{meta} Agenda item - Motions

Agenda item

1A Motion in the name of Councillor Keith Connolly

That this North West Area Committee ask for an update on and a plan of action for the derelict site in front of the Rediscovery Centre. With thousands of children coming from all over Ireland to visit the national centre for the circular economy, this site seriously detracts from the centre and from the main street of Ballymun. The Rediscovery Centre has brought huge value to Ballymun and has been a reliable partner for the Council and this committee in the past. Dublin City Council should proactively engage with the Centre in drafting any plan of action for the future of the site.


1B Motion in the name of Councillor Keith Connolly

That this North West Area Committee supports Finglas Tidy Towns in their endeavours to secure a larger premises to work out of and that Dublin City Council will assist them in securing a new premises in any way possible. Finglas Tidy towns have been in operation for 17 years and have very little space in their current arrangement.


2A Motion in the name of Councillor Leslie Kane

That the Manager supports that any clothing bank installed on public land have the drop in option but with no option to pull the clothing back out as this is causing major problems with dumping. Shangan road has been really badly affected with this and may need more clothing banks to help with this situation.


            3A Motion in the name of Councillor Conor Reddy

That the Manager strongly condemns the recent racist incidents and protests in Dublin North West – including but not limited to attacks on asylum seekers in Lanesborough, the spread of hateful misinformation about migrants and the incidents in Finglas West in late August, where false accusations of serious assaults led to violence and anger. The North West area is a welcoming, inclusive community that values solidarity. The actions of a few are driving hate and division and must be countered.


3B Motion in the name of Councillor Conor Reddy

That the Manager notes challenges in Hampton Wood including antisocial behaviour, illegal dumping around bin sheds, a lack of community spaces and facilities (e.g. community centre, playground) and increasingly costly private management fees. NWAC further notes that despite being publicly accessible on both sides of the estate and having a significant number of DCC tenants, Hampton Wood is currently managed by a private company, not DCC. This committee calls on the Finglas and Ballymun Area Offices to engage with residents and other stakeholders (youth services in Ballymun and Finglas) on these challenges, to discuss the possibility of taking Hampton Wood in charge and to explore other options for how the council might better support residents and tenants in the estate.


3C Motion in the name of Councillor Conor Reddy

That the Manager welcomes measures outlined in the state’s new Autism Innovation Strategy and recognises the challenges experienced by people with Autism and their families. This committee calls for:


(i)                  Dublin City Council to lead the way by considering the inclusion of sensory equipment in local parks and playground equipment contracts for children with Autism and other sensory issues.


(ii)                Dublin City Council continue to support community organisations working with those with special needs. This support is vital to ensuring that the North West Area continues to be inclusive and equal to all its residents.


(iii)              Dublin City Council assists the North West Area Committee to become more aware and understanding of people/children on the Autism Spectrum by arranging a presentation or learning opportunity from AsIAm or other Autism advocacy organisation on measures that would be helpful in making DNW a more inclusive place for Neurodiverse people living in our community within the next 12 months.