Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Sean Reid 5164 Neil Nerney 8135
No. | Item |
Part 8 Notification Portobello Harbour Redesign - For information purposes only Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted |
2024 Road Maintenance Annual Works Programme Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted |
i. Minutes of South East Area Committee Meeting held on 8th April 2024 ii. Minutes of the Special South East Area Committee Meeting held on 19th April 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: i. Minutes of South East Area Committee Meeting held on 8th April 2024 Order: Agreed ii. Minutes of the Special South East Area Committee Meeting held on 19th April 2024 Order: Agreed
Environment and Transportation Department Matters i. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group Meeting held on 30th April 2024 ii. Sandymount Green traffic calming summer 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: i. Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group Meeting held on 30th April 2024 Order: Noted
Planning and Development i. Disposal of 2 plots Stannaway Drive (Factory Site) Dublin 12 ii. Section 183 Grant of Lease Drury Street Car Park Dublin 02 iii. Disposal of plot to the rear of 25C Cambridge Avenue, Dublin 4
Additional documents:
Minutes: i. Disposal of 2 plots Stannaway Drive (Factory Site) Dublin 12 Order: Agreed for recommending to City Council Section 183 Grant of Lease Drury Street Car Park Dublin 02 Order: Agreed for recommending to City Council ii. Disposal of plot to the rear of 25C Cambridge Avenue, Dublin 4 Order: Agreed for recommending to City Council |
South East Area Matters i. Report of the Executive Manager ii. Report on naming and numbering proposal for a development at the former Heidelberg / Miller Building and S.C.R Garage Sites, Davitt Road, Dublin 12 iii. Report on naming and numbering 1-12 Pembroke Lane corrected to Apartments 1-12 Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2 iv. Draft Chief Executives Report, Newcomen Bank – Part 8
Additional documents:
Minutes: i. Report of the Executive Manager Order: Noted ii. Report on naming and numbering proposal for a development at the former Heidelberg / Miller Building and S.C.R Garage Sites, Davitt Road, Dublin 12 Order: Agreed iii. Report on naming and numbering 1-12 Pembroke Lane corrected to Apartments 1-12 Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2 Order: Agreed iv. Draft Chief Executives Report, Newcomen Bank – Part 8 Order: Agreed
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey This Committee agrees to initiate a competition, to explore what might be a possible use, for the former Open Air swimming baths at Sandymount/Merrion Strand and also to once again initiate contacts with the owners of the Martello Tower on same. Order: Further report on issue to future meeting.
Motion 2 from Councillor James Geoghegan That the South East Area Committee agrees that the relevant Departments within Dublin City Council will consider the attached plans and surveys in full with a view to introducing safer access for students and parents attending St Louis Primary School in Rathmines. Order: Agreed
Motion 3 from Councillor James Geoghegan That the South East Area Committee agrees that the Traffic Department in Dublin City Council shall carry out a local public consultation in advance of introducing any traffic changes, following An Bord Pleanála’s approval of the Belfield / Blackrock to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme and similarly, in the event An Bord Pleanála approve the Bray to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme. Order: Agreed
Motion 4 from Councillor James Geoghegan That the South East Area Committee agrees that Dartry Park, Dublin 6 should be investigated for its surface quality and following completion of that investigation, the road should be prioritised for road resurfacing. Order: Agreed
Motion 5 from Councillor James Geoghegan That the South East Area committee requests that the relevant department consider the introduction of a new bench, or the conversion of an existing bench, in Merrion Square for breastfeeding mums similar to what was introduced in St Dominic's Park in Drogheda. Order: Agreed
Motion 6 from Councillor James Geoghegan That the South East Area committee directs the relevant department to provide their assessment of the report carried out by NUI Galway’s School of Natural Sciences and Ryan Institute, and authored by Dr Liam Morrison and Dr Sara Harro, into the build-ups of smelly seaweed, as to how their findings could be utilised by DCC to address the build-up of these same smelly seaweeds along Sandymount Strand. Order: Agreed
Motion 7 from Councillor Anne Feeney That this Committee calls on the Council to immediately remove the bollards on the left turn slip road from Zion Road to Orwell Road and carry out a review of an alternative traffic safety approach at Stratford College. The current situation is causing considerable traffic congestion for buses as well as cars at the intersection as traffic coming from Zion Road turning right or left is all now in the one lane coming onto a main road with traffic lights sequencing unable to cope with the congestion. This is causing long bus journey times for the 15B and considerable traffic delays backing up from Zion Road to Bushy Park Road. Alternatives to the bollards (in the interests of safety and traffic management) need to be considered e.g. a school pedestrian crossing on the left hand slip road. Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 8 from Councillor Anne Feeney That this Committee calls ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Questions to the Chief Executive 13.05.24 Additional documents: Minutes: Q.1 Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager if two additional litter bins could be installed in Beech Hill - one on Beech Hill Avenue near the side entrance to the Football Pitch and one along Beech Hill Drive to cater in particular for Dog dirt and also if the Manager could erect a number of “Clean up after your Dog” signs throughout the estate.
Reply: Arrangements have been made to have those litter bins installed as requested and to put dog foul signage in place at Beech Hill estate.
Q.2 Councillor Kevin Donoghue To ask the manager to improve no cycling signage along the Portobello River Walk. Further to look at ways to reduce cycling traffic along this strip as it is not currently allowed, is posing a risk to pedestrian traffic. This specifically refers to the area where cyclists are not allowed. Reply: This area is not in charge of Dublin City Council. Waterways Ireland would be in charge and have responsibility for signage. The Eastern Regional Office can be contacted at the address and phone number below.
Post: Eastern Regional Office, Floor 2 Block Ashtowngate, Navan Road, Dublin 15, D15 Y3EK. Tel: 01 868 0148 E-mail- www.waterwaysireland.org
Q.3 Councillor Kevin Donoghue To ask the manager if graffiti clean-up on the Corner of Lombard Street West and Clanbrassil Street can be scheduled.
Reply: The graffiti identified at the location indicated by the Councillor is on private property. The occupiers/owners have been contacted and advised of their responsibilities under the Litter Pollution Act (Section 20). The Public Domain Office will work with the occupiers of the properties where possible to address the graffiti.
Q.4 Councillor Kevin Donoghue To ask the manager if a review can be carried out in the Portobello area on the provision of public bins in the area. There are insufficient facilities in the area. Additionally there is accumulation of organic material in the form of leaves in the area. Reply: Requests for litter bins are examined on a case by case basis. If it is considered that more bins are needed in the Portobello area, requests for specific locations can be submitted to Waste Management Services. It should be noted that new litter bins are provided in areas of high footfall such as shop fronts, outside of pubs, churches, bus stops etc. We don’t install new bins in residential areas. We will arrange to remove any remaining leaves from this area.
Q.5 Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager of Anti Dog Poo signs could be erected at a number of locations in Beech Hill, Donnybrook (especially in the area either end of Beech Hill Crescent) which is close to the entrance to Beech Hill Football Pitch where people walk their dogs and at various points including Pembroke Cottages surrounding Herbert Park.
Reply: Arrangements have been made to put dog foul signage in place at Beech Hill estate.
Q.6 Councillor Paddy McCarten I am writing to inquire whether it ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |