{meta} Issue - items at meetings - AOB

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/01/2017 - Housing SPC (Item 8)


Additional documents:


Action: Agreed  Report on airbnb will issue to a future meeting of the Housing SPC.

Action: Agreed Survey Housing SPC members regarding preferred dates for 2017 meetings. The next two SPC meetings to be held on 10th Feb and 10th March will remain on the agreed dates to allow for the presentations e.g. HFA and Clúid. Then dates of meetings will be reviewed for 2017.



Cllr. Janice Boylan asked about the “Hotel” update.

Cllr. Mannix Flynn re-iterated his request for a report on airbnb.


Brendan Kenny stated that DRHE is actively looking at suitable hotel accommodation and will advise of any updates when available.



Cllr. Perry requested a debate soon (within next two meetings) in relation to the day SPC meetings are held. Cllr. Connaghan and Cllr. Lyons were also in favour of an alternative day.