Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Sean Reid Ext 5164 Neil Nerney Ext 8135
No. | Item |
Presentation on Whitefriar Street Greening Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Presentation on Blind Quay from Parks Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted |
Minutes of South East Area Committee Meeting held on 13/11/2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Environment and Transportation Matters i. Minutes of Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 28th November 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: i. Minutes of Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 28th November 2023
Order: Noted. |
Housing and Community Service Matters i. Housing Allocations Report October 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: i. Housing Allocations Report October 2023.
Order: Noted. |
Planning & Development Department Matters i. Report on Proposed Grant of Licence for Café at St Patricks Park. ii. Report on Disposal 32 Sanford Road. iii. Report on Disposal Porches on Pigeon House Road. Minutes: i. Report on Proposed Grant of Licence for Café at St Patricks Park.
Order: Recommend to City Council.
ii. Report on Disposal 32 Sandford Road.
Order: Recommend to City Council.
iii. Report on Disposal of Porches on Pigeon House Road.
Order: Recommend to City Council. |
South East Area Matters i. Report of the Executive Manager. ii. Public Domain Report December 2023. iii. Report on proposal to name and number a development at the former Irish Glass Bottle and Fabrizia Site Poolbeg West. iv. Nominating Daniel Ceitinn for Docklands Forum to approve for Protocol.
Additional documents:
Minutes: i. Report of the Executive Manager.
Order: Noted.
ii. Public Domain Report December 2023.
Order: Noted.
iii. Report on proposal to name and number a development at the former Irish Glass Bottle and Fabrizia Site Poolbeg West.
Order: Agreed.
iv. Nominating Daniel Ceitinn for Docklands Forum.
Order: Agreed, Refer to Council.
Motions 11th December 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Motion 1 from Councillor Fiona Connelly Could the trees on Leinster Road West be inspected as they are causing damage to the footpaths which are very narrow. They are also blocking light and garden growth from adjacent houses. As Rathmines has recently lost 3 mature trees to council pruning and is due to have 5 more removed from Leinster Road could we have a proposal from DCC on how to reinstate the green canopy that is very much needed in Rathmines. Would Parks agree to audit Leinster Road, Leinster Road West and Effra Road and see what solution would maintain or improve the biodiversity in the area?
Order: Agreed.
Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey In view of the extraordinary litany of delays in relation to the absolutely necessary Sandymount Flood works this Committee requests: 1. The immediate convening of the agreed Task Force. 2. A meeting to be held with the four Local TD's, Councillors and the Minister for the Officer of Public Works. 3. That the Sandymount Flood Protection Works remain as a permanent feature on the agenda of the South East Area Committee until sufficient progress is made. Order: Agreed.
Motion 3 from Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager, in relation to the area bordered on one side by Mountpleasant Avenue, the Grand Canal, Prices Lane and to the East by Ranelagh Road
· An update on the measures that will be taken on foot of the “on site “meeting held nearly a year ago. · an update on any progress in respect of planned interventions to reduce the incidents of speeding; · a timeline for when we can expect the relevant officials to begin work on addressing this issue; · a timeline on when repairs to footpaths will happen; · The Planning considerations of the potential impact of Bus Connects on the small side roads leading from Mount Pleasant Ave - Ranelagh Road, including Bannaville, Mount Pleasant Terrace, Price's Lane. · What steps have and will be taken to reinstate the Archway at Prices Lane.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 4 from Councillor Dermot Lacey and Fiona Connelly This Committee requests the Chief Executive of Dublin City Council to engage with the Chief Executive of CDETB, the relevant Ministers, Councillors and the four Dublin Bay South TDs and interested Senators to explore how we can collectively advance the restoration of the former Concert Hall within the Rathmines Town Hall.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 5 from Councillor Mannix Flynn That this SEAC of DCC agree to put forward Dr Noel Brown for considerations as the new name for the Trinity College, former Berkeley library.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 6 from Councillor Mannix Flynn That this meeting of the SEAC call on the area management to extend the railings at Diggs Street flats to include the grass area on the western side of the flats at Redmond Hill in order to contain continuous anti-social behaviour and trespass in and around the flats and in the best interest of the residents safety and privacy and also to enhance ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Questions to the Chief Executive 11th December 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Q.1 Councillor Kevin Donoghue When is it anticipated the trees on Rosary Terrace, Stella Gardens, Irishtown, will be trimmed?
Reply: I would like to inform you that pruning of these trees was successfully carried out as part of the 2020/2021 tree works program. As of now, no additional works are deemed necessary. However, I would like to reassure you that these trees are scheduled for inspection in three years' time to ensure their continued health and well-being.
Q.2 Councillor Kevin Donoghue To have an inspection carried out on the paths and shores in Canon Mooney Gardens, Ringsend, Dublin 4. There are trip hazards all around this complex and the shores are lose and need to be cemented. A resident recently had a fall in the flats and had a major operation on his leg and is now in Respite following an operation in St. Vincent’s Hospital. I would ask that this matter be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
Reply: Housing Maintenance local area depot will carry out an inspection of the paths and shores in this housing complex. All necessary repairs will be carried out.
Q.3 Councillor Kevin Donoghue When will Dublin City Council have the necessary work carried out on start of Sandymount Beach coming from the Sean Moore Road as the odour emanating from the seaweed is unbearable and people cannot walk the beach?
Reply: The presence of Ectocarpus siliculosis is a naturally occurring macro algae that washes ashore around Dublin Bay. When the Ectocarpus decays, it produces a malodour, which can be mistaken for foul effluent or sewage. This is further exacerbated as when it dries, it forms dark brown clumps which can misidentified as caked sewage. However, the algae is innocuous and does not pose a threat to human health.
Following an ecological survey commissioned by Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services in 2009, it was advised to leave Ectocarpus in situ to provide habitat for invertebrates and other fauna. The area of Sandymount Beach is also within the South Dublin Bay SAC and the Qualifying Interests for the SAC include ‘drift lines’ that wash ashore. Therefore, removing Ectocarpus using diggers etc. could damage protected habitat.
In order to monitor the situation, Dublin City Council’s Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services commissioned NUI Galway to monitor algal blooms in Dublin Bay (as part of a four year project) and NUIG with Coastwatch to monitor the Seagrass (Zostera noltii) beds that are also found at Sandymount and Merrion Gates. These studies have helped inform our understanding of these natural processes but have also highlighted the negative impacts that the Ectocarpus is having on the seagrass, which is an essential food source for the Light-bellied Brent geese. In light of this, Parks and Biodiversity will be meeting with the National Parks and Wildlife Service to discuss whether management of the Ectocarpus is required and how this might be achieved given the sensitivity of the site. None of the proposed flood alleviation projects will ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |