{meta} Issue - items at meetings - Report No. 427/2017 of the Assistant Chief Executive (B. Kenny) - Dublin City Council Housing Supply Report - December 2017

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 04/12/2017 - Monthly Council Meeting (Item 16)

16 Report No. 427/2017 of the Assistant Chief Executive (B. Kenny) - Dublin City Council Housing Supply Report - December 2017 pdf icon PDF 335 KB

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It was proposed by Councillor D Doolan and seconded by Councillor R McHugh “That Dublin City Council notes the contents of Report No 427/2017”. The motion was put and carried. Mr Brendan Kenny, Deputy Chief Executive, gave an undertaking to bring a one year review of the Housing Strategy to a future meeting of the City Council in accordance with provisions of the Development Plan 2017 – 2022.