for their decline is the loss of nest sites in our cities, towns and villages.
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Motion in the name of Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy That this Area Committee agrees to putting in place Rain Garden Planter boxes at all public buildings in the North West area in order to reduce the amount of storm water entering our already under pressure drainage system. These planter boxes have many benefits, they help prevent flooding, they increase biodiversity and provide food for our pollinators and they look great.
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Dublin City Sports & Wellbeing Partnership Report. PDF 571 KB Additional documents: |
Traffic Service Request, Status Report. PDF 187 KB Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting. PDF 63 KB Additional documents: |
Road Maintenance Report PDF 364 KB Additional documents: |