{meta} Issue - items at meetings - Emergency Motion(s) to be taken no later than 8.30pm followed by items XX and XX on the Agenda. Revert to Business on the Agenda no later than 9.pm.

Issue - meetings

Meeting: 02/10/2023 - Monthly Council Meeting (Item 35)

Emergency Motion(s)

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor informed Members that four Emergency motions had been submitted but none had been accepted for debate as they did not meet the criteria. However, he called on the Acting Assistant Chief Executive for Housing, Frank d’Arcy, to make a statement in relation to concerns  regarding the Peter McVerry Trust.


Statement by Frank d’Arcy, A/Assistant Chief Executive, Housing Department


“Notified of concerns regarding the financial position at the Peter McVerry Trust, the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive were contracted to carry out a preliminary Financial and Governance review at Peter McVerry Trust in August 2023. It is a function of the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive to ensure good governance and oversight is in place in relation to funding provided to bodies under Section 10 of the Housing Act, 1988.


The preliminary review carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers received the full co-operation of the Board and Management of the Peter McVerry Trust. A draft report was prepared and is currently under consideration by an oversight group with representation from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive.


Peter McVerry Trust notified the relevant regulators, the Approved Housing Body Regulatory Authority and the Charities Regulator of the review and that it was facing financial difficulties. Members will be aware of the decision by the Approved Housing Body regulator to appoint inspectors on foot of reported financial difficulties. This is now a matter for the Independent Regulatory Authority.


The primary focus for Dublin City Council and the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive is the continued delivery of service to vulnerable homeless people in emergency accommodation and Housing First provided by Peter McVerry Trust. The DRHE is engaged in an ongoing process with PMVT and the Department of Housing in relation to financial and governance matters identified by PWC.


Housing Delivery

DCC Housing Delivery  is also aware of the current challenges facing the Peter McVerry Trust and the recent commencement of a statutory investigation by the Approved Housing Body Regulatory Authority. PMVT are a valued partner in the delivery of new social housing in the DCC area, I can confirm that all PMVT active housing development sites in the DCC area remain on track.”