Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fiona O'Brien, Ext. 5446
No. | Item |
Presentation on Clonskeagh to City Centre Interim Walking & Cycling Scheme. PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Presentation on Trinity to Ballsbridge Interim Walking & Cycling Scheme. PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Minutes of the South East Area Committee meeting held on 12 December 2022 PDF 702 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
South East Area Matters PDF 710 KB i. Report of the Director of Services.
ii. Report on Proposal to Name a Development at York Road as Thomas Clarke House.
iii. Nomination of a member to replace Cllr. Kevin Donoghue on the South Inner City Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. Additional documents:
Minutes: i. Report of the Director of Services. Order:Noted.
ii. Report on Proposal to Name a Development at York Road as Thomas Clarke House. Order:Deferred to February South East Area Committee meeting.
iii. Nomination of a member to replace Cllr. Kevin Donoghue on the South Inner City Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. Order:Cllr. James Geoghegan selected.
Motions 9 January 2023 PDF 170 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey Recognising its potential to be a real urban village at the heart of the city this Committee requests the Planning Department to commence a discussion leading to a proactive plan on the core Upper Baggot Street area. Order:Report to Councillor.
Motion 2 from Councillor Pat Dunne This area committee asks that the reply to motion 7 (see below) from the July 2021 area committee meeting be acted upon without delay.
“Motion 7 from Councillors Pat Dunne, Carolyn Moore and Tara Deacy That this Area Committee recognises the opportunity to greatly improve the public domain entrance to Eamonn Ceannt Park at the Rutland Grove, as part of the Part 8 development of a new depot.
We commend Parks Management for their engagement with local residents and ask that the observations of those residents be fully considered as part of the development.
We also refer to Part 8 Ref 176/2007 for the pavilions which included the provision of 30 new car parking spaces and is still valid. These car parking spaces have still not been provided and this is causing ongoing issues for local residents with illegal and dangerous parking. We now ask that the provision of legal parking spaces be included as part of the depot development, that cycle parking is provided, that enforcement of illegal parking is increased, and that the public realm improvements at the entrance be also included.
We believe that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to enhance this section of the park and will support any necessary increase in the funding allocated to this project to achieve these objectives.
Report: Provision will be included in the 2022 draft estimates for the engagement of an engineering consultant to prepare plans for car parking at Rutland Grove. This will include a review of the plans that were submitted in the Part 8 Ref 176/2007.
Contact: Leslie Moore, Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services.” Order:Agreed.
Motion 3 from Councillor Pat Dunne Given it will be the 125th anniversary of the birth of Herbert Simms in November 2023 can we arrange that a fitting tribute is designed and erected to celebrate his contribution to housing in Dublin. Can we look at an area like Crumlin, with very little public art statues or commemorations as it was an area completely designed and influenced by Simms architecture. Order:Agreed.
Motion 4 from Councillor Pat Dunne Given that provision has been made in the Capital Budget for the development of a new Crumlin / Drimnagh library on the former Ard Scoil Eanna site on the Crumlin Road, can we in advance of its development look at celebrating some of the renowned local writers (Brown, Behan etc.) in the naming of the new library or areas within it? Order: Agreed.
Motion 5 from Councillor James Geoghegan That the South East Area committee;
Ø agrees that Dublin City Council shall lead a Dublin Bay south east area taskforce which would comprise ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Questions to the Chief Executive 9 January 2023 PDF 227 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |