{meta} Issue - items at meetings - Motion in the name of Councillor Michael O'Brien:

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 29/09/2016 - Protocol Committee (Item 5)

Motion in the name of Councillor Michael O'Brien:

That the protocol committee notes:

·        The increase in the rate of emergency motions being ruled out of order from June 2014 to the present at the monthly meetings of Dublin City Council.


·        That an inconsistent approach is taken towards the ruling out of order of motions depending on whether or not they originate from the ruling group on the council or the opposition.


And therefore resolves: 

·        That a fair and consistent approach be taken on emergency motions.


·        That emergency motions ruled out of order be circulated to all members before the monthly meeting with an accompanying explanation.



That the protocol committee notes:

·        The increase in the rate of emergency motions being ruled out of order from June 2014 to the present at the monthly meetings of Dublin City Council.


·        That an inconsistent approach is taken towards the ruling out of order of motions depending on whether or not they originate from the ruling group on the council or the opposition.


And therefore resolves: 

·        That a fair and consistent approach be taken on emergency motions.


·        That emergency motions ruled out of order be circulated to all members before the monthly meeting with an accompanying explanation.


Following a discussion on the motion Cllr. Michael O’Brien agreed to amend his motion to the following:


That a fair and consistent approach be taken on emergency motions and

that emergency motions ruled out of order be circulated to all members before the monthly meeting with an accompanying explanation.”


Order: Agreed and Recommend to Council