{meta} Issue - items at meetings - Motion in the name of Councillor Mannix Flynn:

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 29/09/2016 - Protocol Committee (Item 4)

Motion in the name of Councillor Mannix Flynn:

“That this Protocol Committee agree to initiate appropriate protocols and guidelines  for the Office of Lord Mayor. At present there are no guidelines or boundaries with regards public or other announcements by the elected Lord Mayor or by the Lord Mayor’s Office. This is not best practice and can lead to confusion regarding media statements. The recent controversy regarding a motion to disband the Artane Band was commented upon by the Lord Mayor, creating a potential conflict of interest between his elected position as Chairperson, Lord Mayor and First Citizen of the city. That role must be impartial and should not be exploited under any circumstances for personal capital through media statement or otherwise.”



“That this Protocol Committee agree to initiate appropriate protocols and guidelines  for the Office of Lord Mayor. At present there are no guidelines or boundaries with regards public or other announcements by the elected Lord Mayor or by the Lord Mayor’s Office. This is not best practice and can lead to confusion regarding media statements. The recent controversy regarding a motion to disband the Artane Band was commented upon by the Lord Mayor, creating a potential conflict of interest between his elected position as Chairperson, Lord Mayor and First Citizen of the city. That role must be impartial and should not be exploited under any circumstances for personal capital through media statement or otherwise.”


Order: Following an extensive debate the motion was put to a vote and was defeated by five votes to three.