{meta} Issue - items at meetings - Report No 200/2023 of the Area Manager (D. Forde) - With reference to Taking in Charge the laneway at Connaught Street, Dublin 7.

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 02/10/2023 - Monthly Council Meeting (Item 12)

12 Report No. 200/2023 of the Area Manager (D. Forde) - With reference to Taking in Charge the laneway at Connaught Street, Dublin 7. pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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It was proposed by Councillor Seámas McGrattan and seconded by Councillor Ray McAdam that we, the Lord Mayor and Members of Dublin City Council, being the Road Authority for the City of Dublin declare that the laneway at Connaught Street be Taken in Charge as shown on map SM 2018-0684-01 in accordance with Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993. The motion was put and carried.